Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan

Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan


Jazzy Jag

3,451 posts

94 months

Monday 27th May
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It wasn't preachy or frantic running and shouting , which was nice, and to be honest I never missed the Dr.
I don't recall any overt references to the LGBT message for a change but at the end I was left thinking " what was that all about?"

Or did I miss something ?

7/10 could have tied up some loose ends better.


4,200 posts

221 months

Monday 27th May
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I thought the most recent episode was pretty good but there were a several unaswered questions and things you were just supposed to accept.
Generally, I don't mind that - and there have been previous episodes with similar - but there were a lot in this one.
Also, is it really Dr Who when the Dr only appears for a couple of minutes at the beginning and end? In that respect it was more like an episode of Torchwood.


7,376 posts

210 months

Monday 27th May
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more holes than a tramp's vest, still enjoyed it though

Riley Blue

21,154 posts

229 months

Monday 27th May
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Puddenchucker said:
Also, is it really Dr Who when the Dr only appears for a couple of minutes at the beginning and end? In that respect it was more like an episode of Torchwood.
Have another look at the opening sequence wink


3,113 posts

261 months

Monday 27th May
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Fast and Spurious said:
hondajack85 said:
I always have a quick look at any new who as I watched it years ago when ecclestone was in.
This is why we need a 'like button'


5,815 posts

146 months

Monday 27th May
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"You will never know. I’m never gonna tell you what she says. It’s kind of up to you to sit there and think, 'Well, what could someone say that would make a mother run away from her daughter forever?'

Clever or arrogant?


848 posts

65 months

Monday 27th May
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6,882 posts

211 months

Monday 27th May
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SlimJim16v said:
"You will never know. I’m never gonna tell you what she says. It’s kind of up to you to sit there and think, 'Well, what could someone say that would make a mother run away from her daughter forever?'

Clever or arrogant?
Neither. Actually a lack of talent, he had no idea what she said.
RTD’s enigmatic mysteries are what most people would consider a lack of creativity.


28,046 posts

199 months

Tuesday 28th May
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So what's going on here? The same actress in 6 different bit parts since the anniversary special. https://mashable.com/article/doctor-who-susan-twis...


1,178 posts

31 months

Wednesday 29th May
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ajprice said:
So what's going on here? The same actress in 6 different bit parts since the anniversary special. https://mashable.com/article/doctor-who-susan-twis...

Yep, especially as she thought she’d met Ruby before.

I think she’ll be linked to her mum somehow.


7,360 posts

170 months

Wednesday 29th May
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I'm guessing Susan is involved somewhere, she got a name check in Ep 2. Although my money's on Mrs Flood as she recognised the Tardis.


7,807 posts

181 months

Sunday 2nd June
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So no opinions on 'Dot and Bubble' yet then?

I liked it, but with reservations.


28,046 posts

199 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Stealthracer said:
So no opinions on 'Dot and Bubble' yet then?

I liked it, but with reservations.
Doctor light again, reminded me more of a Black Mirror episode. Still ok though. Were the slug monsters new or a ye olde monster brought back? They recognised her mum as seeing her before, so that's out in the open now. A little bit of angry/upset Doctor at the end too. Sci fi Bridgerton next week.


7,423 posts

260 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Incidentally, Dot and Bubble was supposed to be an Eleventh Doctor & Amy Pond story in 2011. Steven Moffat had asked RTD to write a story for him shortly after RTD had left as showrunner, but it was ultimately scrapped due to budget constraints.


1,178 posts

31 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Fantastic episode, a Black Mirror-eqsue look at the future of social media. Loved the ending too, showing that group mentality always wins out and that even when everyone is completely levelled out and there’s no reason for any personality traits, some people are just s.


11,690 posts

276 months

Monday 3rd June
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ajprice said:
Stealthracer said:
So no opinions on 'Dot and Bubble' yet then?

I liked it, but with reservations.
Doctor light again, reminded me more of a Black Mirror episode. Still ok though. Were the slug monsters new or a ye olde monster brought back? They recognised her mum as seeing her before, so that's out in the open now. A little bit of angry/upset Doctor at the end too. Sci fi Bridgerton next week.
Agreed, the Dr was a bit of a spare part this week. Reasonably enjoyable though.


4,934 posts

221 months

Monday 3rd June
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ThomW said:
Fantastic episode, a Black Mirror-eqsue look at the future of social media. Loved the ending too, showing that group mentality always wins out and that even when everyone is completely levelled out and there’s no reason for any personality traits, some people are just s.
Loved it, and was happy that the monsters actually 'won' over the self absorbed social media warriors. It's not very often in Dr Who, when you want the monsters to win hehe

Don Veloci

1,947 posts

284 months

Tuesday 4th June
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A nice dig at social media and group mentality I thought.


4,848 posts

217 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Was a pretty good idea. Enough to flesh out into a proper book / film.

With the AI algorithms used to create spam and bullst on faceberk.. If it became semi sentient it would pretty much figure humans were thick, vacuous and solely obsessed with fat influencers and moronic posts.

A SkyNet for the modern world.


7,376 posts

210 months

Saturday 8th June
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Great to see the doctors first gay kiss, woke ticked