The official PH Emmerdale thread



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Thursday 21st October 2021
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One moment they were spread so far apart they couldn't hear the screams, and now, suddenly, they are all back in the maize within hundred of yards of each other.. Well not David, Victoria, Manpreet or Charles obviously!,.. So who is going to breathe their last...?


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76 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Saleen836 said:
How many weeks of dragging things out until someone watches the action camera footage?
Meena may find the footage first, or if not it could drag on for weeks......! Though Victoria might start to remember Meena did try and drown her...!
Just glad all the crap dramatic scenes in the drink are done......! What's the guessing after Andrea got burnt in the fire, that Jamie "emerges" from the water, settles happily with Gabby, the newborn and Kim..!


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76 months

Saturday 23rd October 2021
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Am surprised no one discovered DI Malone's grave up in the woods.....!, that is why Will fled from Emmerdale after all..!


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76 months

Tuesday 26th October 2021
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Escort3500 said:
The crazed Meena storyline just gets worse by the episode, not helped by awful acting hehe
And her murder list grows ever longer.... Priya almost meeting her maker with Meena's medical gloved hands around her throat..! Disturbed by a nurse as Meena carelessly discards the medical gloves.. That in itself would find questions being asked in the real world.... but this is Emmerdale..! smile And this is before we see how the future looks for Victoria & David..
Heck...! I need to get a life... biggrin


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8,023 posts

76 months

Tuesday 2nd November 2021
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Emmerdale Luxury Apartments....?! - Isn't going to happen - You can't have Emmerdale with no Woolpack Inn....!


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76 months

Tuesday 2nd November 2021
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Saleen836 said:
If Chloe's dad is in pirison how the hell does he have access to the cctv to then text Kerry to say one of his watches is missing?!
Probably got an app on his mobile phone I guess...! Bit like those Ring doorbells you can get that films anyone near your house...!
The question is, who is Chloe's dad? - Someone we already know? Sounds like a proper piece of work to me....!
Charity certainly "dropped the ball" to Amy about Kerry - Thought Charity was a bit "savvy"!
Still confused about Al too - Am sure he's going after Chas whilst still carrying a flame--- Ooop's, sorry, for Priya!
And finally - Who was hiding in the bushes spying on Gabby & the baby....?
How can so much go on in one small village.....?! Oh wait.. It's Emmerdale and I love it.. smile


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76 months

Thursday 4th November 2021
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How long before Kim realises Jamie, well, is actually still breathing and emerged from the drink after his car went off the road.....? rolleyes


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76 months

Friday 5th November 2021
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I don't get Kim Tate.... One minute she's the coldest, and most heartless person, and the next an emotional wreck..!
A real Jekyll & Hyde of a woman..!


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76 months

Friday 5th November 2021
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AlexRS2782 said:
I mean previously Kim's had a private investigator that's tracked people down who are meant to be well hidden away (such as Joe in Monaco) yet the same guy can't track down Jamie who's clearly only gone a few miles down the road? (sorry "Hampshire" if we're to believe the storyline) hehe
That's true, clearly her powers of investigation are useless since Graham Foster was killed off.....!


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76 months

Tuesday 16th November 2021
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steveatesh said:
Chloe and Noah? I really couldn’t see anybody of Chloe’s calibre even giving Noah a second glance, he’s still a child isn’t he? If not age wise he really is character wise…..

The writers need to get out more and meet real people…..
Noah, son of Charity, and the possibility that Chloe's dad is Declan Macey - The youngsters could be the pawns in a larger game...!

Just remembered the 1st redhead Chloe in Emmerdale - Chloe Atkinson.. She was pretty fit too.. smile

Edited by rjfp1962 on Tuesday 16th November 23:50


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76 months

Sunday 21st November 2021
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anonymous said:
That could have some mileage in it due to the current climate surrounding race issues...
Meena will probably need to either be in jail, or killed off before David and Victoria return.....!


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76 months

Wednesday 1st December 2021
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Who's "looking after" Victoria's kid whilst her and David are "away"?

Looks pretty obvious that Billy and Dawn will get back together, leaving a once again spurned Meena free, to murder again with impunity...!


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76 months

Sunday 26th December 2021
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Well, Malone has now been turned to ash by Kim and her "associates", or has he......?!
Also, when is Jamie due back from his Mother-In-Law's with Kim's other grandchild.....?!


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76 months

Tuesday 28th December 2021
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CoolC said:
Great fire investigation team.

"no signs of an accelerant"

Apart form the heavily damaged microwave plugged into a timer and the open gas valves.

And the microwave had metal items placed in it first - electric whisk attachments I think, so they'd spark a bit once the microwave was switched on...!


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76 months

Tuesday 28th December 2021
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Saleen836 said:
How long will they drag out what will happen with the remains of the Woolpack I wonder?

If it isn't rebuilt the series wont have anywhere to go as it is kind of the center piece of the village (sort of)
The Woolpack will reopen as as the local pub is my guess... It's still the central-point of this crazy village..! biggrin


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76 months

Tuesday 28th December 2021
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anonymous said:
I think Nicola was on it. A few episodes back she was stood outside with other's falsely supporting Al's plans to turn the Woolpack into flats, only to turnaround, supporting Chas in keeping The Woolpack a pub - Shattering Al's thoughts of getting Parish support for his development, or more to the point, the thug Gavin's plans...!


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76 months

Tuesday 28th December 2021
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Saleen836 said:
The Meena (crazy killer) story is well past it's sell by date now, they need to bring Columbo in for a week and he will have it all wrapped up hehe
"Just one more thing Miss"....! biggrin


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76 months

Wednesday 29th December 2021
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slopes said:
Saleen836 said:
The Meena (crazy killer) story is well past it's sell by date now, they need to bring Columbo in for a week and he will have it all wrapped up hehe
Very much so, even the wife who never misses an episode has stopped watching it while this rubbish continues.
Should be over soon as Meena confessed all to Manpreet tonight.. So Manpreet either dies or turns her sister in....!


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76 months

Thursday 30th December 2021
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Saleen836 said:
The one night stand Nate had turned up a few episodes ago and gain yetserday when his phone pinged with a friend request from her,looks like his dalliance with her wil come out giving Tracey an excuse to leave
In soapland you get get away with arson and multiple-murder, but affairs, no, .. always get found out..! laugh


Original Poster:

8,023 posts

76 months

Thursday 30th December 2021
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Saleen836 said:
Nate, Tracey, Vanessa and her new partner

Only Emmerdale could come up with a plot like that laugh
I was just about to post something similar - Just couldn't find the words.....! smile