Star Wars: The Acolyte


Dave Hedgehog

14,655 posts

207 months

Wednesday 12th June
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Beati Dogu said:
bloomen said:
Going on pure odds alone there's surely got to be a consistently decent Star Wars series at some point.
It's more like the definition of insanity given Disney's recent track record.
Bad batch was awesome, as was tales of the jedi and andor

Ashoka is very good if you know the canon on the mortis family and followed rebels, if not its probably a bit inchoherant.

the acolyte is definatly meh, Fandar is just awful ...

Edited by Dave Hedgehog on Wednesday 12th June 10:40


Original Poster:

3,677 posts

106 months

Wednesday 12th June
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Dave Hedgehog said:
Bad batch was awesome, as was tales of the jedi and andor

Ashoka is very good if you know the canon on the mortis family and followed rebels, if not its probably a bit inchoherant.

the acolyte is definatly meh, Fandar is just awful ...

Edited by Dave Hedgehog on Wednesday 12th June 10:40
I think like Obi Wan, Ahsoka had some good moments but overall it was a missed opportunity. Far too much time spent with nothing happening. She was so much better in the episode of other shows we got her in tbh, although the general casting in Ahsoka was very good I thought. Again it felt like an introduction to something rather than a self-contained series which is becoming common and annoying with both Star Wars and Marvel. I don't mind shows picking up bits from other media but making it a requirement for enjoyment is tedious.

Reminds me, I've got a version of Obi Wan downloaded where someone has edited all the episodes into a feature-length movie. Must give it a watch.


1,989 posts

263 months

Wednesday 12th June
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This sort of thing should be an easy premise to write an engaging story about. Some of the tropes in the first two episodes are tired and the story seems incoherent.
The fighting so far seems inspired by the matrix and doesn’t fit with what we know about Stat Wars at all. Why does a Jedi Master protect himself behind a force wall then volunteer to drink poison, when asked to? Makes no sense.
Nothing makes sense here. The show can’t even follow its own logic. What age group is this show actually targeted at? Is it aimed 4 quadrant or at pre teens? If they are aiming young then the suicide theme would seem particularly ill judged.

Beati Dogu

8,989 posts

142 months

Wednesday 12th June
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Even the cringingly bad holiday special from 1978 sounds better than The Acolyte.


7,770 posts

112 months

Wednesday 12th June
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Acorn1 said:
NickZ24 said:
I think this one fits it better:
Don't look a gift caucasian in the mouth hehe

Utter dross, switched off after 20 minutes.

Unsuprising having read a bit about the director Leslye Headland.
Here is an idea. Why not get people who have a history of making SiFi/action films or series to develop and direct Star Wars programmes? I mean FFS, would you get John Woo to develop a Lesbian romcom and expect the target audience to like it?

Tobias Funke

225 posts

199 months

Wednesday 12th June
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They pay people to write this st? This week's episode makes zero sense.


5,816 posts

146 months

Wednesday 12th June
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E3 - a stupid, senseless, self indulgent lesbian fantasy written by someone who hates Star Wars.


3,152 posts

80 months

Wednesday 12th June
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E3 - wow that was AWFUL - acting, pace, plot, script - jeeeeez - spoilers :

are they pulling apart the Jedi order now as some sort of child stealing nazis? are they really going to go there....

are they suggesting these witches can create children (because there are no men in their order) from the Force (or the Thread as they call it) - could they really be trying to shoe horn in Anakins "birth" in order to give this show any kind of relevance !?!?!

do smoke alarms (like security cameras) just simply not exist in this universe

and the people all dead were not from fire, yes i know the immediate thing is to think the 4 jedi that are on the womans "hit-list" did it, but clearly it was a sith agent who did it and blame the jedi.....

after all the utter crap thats been produced , didnt Disney think "hang on , maybe we should really look carefully after this one and make sure its a good one" seems NOT


4,181 posts

161 months

Wednesday 12th June
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SlimJim16v said:
E3 - a stupid, senseless, self indulgent lesbian fantasy written by someone who hates Star Wars.
They literally put some chicks in it and made them gay? Cartman was right.


4,068 posts

52 months

Wednesday 12th June
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That whole episode was just a badly made waste of time, we didn't learn anything we didn't already know, except that you can apparently destroy a stone fortress and kill everyone in it with a book and a candle. Utterly ridiculous.

Up to this episode, I'd thought it was patchy but OK, and that there were some interesting possibilities opening up about what might happen when you've got a small group of super-wizards enforcing peace onto people.

But after episode 3, all the potentially interesting explanations of the Jedi's behaviour up to this point, and the idea that maybe there's an element of well-intentioned autocracy crossing a line, all gone. I don't really know what's left, and I'm not sure I care much.

The whole hair-trigger anti-woke nonsense because there were lesbians in one episode is just pathetic though.

Beati Dogu

8,989 posts

142 months

Wednesday 12th June
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No, it's simply this:

They've done to Star Wars what The Timeless Children did to Doctor Who. A complete franchise destroyer.


4,068 posts

52 months

Wednesday 12th June
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Can't tell if serious. It survived the Rise of Skywalker, it survived the Book of Boba Fett, so I'm pretty sure it can survive half an hour of TV with some non-explicit lesbians in. You can stop panicking.

Tobias Funke

225 posts

199 months

Wednesday 12th June
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The anti-woke nonsense is just that, every character could be a lesbian as long as the plot is believable and the characters are rounded and behave realistically.
I'm struggling to see how anyone could write this nonsense.


20,772 posts

194 months

Wednesday 12th June
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Tobias Funke said:
I'm struggling to see how anyone could write this nonsense.
Because the people who write this don't care about Star Wars and never did.


3,152 posts

80 months

Wednesday 12th June
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I didn't understand the hatred of the jedi. They don't steal children against their will... They ask if they want to join them. Felt like they suddenly are the bad guys of star wars.
George Lucas will be spinning in his grave....I mean his 3bn pile of cash..


263 posts

147 months

Wednesday 12th June
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It's just poor writing, poor world building and largely poor acting. It's easy to point the finger at gay this, female that but nothing would matter if it was actually well written and compelling. But it's not. And for $180m for only 4 hours of TV, so $45m per hour, you would expect you could afford some good, creative scriptwriters, a quality director and a story that comes together onscreen.


Original Poster:

3,677 posts

106 months

Thursday 13th June
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rider73 said:
I didn't understand the hatred of the jedi. They don't steal children against their will... They ask if they want to join them. Felt like they suddenly are the bad guys of star wars.
George Lucas will be spinning in his grave....I mean his 3bn pile of cash..
This is my biggest issue with the show. I could care less about the force pregnancy and lesbian witches, but I've seen some people try and say "oh the Jedi have always been problematic", WTAF??? The films have always made it VERY clear who the good guys are and that yes, it's a few tantrums away from the dark side but this forced narrative that the Jedi were imposing their religion on the galaxy like some sort of cult is terrible. The Jedi are the heroes of the story, always have been and so much so that we've seen them time and time again sacrifice themselves for others as if it's part of the job. Never flinching. Yes they may have been shortsighted in some instances but never a problem.

Can't get on board with this view they're forcing. The showrunner has been very outspoken about not following anything Star Wars has set out before, having writers who've never seen a movie etc etc like it's something to be proud of. I don't want to have to have read some comic from 1983 to understand a plot reference but you can't just st on a franchise spanning 50 years because you think it'll be fun. Who do you think is still watching these shows??

If you want to know how to do something original and different with SW, refer to Visions.


20,772 posts

194 months

Thursday 13th June
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C5_Steve said:
rider73 said:
I didn't understand the hatred of the jedi. They don't steal children against their will... They ask if they want to join them. Felt like they suddenly are the bad guys of star wars.
George Lucas will be spinning in his grave....I mean his 3bn pile of cash..
This is my biggest issue with the show. I could care less about the force pregnancy and lesbian witches, but I've seen some people try and say "oh the Jedi have always been problematic", WTAF??? The films have always made it VERY clear who the good guys are and that yes, it's a few tantrums away from the dark side but this forced narrative that the Jedi were imposing their religion on the galaxy like some sort of cult is terrible. The Jedi are the heroes of the story, always have been and so much so that we've seen them time and time again sacrifice themselves for others as if it's part of the job. Never flinching. Yes they may have been shortsighted in some instances but never a problem.

Can't get on board with this view they're forcing. The showrunner has been very outspoken about not following anything Star Wars has set out before, having writers who've never seen a movie etc etc like it's something to be proud of. I don't want to have to have read some comic from 1983 to understand a plot reference but you can't just st on a franchise spanning 50 years because you think it'll be fun. Who do you think is still watching these shows??

If you want to know how to do something original and different with SW, refer to Visions.
Taken from that Forbes review:

Game Of Thrones author George R.R. Martin said:
Everywhere you look, there are more screenwriters and producers eager to take great stories and “make them their own.” It does not seem to matter whether the source material was written by Stan Lee, Charles Dickens, Ian Fleming, Roald Dahl, Ursula K. Le Guin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mark Twain, Raymond Chandler, Jane Austen, or… well, anyone. No matter how major a writer it is, no matter how great the book, there always seems to be someone on hand who thinks he can do better, eager to take the story and “improve” on it. “The book is the book, the film is the film,” they will tell you, as if they were saying something profound. Then they make the story their own.

They never make it better, though. Nine hundred ninety-nine times out of a thousand, they make it worse.

7 5 7

3,284 posts

114 months

Thursday 13th June
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Gave it two episodes, utterly abysmal. No Jon Favreau at the helm...and you can really tell.

Story is dire, acting is terribly dire, even the special effects are dire - what has happened! I will wait for the next Andor.

Decided to not watch Ep3 and by the sounds of it gets even worse, so have aborted this series.


5,295 posts

232 months

Thursday 13th June
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and I thought R2-D2 with jet pack feet was bad...