Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan

Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan



1,461 posts

168 months

Thursday 16th May
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TGCOTF-dewey said:
Rumblestripe said:
Blib said:
ThomW said:
Blib said:
ThomW said:
A bunch of grown men getting their panties in a twist because of a fictional character. Good grief have a word with yourselves.
Could be worse.

Could be a grown man getting overexcited about a cartoon on TV.

It seems, as mentioned on here before, that the recent Dr Who series are aimed at an audience that doesn't actually exist in any large number.

Oh well.

Edited by Blib on Thursday 16th May 15:31
Firstly - wow. You're so butthurt you had to go and see what else I'm posting here to try and get a 'bazinga' on me.

And then that bazinga is... me getting excited and being enthused about a tv show. The exact opposite of what I mentioned is so awful here.

<slow hand clap for Blob>
Nope. It's exactly the same thing. Just people offering their opinion on a television show.

You're welcome, hypocrite.

tongue out
Cyberstalking a poster because they disagreed with you. How very, grown up.
'Cyberstalking'... Give over rofl

What does Tom expect... He should try saying that to a table of folks he doesn't know in a pub and see what response he gets.
Unlikely he frequents pubs. Using a word like 'butthurt', he won't be over 13 years old.

Or at least, I hope he isn't.


1,410 posts

43 months

Thursday 16th May
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This interchange is way better than Dr Who smile


5,474 posts

58 months

Thursday 16th May
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Longy00000 said:
This interchange is way better than Dr Who smile
Yeah but the dance routine is coming... I'm going to find my old Adidas Colorado hoodie, break out my lino, and fire up Electro 1 for some fat boys are back.


2,333 posts

198 months

Friday 17th May
quotequote all
TGCOTF-dewey said:
Longy00000 said:
This interchange is way better than Dr Who smile
Yeah but the dance routine is coming... I'm going to find my old Adidas Colorado hoodie, break out my lino, and fire up Electro 1 for some fat boys are back.
DEWEY FRESH you're uh uh on...


1,181 posts

31 months

Friday 17th May
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redrabbit said:
TGCOTF-dewey said:
Rumblestripe said:
Blib said:
ThomW said:
Blib said:
ThomW said:
A bunch of grown men getting their panties in a twist because of a fictional character. Good grief have a word with yourselves.
Could be worse.

Could be a grown man getting overexcited about a cartoon on TV.

It seems, as mentioned on here before, that the recent Dr Who series are aimed at an audience that doesn't actually exist in any large number.

Oh well.

Edited by Blib on Thursday 16th May 15:31
Firstly - wow. You're so butthurt you had to go and see what else I'm posting here to try and get a 'bazinga' on me.

And then that bazinga is... me getting excited and being enthused about a tv show. The exact opposite of what I mentioned is so awful here.

<slow hand clap for Blob>
Nope. It's exactly the same thing. Just people offering their opinion on a television show.

You're welcome, hypocrite.

tongue out
Cyberstalking a poster because they disagreed with you. How very, grown up.
'Cyberstalking'... Give over rofl

What does Tom expect... He should try saying that to a table of folks he doesn't know in a pub and see what response he gets.
Unlikely he frequents pubs. Using a word like 'butthurt', he won't be over 13 years old.

Or at least, I hope he isn't.
I'm 48 actually, but lived in the US for many years so I'm afraid I picked up a lot of Americanisms.

And yes I would say that to a table of DW nerds complaining about what is 'canon' and the like in a pub - they're hardly a threat are they rofl


11,041 posts

179 months

Friday 17th May
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Stealthracer said:
I agree. Jodie would have been fine if only she'd had different scripts. And Capaldi would have been fantastic.

Unfortunately, neither of them did.
Agreed, this has been the problem for years now - the scripts are rubbish.

Space Babies? Total tripe.

Stealing Music? Yeah, kind of promising and I didn't really mind the drag queen villain, it was weird and arty-farty enough to sustain a character like that, but again, the writing was drivel and the song and dance number at the end was the final straw for me.

I'm done, I think, I'm just tired of hoping it'll be better this time.

I don't care if 'The Doctor' is a bowl of jelly, he's an alien, but the current portrayal isn't very inspiring - When John Barrowman's over the top camp character was introduced, it was fine, he was a dashing, heroic character that did cool stuff. The current Doctor's campness is just plain tiresome.

If I want to watch Queer As Folk ,I'll watch that.



4,356 posts

214 months

Friday 17th May
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The Space Babies episode was awful and the song and dance routine on the second episode, would've been better suited for a Comic Relief special.


85 posts

2 months

Friday 17th May
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I always have a quick look at any new who as I watched it years ago when ecclestone was in.
Tbh I fast forwarded the first ep quite a bit and fell asleep in the 2nd.

I can happily ignore this show completely and just watch the 2 peter cushing films every couple of years when they are on.


7,364 posts

170 months

Saturday 18th May
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Episode 3 was a marked improvement. Went downhill towards the end though. Regardless of the script, really liking Ncuti.


7,807 posts

181 months

Saturday 18th May
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Yes, I think Ncuti is really good in the part and as previously alluded to, Millie is ultra cute. (But did anyone notice the next assistant in a minor role/)

This episode was magnitudes better than the previous two, with lots of great lines. And the relative absence of dancing and wokery helped a lot.


17,452 posts

168 months

Saturday 18th May
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After reading the posts on here I was happy to write it off like the Whitaker years. But gave it a shot for 2 episodes. 1st episode was awful. 2nd episode was entertaining and not a bad story line until the song and dance routine at the end.

Jazzy Jag

3,451 posts

94 months

Saturday 18th May
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I thought that was the best episode in absolutely ages,

Much better for not running around like idiots but they couldn't resist getting a mention of Lesbians in the dialogue.

If I went on about lesbians half as much in my workplace and BBC script writes do I would spend even more time in HR that I currently do rofl


17,452 posts

168 months

Saturday 18th May
quotequote all
Jazzy Jag said:
I thought that was the best episode in absolutely ages,

Much better for not running around like idiots but they couldn't resist getting a mention of Lesbians in the dialogue.

If I went on about lesbians half as much in my workplace and BBC script writes do I would spend even more time in HR that I currently do rofl
A good episode but he’s a bit too shouty for me.


6,061 posts

181 months

Saturday 18th May
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A lot better than all the previous episodes put together.


4,937 posts

221 months

Sunday 19th May
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I thought this episode was the worst of the three so far. It started off strong, and the premise of the Doctor being stuck in one place unable to move, yet still somehow saves the day is a good idea, but the ending was just pants.

It was messy and shouty, and relied too heavily on woo and a dads love to save the day (FFS). This felt like a return to the poor writing that plagued the last few years of the show...


32,003 posts

224 months

Sunday 19th May
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That was a lot better, but then it would have been hard not to have been


28,063 posts

199 months

Sunday 19th May
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Mundy Flynn in Boom was Varada Sethu, who will be the next series companion, not sure if she will be the same character in the next series, but it looks like it's all part of the plan.


alfa phil

2,113 posts

210 months

Tuesday 21st May
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Put space babies on this afternoon as we had the grandkids after school, and I wanted a look at the new series.
The 9yr old and 7yr old where not interested more ineresting stuff on the ipads
My 5yr old watched parts of it , but kept calling it Dr poo.
I do hope she just misheard me . She's not that clever is she smiles &#128516;


1,181 posts

31 months

Tuesday 21st May
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Cool story bro


7,364 posts

170 months

Saturday 25th May
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Now that was more like it, really enjoyed that even if I’m not sure what went on. RTD has redeemed himself somewhat.

Sadly, next weeks looks pish.