Grand Designs - 18th Feb



6,347 posts

205 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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PaulHogan said:
Bungleaio said:
Did I hear that right, a build cost of £445 000?
Aye. Plus £353k for the plot
A very nice place but very expensive.

And with this being pistonheads, where's the garage? I suppose it would need to have a roof the same as the main house in order to look right so it wouldn't be cheap!


1,800 posts

227 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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AMCDan said:
anyone got a source or more info on that resin flooring? Possible cheaper alternative to the white quartz tiles we're looking at.. No paper clips though, thanks.
A friend of mine runs a company that produces some very cool resin floors:

Also some very nice external surfaces.


19,706 posts

206 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Bungleaio said:
And with this being pistonheads, where's the garage?
It's an eco house - they just chain the bicycles up outside!


4,532 posts

210 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Bungleaio said:
And with this being pistonheads, where's the garage? I suppose it would need to have a roof the same as the main house in order to look right so it wouldn't be cheap!
Very few of these "Grand Designs" seem to have garages! If I built my own house I'd have an amazing garage biggrin.


67,280 posts

273 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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80 bags on an arch and 99p light switches?

Felt they could have done a bit better with the lighting as a whole, would have been nice to see it at night though.


45,899 posts

192 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Didn't like the external boxes glued on each side. Looked random and messy.

I'd have made the arch wider and put everything underneath it.


88,883 posts

287 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Just watching it properly on 4+1, not very eco friendly of them to be destroying the old house and burning it. Could they not reuse the bricks of the chimney or tiles from the roof?


3,354 posts

218 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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dfen5 said:
J111 said:
dfen5 said:
Plus the report to the school and social for the injury (it's procedure for children attending A&E)
Yes, and one day he might go outside, where there are cars ! and tarmac ! and broken glass ! and dog st ! Oh noooooo ! (no, it isn't)

Yes, it is. Prove me wrong.
You're the one making the extraordinary claim.

Conversely, I'm the one whose physically disabled kid has put himself in A&E at least two or three times a year for the past few years as he's learnt to walk relatively unaided. It's a wonder the social haven't taken him away.


3,354 posts

218 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Plotloss said:
80 bags on an arch and 99p light switches?
hehe I thought you might pick up on that.


2,994 posts

242 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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The bloke first described what he was building as: "there will be a big arch and some boxes underneath".
At that point I thought that he was crazy, but I have to say that I absolutley loved the result. The roof was a great architectural feature and would make it a beautiful place to live.

I think it will be very nice to see what it looks like in 6 months time once the plants have all bedded in to see if it still really looks like it has thrust its way from the earth.

ETA: Oh, and NO BILLS! how awesome is that!

Edited by speedychrissie on Wednesday 18th February 22:17

sleep envy

Original Poster:

62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Plotloss said:
80 bags on an arch and 99p light switches?

Felt they could have done a bit better with the lighting as a whole, would have been nice to see it at night though.
nowt wrong with MK

know any decent lighting designers?


3,056 posts

252 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Although it was an eco house - It was a pragmatic eco house based on a solid 'passive house' principle that makes a lot of sense. I don't see them as eco warrior types.

I've stayed in houses in Europe that seem so much warmer and quieter than here in the UK, with triple glazing and good insulation and I wonder why we cannot do the same. There must be a business opportunity to manufacture triple glazed units like those in the show in the UK if they had to import from Austria.

Good show, nice people and job well done imho!


67,280 posts

273 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Well, that's a bit of a lie, I know a very good one, mind you I'm compelled to say that as he's fking enormous.


2,398 posts

215 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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J111 said:
dfen5 said:
J111 said:
dfen5 said:
Plus the report to the school and social for the injury (it's procedure for children attending A&E)
Yes, and one day he might go outside, where there are cars ! and tarmac ! and broken glass ! and dog st ! Oh noooooo ! (no, it isn't)

Yes, it is. Prove me wrong.
You're the one making the extraordinary claim.

Conversely, I'm the one whose physically disabled kid has put himself in A&E at least two or three times a year for the past few years as he's learnt to walk relatively unaided. It's a wonder the social haven't taken him away.
The 'claim' isn't 'extraordinary' at all. All visits to A&E by minors are reported, even in the case of my son who suffered from croup (a blue light job at three in the morning). Given the very public failings of child care in recent months I do wonder why they bother, I have to admit.

I wish your son well.

Edited by dfen5 on Wednesday 18th February 22:24

sleep envy

Original Poster:

62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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jazzybee said:
I've stayed in houses in Europe that seem so much warmer and quieter than here in the UK, with triple glazing and good insulation and I wonder why we cannot do the same. There must be a business opportunity to manufacture triple glazed units like those in the show in the UK if they had to import from Austria.
creating a passive building is techincally very difficult, time consuming and very expensive

I've done a few cost studies and for resi applications it adds the best part of 40% to the superstructure costs


67,280 posts

273 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Use number 11 for expanding foam

sleep envy

Original Poster:

62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Plotloss said:
Well, that's a bit of a lie, I know a very good one, mind you I'm compelled to say that as he's fking enormous.
do I know him?


3,408 posts

223 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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I think the arch bit looked great but the boxes tacked onto the side and the randomly placed windows were crap. I think they should have made the main arch bit wider to fit more in and then had a smaller arch on the front and/or back.


45,899 posts

192 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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sleep envy said:
jazzybee said:
I've stayed in houses in Europe that seem so much warmer and quieter than here in the UK, with triple glazing and good insulation and I wonder why we cannot do the same. There must be a business opportunity to manufacture triple glazed units like those in the show in the UK if they had to import from Austria.
creating a passive building is techincally very difficult, time consuming and very expensive

I've done a few cost studies and for resi applications it adds the best part of 40% to the superstructure costs
I'm using a whole house ventilation and heat recovery system in a block of flats I'm building. Poor local air quality and noise (right next to railway line) make opening windows a non-starter and the heat recovery helps with the BREEAM assessment.


3,354 posts

218 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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JulesV said:
Anyone know where this place is?