Automotive Vloggers (Vol. 5)



1,063 posts

102 months

Saturday 6th November 2021
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jackcactii said:
Looks like Doug DeMuro's views are down from previous years. But he's alright running his auction site.
Doug was fun for a while, but his arm waving, weird intonation and "in back" references annoyed me to the point I unsubscribed.
Carfection is awesome, if Henry is presenting, otherwise I find it unwatchable.
Manny Coshbin is worth about 15 seconds of watching before realising he's someone with money who thinks cars are cool, rather than being a car guy with money..
Car Throttle is, and always will be, an excruciating cringe fest.

Harry, Henry, Larson Farms, Driftworks and Cleetus McFarland are my go to...


16,281 posts

176 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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weeboot said:
Car Throttle is, and always will be, an excruciating cringe fest.
Watched some of their recent trip to Scotland and it was nothing but a Clarkson, May and Hammond era Top Gear rip off. Even with the exact same deliberate car bumps, pointless annoying gift and other 'pranks'.


1,888 posts

123 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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Mark-E34-535 said:
weeboot said:
Car Throttle is, and always will be, an excruciating cringe fest.
Watched some of their recent trip to Scotland and it was nothing but a Clarkson, May and Hammond era Top Gear rip off. Even with the exact same deliberate car bumps, pointless annoying gift and other 'pranks'.
Although some of it was very top gear-esq, I quite enjoyed it smile

Jules Sunley

3,933 posts

96 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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Just watching the second episode of Car Throttle NC500 trip. Had to turn the volume down on the bit of the unmade road due to Alex's screaming. Agree with others who have said Jack and Ethan are good but Alex is now grating. Also the intentional car bashing is just juvenile. I really hope they read this thread and someone gets him to calm down a bit. I used to really like the channel, it's just so hit and miss these days.


16,482 posts

233 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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I guess whether the audience likes it or not, Alex IS CarThrottle to most people. If he turned it down to an 8/10 rather than 12/10 all the time it would be far more enjoyable.


2,472 posts

141 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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If you compare YouTube Chanel’s to traditional tv shows the big difference for me is YouTubers release a couple of videos every week of the year whereas top gear (for example) is on once a week for a 6 week run two times a year. Is it any surprise that viewers get bored of channels after a while? How can the big YouTubers keep things fresh if they are uploading over 100 episodes per year?
Project Binky is my favourite YouTube series but we are lucky to get 3 episodes per year and to be honest if it was a weekly upload I suspect it would soon become boring.


9,132 posts

253 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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Jules Sunley said:
Just watching the second episode of Car Throttle NC500 trip. Had to turn the volume down on the bit of the unmade road due to Alex's screaming. Agree with others who have said Jack and Ethan are good but Alex is now grating. Also the intentional car bashing is just juvenile. I really hope they read this thread and someone gets him to calm down a bit. I used to really like the channel, it's just so hit and miss these days.
Me too, I turned it off after 30 seconds, it was obvious it was just a pastiche of Top Gear/TGT, I've unsubscribed as there is nothing on the channel that interests me now.


16,281 posts

176 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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Just watched Sam STG try and convince folk how great EV are and how wonderful the Shell infrastructure is going to be despite over 90 minutes charging time for a 200'ish mile round trip! Even if I wanted an EV (which I definitely don't) adding 90 minutes onto my working day wouldn't be something I'd put up with. I assume Sam was being paid by Shell for this video? laugh


3,321 posts

138 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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Beefmeister said:
I guess whether the audience likes it or not, Alex IS CarThrottle to most people. If he turned it down to an 8/10 rather than 12/10 all the time it would be far more enjoyable.
Very much this, some great production spoiled by hackneyed youtuber guff.


16,281 posts

176 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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Jazzy Jefferson said:
We did a road trip to the Evo triangle but wanted to focus on "sightseeing" and looking at actual things, rather than just arsing around. Gratuitous Skyline and Mustang footage included. I'm only an amateur but any feedback is appreciated.
Sharing your pwn content is frowned upon but I just saw this video of a road trip to the Evo triangle with Skyline and Mustang footage included. wink

Jazzy Jefferson

728 posts

144 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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Mark-E34-535 said:
Sharing your pwn content is frowned upon but I just saw this video of a road trip to the Evo triangle with Skyline and Mustang footage included. wink
Thanks buddy wink

Bubba Zanetti

694 posts

150 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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Popped to my local Waitrose in Alderley Edge before and spotted Jay Dubz in the car park.


2,490 posts

121 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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Mark-E34-535 said:
Just watched Sam STG try and convince folk how great EV are and how wonderful the Shell infrastructure is going to be despite over 90 minutes charging time for a 200'ish mile round trip! Even if I wanted an EV (which I definitely don't) adding 90 minutes onto my working day wouldn't be something I'd put up with. I assume Sam was being paid by Shell for this video? laugh
Not sure I understood his logic of doing editing/emails/work in the car whilst it's charging instead of at home as a benefit. I'd rather get home an hour or two earlier and work in the comfort of my own home rather than the passenger seat of a car....

I do think there's a place for EVs, if you exclude the environmental damage required to build them and mine cobalt for the batteries. If the majority if your driving is local and you've got charging facilities at home or at work and you can afford to buy (or lease) one then they're ideal. But having to break up long journeys to include 40 minute breaks to charge (or longer if all the chargers are busy or broken) just doesn't appeal to me, nor does all the extra planning to include charge stops. Obviously not everyone racks up mega-milage on a daily/weekly basis, but charging infrastructure and charge times would have to massively improve for me to consider a move to EV.

When Tim took his Taycan to Germany it just seemed to be a massive hassle to pre-plan the charge stops. I know pro-EV folk will say you'd need to take breaks anyway on a long journey but for me a break in driving on a long trip is normally 10 or 15 minutes whilst I refuel, use the bathroom and have a walk around to stretch my legs.


572 posts

69 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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I normally like watching STG content and in particular the podcast, but then i started to ask myself, why do i watch content on cars that I'll never own or ever be in a position to own?

I can't seem to watch shmee or alike because I just see it as nothing more than some rich playboy buying car after car at well over most people's salary's and thinking nothing of it, call it envious, call it what you like, different strokes for different folks maybe?

Someone told me to watch Hubnuts channel not too long ago as he's a bit more relatable apparently?

Jules Sunley

3,933 posts

96 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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James_33 said:
I normally like watching STG content and in particular the podcast, but then i started to ask myself, why do i watch content on cars that I'll never own or ever be in a position to own?

I can't seem to watch shmee or alike because I just see it as nothing more than some rich playboy buying car after car at well over most people's salary's and thinking nothing of it, call it envious, call it what you like, different strokes for different folks maybe?

Someone told me to watch Hubnuts channel not too long ago as he's a bit more relatable apparently?
I find the 'never be is a position to own' comment when I see it a little odd. Obviously I don't know how old you are so if already retired you will likely know your future income but if someone young says this I would say you never know how the future will pan out and never write off something changing that you didn't expect.

Please take this in the nice spirit it was intended.


329 posts

57 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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Decent video from Shmee in the sto


1,452 posts

36 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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jamesth32 said:
Decent video from Shmee in the sto
Do tell - what exciting things does he do?


15,319 posts

93 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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simonw67 said:
jamesth32 said:
Decent video from Shmee in the sto
Do tell - what exciting things does he do?
He caught a fish. It was ----------------------- this big.

Jules Sunley

3,933 posts

96 months

Sunday 7th November 2021
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Cold said:
He caught a fish. It was ----------------------- this big.
Chuckled at that, the visual imagery is strong biggrin


40,645 posts

286 months

Monday 8th November 2021
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Mark-E34-535 said:
Just watched Sam STG try and convince folk how great EV are and how wonderful the Shell infrastructure is going to be despite over 90 minutes charging time for a 200'ish mile round trip! Even if I wanted an EV (which I definitely don't) adding 90 minutes onto my working day wouldn't be something I'd put up with. I assume Sam was being paid by Shell for this video? laugh
Drove my EV Midlands to Newcastle upon Tyne. It's only got 220 miles range, but TBF I'd feel crap driving the whole journey in one anyway.

The charging infrastructure is totally wk right now. The huge, brand new services at Skelton Lake near Leeds has 550 car parking spaces aaaaand... 6 EV charge points. Yes, 6. And 3 of those were not working all weekend.

However, managed to grab a charge point, went inside and combined grabbing a meal, then a coffee for the journey and the car had added more than enough charge to complete the journey comfortably. There's really no actual time 'lost' to charging because you leave the vehicle to is and go off to have a piss and grab refreshments etc.