Alien: Romulus



28,085 posts

199 months

Wednesday 5th June
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C5_Steve said:
Whilst I wasn't the biggest fan of Evil Dead Rise, it was an original take and never felt like it was repeating anything. The trailer for that showed some pretty outrageous stuff and what we got was still full of surprises. I'm sure Alvarez knows what he's doing.
Alvarez did 2013 Evil Dead, not 2023 Evil Dead Rise.


3,686 posts

106 months

Wednesday 5th June
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ajprice said:
C5_Steve said:
Whilst I wasn't the biggest fan of Evil Dead Rise, it was an original take and never felt like it was repeating anything. The trailer for that showed some pretty outrageous stuff and what we got was still full of surprises. I'm sure Alvarez knows what he's doing.
Alvarez did 2013 Evil Dead, not 2023 Evil Dead Rise.
Oh, I should really pay attention more rofl I keep hearing he did Evil Dead and apparently I've been filling in the "Rise" bit in my head rofl

OK well, ignore everything I said. I actually much preferred the 2013 Evil Dead over Rise so even better!


712 posts

101 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Well, I do hope I'm 100% wrong about it. Ill give it the benefir of the doubt for now.....

It was when Ridley Scott's name appeared toward the end of the trailer that the doubt crept in....;)


40 posts

27 months

Wednesday 5th June
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franki68 said:
Aliens is very star wars ,the first two were masterpieces the rest let’s say forgettable to be kind .
A little harsh on 3. The closer to what David Fincher wanted "assembly cut" version improves it a lot.


412 posts

228 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Yes its looking to be a good movie.... rofl

image uploader

Beati Dogu

8,990 posts

142 months

Wednesday 5th June
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"Dere's sum-fink in the fackin wart-uh !!"

Dear god. As Sam Goldwyn said, "Include me out".


4,068 posts

50 months

Wednesday 5th June
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fuzzymonkey said:
Yes its looking to be a good movie.... rofl

image uploader
Alien: Ramuhard

Looks like a new variant, the faceshagger

Edited by Radec on Wednesday 5th June 21:36

Arnold Cunningham

3,803 posts

256 months

Wednesday 5th June
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Slothly said:
A little harsh on 3. The closer to what David Fincher wanted "assembly cut" version improves it a lot.
Yeah, I really like 3. So dark and bleak, no cinema happy ending for the hero.


504 posts

10 months

Wednesday 5th June
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KillerHERTZ said:
So they have basically shown us all the money shots

When a film gives it all up in the trailer, it tells me they don't have faith in the product! So need to pull on the memories of previous films to get the punters in before the critics (even those who love the original 2 films) inevitably pan it!

C5_Steve said:
I don't think the trailer gives away anything of the main story. I think based on all previous Alien films it would have been a safe bet that most of the cast are getting killed off rofl
But is that really what you want to see for 2 and half hours? Characters you don't empathise with, have no interest in, make dumb decisions and end up dying in the same way we've seen 100 times before?

There's a reason Alien and Aliens worked. And it was because they had a natural progression. (1 only had 1, plural had multiple) Ramping up the Alien and body count doesn't make for great films. You know how this ends before you even buy your popcorn. Whats the point?

As for the ridiculous "in and around the mouth" shot in the trailer. Its sadly shaping up to be terrible! And not even in a good terrible way!


9,107 posts

181 months

Thursday 6th June
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Those who are already putting this latest film in the bin (it may well prove to be rubbish, we'll see).....what would you like to see from a new Alien film if this one isn't floating your boat? Or do you want the franchise to be left alone now?


3,686 posts

106 months

Thursday 6th June
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BunkMoreland said:
KillerHERTZ said:
So they have basically shown us all the money shots

When a film gives it all up in the trailer, it tells me they don't have faith in the product! So need to pull on the memories of previous films to get the punters in before the critics (even those who love the original 2 films) inevitably pan it!

C5_Steve said:
I don't think the trailer gives away anything of the main story. I think based on all previous Alien films it would have been a safe bet that most of the cast are getting killed off rofl
But is that really what you want to see for 2 and half hours? Characters you don't empathise with, have no interest in, make dumb decisions and end up dying in the same way we've seen 100 times before?

There's a reason Alien and Aliens worked. And it was because they had a natural progression. (1 only had 1, plural had multiple) Ramping up the Alien and body count doesn't make for great films. You know how this ends before you even buy your popcorn. Whats the point?

As for the ridiculous "in and around the mouth" shot in the trailer. Its sadly shaping up to be terrible! And not even in a good terrible way!
I take your view, I do think it's overly critical given you've not seen the film nor do you (or any of us) have any idea of the plot outside of the very basic outline of "it's set between Alien and Aliens, it's on a space station and it features a younger crew". If you've hated the last two films I can understand your scepticism but I don't agree that anything we've been shown gives anything away at all. We'll see come the opening night of course.

Oh and on why the first two worked, Aliens was never a natural progression of Alien. The two are totally different films and Aliens was a pure cash-in. A great film don't get me wrong, but purely money-driven. Cameron himself has said so. Alien 3 was ruined by the studio, Prometheus was spoiled by some awful writing and Covenant actually wasn't bad at all if you go back and watch it. Personally, I think the last two together do actually develop the world and progress the ideas from the first film very well. Hopefully the new film fills in some more blanks.


2,726 posts

182 months

Thursday 6th June
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fuzzymonkey said:
Yes its looking to be a good movie.... rofl

image uploader


18,792 posts

261 months

Thursday 6th June
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C5_Steve said:
I take your view, I do think it's overly critical given you've not seen the film nor do you (or any of us) have any idea of the plot outside of the very basic outline of "it's set between Alien and Aliens, it's on a space station and it features a younger crew". If you've hated the last two films I can understand your scepticism but I don't agree that anything we've been shown gives anything away at all. We'll see come the opening night of course.

Oh and on why the first two worked, Aliens was never a natural progression of Alien. The two are totally different films and Aliens was a pure cash-in. A great film don't get me wrong, but purely money-driven. Cameron himself has said so. Alien 3 was ruined by the studio, Prometheus was spoiled by some awful writing and Covenant actually wasn't bad at all if you go back and watch it. Personally, I think the last two together do actually develop the world and progress the ideas from the first film very well. Hopefully the new film fills in some more blanks.
It almost certainly won't. Looks to be straight sci-fi horror like many before it that is using an established franchise to get the punters in.

And Covenant is bloody awful BTW. smile


3,686 posts

106 months

Thursday 6th June
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SWoll said:
It almost certainly won't. Looks to be straight sci-fi horror like many before it that is using an established franchise to get the punters in.

And Covenant is bloody awful BTW. smile
Replace the word "horror" with "action" in your first line and you've described exactly what Aliens was. Which was still brilliant, wasn't it smile

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

Thursday 6th June
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Aliens was where the rot started for me. It doesn't hold a candle to the original, just another boilerplate Hollywood shoot em up, set in space. One dimensional characters galore. The beauty of the original lies in the suspense rather than the horror, a small ensemble cast whose motivations you learn & the deceipt of the company.

The later films suffer from over casting, a raft of characters it is at times hard to keep up with, leading to no emotional involvement with them, reinforced by the script having them make irrational decisions, further alienatiing (lol) the viewer. The idea of finding our makers was great and yet so badly squandered.

No idea what they'll do with this one but my guess is an expensive mission to some far off world is diverted on a whim & shortly after, nearly everyone dies.


7,941 posts

220 months

Thursday 6th June
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Random uninteresting fact. A long dead friend of mine created the original sound of the Alien.

The OG Jester

189 posts

17 months

Thursday 6th June
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Said it before but a film version of Alien Isolation the game would be superb. It's a ready made story many films fans would never have played.

I'm on the fence with this, enjoyed Prometheus and Covenant probably because my expectations were so low with critic reviews. This may end up the same.


3,686 posts

106 months

Thursday 6th June
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RustyMX5 said:
Random uninteresting fact. A long dead friend of mine created the original sound of the Alien.
That's far from uninteresting, that's fascinating! Did he do any other work for film/TV?

Love a random fact...

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

Thursday 6th June
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I can't find the picture for the life of me but one of my customers is married to a set painter who worked on Prometheus & Covenant.

He got hold of the mountain model in Prometheus that you see very briefly on screen & made moulds out if it which he then got cast as bronzes & has them around the house as door stops. Apparently there were four or five made for the film. Pretty awesome in my view.


26,472 posts

176 months

Thursday 6th June
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kestral said:
Just looking at that trailer. It's rubbish, the usual defy the laws of physics CGG. CGG is destroying any chance of a decent story being invisaged by film makers, they just concentrate on CCG as the selling point. Dier situation in the film industry from start to finish nowadays. Just think of the work of art the original was.

Dog st.

The real kicker is that CGI hasn't improved in the last 15-20 years or so. It's got worse if anything and the very best you can hope for is that on a mega budget film its barely passable, Avatar springs to mind.

The models and set dressing on films like Alien were really a work of art.