The Boys



473 posts

196 months

Friday 8th July 2022
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I'm not going to eighthed it out of loyalty. It could have been better.


7,076 posts

162 months

Friday 8th July 2022
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I had no idea how they were going to conclude such a good buildup, and I'm not sure they did either.

Still, the preceding episodes were brilliant.

Captain Smerc

3,042 posts

119 months

Friday 8th July 2022
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Dunno what you all watched but I thoroughly enjoyed that! Can't wait for series 4.


2,967 posts

202 months

Friday 8th July 2022
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After all the marvel lampooning, it did grate slightly that the big fight was basically everyone with light up eyes. And afterwards homelander just wanders out the door.
The end gives a feeling of homelander publicly being let completely off the leash, and his son could be the story that brightburn should have been (IMO that movie had massive, massive potential along these lines, but just turned into a boggo horror film at the end).
I don't know. I didn't hate it and there was certainly too much to tie up in that episode anyway, but it's left things a bit all over the place for now.
I'd like to think they're building up a redemption for A-Train, but that seems too obvious a move.


647 posts

47 months

Friday 8th July 2022
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pquinn said:
The final shot was basically Brightburn wasn't it?

Finale did feel a lot like unpicking various plot threads with a big pair of scissors.
Had a feeling the kid would end up like Brightburn when he came into it.

As said, does feel like its being span out. Trouble is Homelander is such a good antagonist he can't be killed off!


38,099 posts

259 months

Friday 8th July 2022
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Marumi said:
I have loved almost every episode of The Boys so far, and this was....

....utter st. My fears come true, just continuing the gravy train rather than putting together any satisfactory ending.

It was all very well produced and filmed of course, but the story was a disaster. The entire build up of the last 3 seasons has all been undone in my view. I wouldn't say that. Though this season has seen dead ends being taken that were always going to be hard to get out of elegantly Not one character in that finale had a consistent motivation I'm not sure that's fair...I think they all did really. Certainly ones that have been building . The Soldier Boy stuff was pointless Not really - he was the "weapon"... . The Black Noir stuff was pointless Agree on this bit . Starlight made thoroughly unlikable over recent episodes Can see your point on this one to a degree . Hughie was in the episode for some reason. All that guff about novichok completely pointless The plot device that disables Soldierboy...presumably it will also have similar impacts on Homelander and Ryan when the time comes? . Fight scenes gimped because of moronic appeals to emotion. Here's an idea Butcher - if you don't want Becca's son to be killed, perhaps just move him or Homelander? Wouldn't have kept him in shot smile But also, Butcher was torn...

Big moment, Starlight can fly and get supercharged. Better drag that out for her big moment of........mildly pushing Soldier Boy over. Agreed

Maeve somehow survives the cataclismic Soldier Boy explosion (which by the way is the same 'weapon' that they're trying to kill Homelander with), so that is completely pointless as well. She didn't survive as Maeve though...her powers were gone. If the same thing happened to Homelander, that's as good as job done, no? I can possibly see that being how the next season might end

I don't think I've ever seen a show which has so quickly plummeted in quality. And all obviously to manufacture something to keep the money coming in.
I haven't read the comics, so am perhaps slightly more forgiving.

This series wasn't up to S1 and S2 by quite a margin. And I agree with you that they are spinning it out. However I thought the final episode gave them some opportunities for a final hurrah in S4, opportunities that I thought were burning out halfway through this series.

Have put some comments in the spoiler bit for my view.

I can see one more series in it, but any more will be killing everything that was great about it I suspect.


7,167 posts

49 months

Saturday 9th July 2022
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I can see the plot half way sticking with the bits of the comic they haven't already blocked by their changes, they'll just swap some more bits around like they already have.

I can see them taking the route of swapping in a different existing character to replace what was done in the comic with the original version of Noir; they're already setting bits up they can use with that character to broadly follow the rest of the original Homelander arc.

One season left that I can see with what's left to cover, could be more but it'd need a lot of padding or a lot of new story and characters.


3,021 posts

165 months

Saturday 9th July 2022
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I enjoyed it, given that we KNEW that season 4 has been greenlit they were never going to do much more than they did.

The Maeve thing seemed a little tame given the way they have written characters out before. Hey ho I guess you need contrast sometimes otherwise you are just trying to trump the violence and gore over and over. The SFX in this series have obviously been much improved over the first two, a bit more money in the budget I would think.

Summary, enjoyable.


28,150 posts

199 months

Saturday 9th July 2022
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I liked the finale, it was a flip around of the season 2 ending with Ryan switching to Homelander's side, and yes I'd say Ryan is Brightburn now.. There are a few things from this and previous seasons that they can go back to for season 4, we didn't see what happened to Neuman's daughter after being given V but with Neuman being potential Vice President and a bigger character, that will probably be a part of it. The other character from previous series is Cindy, with the telekinesis crushing power. Kripke said after S2 that she'd be back, no sign of her yet and they brought Love Sausage back for this series, so hopefully season 4. With Black Noir and Maeve gone they aren't at the level of Heroes with 'nobody can die', and with Butcher's condition the series might last as long as he does.


2,967 posts

202 months

Saturday 9th July 2022
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I think there's still plenty meat in it for the next season (devils advocate: possibly two depending how they handle it), it just seemed a little non-sensical how that last episode got finished up.
Is it possibly more the perceived need for a big end of season set piece which is the bigger issue?


38,099 posts

259 months

Sunday 10th July 2022
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Ian974 said:
I think there's still plenty meat in it for the next season (devils advocate: possibly two depending how they handle it), it just seemed a little non-sensical how that last episode got finished up.
Is it possibly more the perceived need for a big end of season set piece which is the bigger issue?
It may be partly that, but I actually think there was plenty of sense in how it started to unravel/develop for each of them. And it certainly leaves openings for another series.

Being unfamiliar with the comic, the whole premise and the way it was done were fresh for me, and that carried through to S2. As someone else noted, that tempo couldn't really continue, as where do you go with the violence and gore.

Still hoping they don't string it out too far. S4 is teed up such that it could go either way.


15,078 posts

172 months

Sunday 10th July 2022
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Enjoyed the last episode, although very slow compared to what we are used to.

I’m guessing season 4 will be the last, perhaps split in two to get it to 14 episodes? I don’t think there’s much meat left on the product so they need to finish up before the show becomes background noise (like Walking Dead).

Edited by BabySharkDooDooDooDooDooDoo on Sunday 10th July 13:14


28,150 posts

199 months

Monday 11th July 2022
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Interview with Kripke on the season 3 ending and where season 4 can go


14,753 posts

146 months

Monday 11th July 2022
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I wonder if Homelander will run for president now he sees how much he is still adored (keeping the Trump allegory going)? And how he literally got away with murder in full view at the end


20,104 posts

189 months

Monday 11th July 2022
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kowalski655 said:
I wonder if Homelander will run for president now he sees how much he is still adored (keeping the Trump allegory going)? And how he literally got away with murder in full view at the end
I think they might go this way. Dakota Bob gets taken out and they blame a Supe or the boys. Push the "only Homelander can save us" line and take the presidency.


13,238 posts

168 months

Monday 11th July 2022
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I did enjoy season 3, I thought it was as just as good as S1 and S2, however the final episode was a little bit off for me. It was going well right until the finale and then things just seemed a bit too contrived and neat. Maybe I'm just used to this series constantly blowing me away but the last 15 minutes felt a bit, dare I say it, formulaic which is something I could never have called this season previously.

Anyway it does leave some interesting setups but as others have stated, I hope this show doesn't outstay it's welcome to chase the money. I think one possibly two more seasons at a push and it should be done.


28,150 posts

199 months

Monday 11th July 2022
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Varsity will be a spin off series picking up on bits of S3 and leading into bits of S4


38,099 posts

259 months

Monday 11th July 2022
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ajprice said:
Varsity will be a spin off series picking up on bits of S3 and leading into bits of S4

Sounding a bit... kerching.


40,466 posts

199 months

Tuesday 12th July 2022
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Just watched the penultimate episode.....

"Slap you like Connery..."



28,150 posts

199 months

Wednesday 13th July 2022
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dudleybloke said:
kowalski655 said:
I wonder if Homelander will run for president now he sees how much he is still adored (keeping the Trump allegory going)? And how he literally got away with murder in full view at the end
I think they might go this way. Dakota Bob gets taken out and they blame a Supe or the boys. Push the "only Homelander can save us" line and take the presidency.
That scene when he lasers the guy in the crowd who threw something at Ryan came about from a Trump quote.

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible."

Homelander has always held back because of wanting people to like him. Now he knows he can get away with murder and can do 'whatever the fk I want' in S4.