The Boys



53,012 posts

186 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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For those that like the story, I'd advocate reading A God Somewhere and Marshall Law.


14,750 posts

146 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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Guvernator said:
The 7 image has taken a bit of a battering, not least of which from A-Train running through Hugh's girlfriend. I'm guessing bringing in Starlight is some bright Marketing Execs idea to clean up the image a bit with some good PR about a new wholesome hero.

Anyway won't mention much more as this bit of the story develops quite a bit as the series goes along in some interesting and unexpected ways.
People didn't know about A Train splatting the girl, or a lot of supe fk ups as the victims family get paid off as they tried with Hughie
Which is good for the 7.
Also barely recognised Simon Pegg


8,672 posts

195 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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kowalski655 said:
Also barely recognised Simon Pegg
Totally unrecognisable, to me, Simon Pegg!


53,012 posts

186 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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kowalski655 said:
Also barely recognised Simon Pegg
Indeed, he's done some acting for once.

Butter Face

30,719 posts

163 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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Just got to episode 5. Some of the best TV I’ve ever seen I think. Absolutely loving it.


6,617 posts

202 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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Just finished binge watching this week. Plot twist in last 15 seconds of last episode.

Exellent fun series. Onto 'Happy!' now. smile


42,655 posts

259 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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stuartmmcfc said:
kowalski655 said:
Also barely recognised Simon Pegg
Totally unrecognisable, to me, Simon Pegg!
Eh? It’s not like he was in make up or anything he was just there Hughies dad


6,138 posts

195 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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Spumfry said:
Up to episode 6 and thoroughly enjoying it - I'd read some of the graphic novels (the first is available to borrow free on the Kindle Prime Reading thing) and this is just as good, albeit quite different. Some of the throwaway lines are ace - 'we'll cross that bridge when we burn it'.
The soundtrack is pretty good too.
That did make me laugh, as I’ve always said “I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it”.

Overall I thought the show was very good, apart from a few things. Karl Urban’s accent could be a bit distracting at times. The occasion line of dialogue didn’t quite ring true. The use of music felt a bit clumsy compared to the best shows.
But that’s really nitpicking. It was a good concept, well told. The characters had some depth, and the acting was generally very good for main and supporting cast. (Homelander was the highlight.) The comedy worked well, making me laugh more than I would have expected.

8.5/10. Looking forward to season 2.


8,672 posts

195 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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Can’t believe I didn’t see that!
Mind, I am that guy who didn’t realise for ages that one of the two doormen in Phoenix nights was Peter Kay.


14,750 posts

146 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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Pesty said:
stuartmmcfc said:
kowalski655 said:
Also barely recognised Simon Pegg
Totally unrecognisable, to me, Simon Pegg!
Eh? It’s not like he was in make up or anything he was just there Hughies dad
I thought it was him,just had to go to wiki to double check.


2,721 posts

182 months

Tuesday 6th August 2019
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Nobody has mentioned the make a wish kid scene 😂


53,012 posts

186 months

Wednesday 7th August 2019
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Started watching it, realised I'd gotten up to ep6 before I thought I should step away from the tv


57 months

Wednesday 7th August 2019
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In the comics the character design for 'wee Hughie' was based on Simon Pegg (from his 'Spaced' days) was it deliberate casting to have him play Hughie's dad because he is now clearly too old to play Hughie?

New Zealander Karl Urban speaking in an 'English' accent to English Simon Pegg who was replying in an 'American' accent was a bit weird.


53,012 posts

186 months

Wednesday 7th August 2019
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SpudLink said:
That did make me laugh, as I’ve always said “I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it”.

Overall I thought the show was very good, apart from a few things. Karl Urban’s accent could be a bit distracting at times. The occasion line of dialogue didn’t quite ring true. The use of music felt a bit clumsy compared to the best shows.
I think one could tell scenes that were early on and he didn't quite know how to pronounce things. I thought the use of music though (like the SOpranos) was excellent, LOndon Calling made me chuckle.


6,391 posts

248 months

Wednesday 7th August 2019
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I think his accent was OK - a bit of a mix of different English pronunciations at times but could reflect someone who has lived in different regions. Rather than finding it distracting, I tried to work out where his accent had wandered to now.

If anything was distracting it was the sheer amount of swearing. I'm no Saint - I swear a lot but it felt a bit forced and overdone. Loses its impact after a while.

Butter Face

30,719 posts

163 months

Wednesday 7th August 2019
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Got to the end, loved it, dark, funny, bloody, gut wrenching.

The bit when Homelander and Queen Maeve go to save the plane and he fks it and you watch it go down actual made me go ‘uhhh’

Overall I absolutely loved it, such a nice flip on the normal superhero trope. Karl Urban was ace, dodgy accent and all.

Dick Dastardly

8,315 posts

266 months

Wednesday 7th August 2019
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I binge watched this last weekend and thought it was ace. I’ve since started reading the graphic novel online, which is equally very enjoyable but has a quite different story to it, and the characters aren’t nearly the same.

I am very much looking forward to season 2, which has already been signed off.

Karl Urban is quite different to the character in the comic, but I think this version fits TV a lot more. Though it would be lovely if he improves his accent, which is a strange hybrid of Danny Dyer and Steve Irwin. Other than that, it’s perfect entertainment.


53,012 posts

186 months

Wednesday 7th August 2019
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It's my fave programme of the year, I don't see anything touching it in the time left.
I think this will rob a lot of shows of their impetus, (mostly the DC clutter)
I'm gonna buy the books. A friend on fb said he wished it had been more faithful, but the creator seems happy.


8,672 posts

195 months

Wednesday 7th August 2019
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Watchman said:
If anything was distracting it was the sheer amount of swearing. I'm no Saint - I swear a lot but it felt a bit forced and overdone. Loses its impact after a while.
I thought the “c” word was overused. It had the unfortunate effect of stopping my missus from wanting to watch it no matter how good I said it was.
As an ex builder, even when I used it at work I didn’t bring it home with me despite my friend “ fk off” always being by my side.


10,261 posts

255 months

Thursday 8th August 2019
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stuartmmcfc said:
I thought the “c” word was overused. It had the unfortunate effect of stopping my missus from wanting to watch it no matter how good I said it was.
As an ex builder, even when I used it at work I didn’t bring it home with me despite my friend “ fk off” always being by my side.
Yanks have a weird fascination with Brits using the C word rather casually. As such, they seem to think having him say it every sentence makes him very "British".

In reality, off building sites and south of Scotland - is it that widely used??? If a mate in the pub said it among my friends (blokes in their 40's) it would be rather odd and they'd need to be describing something pretty requiring of it's use (and ex wife??? car thief???) I've only know one person to ever use it as a term of endearment (which is what the Yanks find so interesting) and he was a tool.