Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan

Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan



3,572 posts

224 months

Tuesday 14th May
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JoshSm said:
I'm not sure anyone should have expected different, it's just what you expect as the distillation of the worst recent habits from Disney and RTD's fairly limited range of pet ideas & themes.

They're making the show they want to make and whether an audience (especially the legacy audience) comes along for the ride apparently doesn't matter.

Maybe they'll carry on, maybe they'll change tack, maybe they'll kill it, but I'm fairly sure no lessons will be learnt along the way as they certainly haven't been before. And I'm not sure there'll be much of an audience left to care.
You’ve just made me think what it reminded me of - ‘Carry On Dr Who’….


2,511 posts

206 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Yesterday I listened to the Richard Osman and Marina Hyde podcast on "The Rest is Entertainment" from 34 minutes.
The verdict there was that it was brilliant and a great success. Some interesting stuff about the economics of tv production.


7,809 posts

181 months

Wednesday 15th May
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I think Dr Sheldon Cooper got it right.

When he called it 'Doctor Why Bother?'

Lucas Ayde

3,614 posts

171 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Abbott said:
Yesterday I listened to the Richard Osman and Marina Hyde podcast on "The Rest is Entertainment" from 34 minutes.
The verdict there was that it was brilliant and a great success. Some interesting stuff about the economics of tv production.
This is why no-one pays attention to the mainstram/access media any more.

Not sure if it still is, but this turd was at 100% Fresh in the 'professional critics' section of Rotten Tomatoes. Tells you all you need to know.

I am alright Jack

3,764 posts

146 months

Wednesday 15th May
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anonymoususer said:
They could do some historic stories in the Victorian era. Maybe one that involved child labour chimney sweeps
This would be great because they could finish the episode by doing a couple of songs in one of those victorian music halls.
A bit like that old programme "the Good Old Days"
The new Doctor would have to keep breaking the fourth wall to let us know what was happening.
Good idea, they could also have Dick Van Dyke doing a sort of cameo with the young chimney whippersnappers. He's famous for his singing and cockney accent.

They could also have the Dr. arrested for being gay followed by no end of messaging about how wrong those pesky Victorians were and how sorry we all are about it.

Then finish with the song and dance routine and Dick Van Dyke singing, It's raining Men.


6,221 posts

51 months

Wednesday 15th May
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I am alright Jack said:
Good idea, they could also have Dick Van Dyke doing a sort of cameo with the young chimney whippersnappers. He's famous for his singing and cockney accent.

They could also have the Dr. arrested for being gay followed by no end of messaging about how wrong those pesky Victorians were and how sorry we all are about it.

Then finish with the song and dance routine and Dick Van Dyke singing, It's raining Men.
That's inspired.
Lets get some of our ideas over to the BBC and help shape this programmes next series


1,410 posts

43 months

Wednesday 15th May
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In all seriousness I think that would be a great episode smile


251 posts

229 months

Thursday 16th May
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Not sure how accurate this is or just a wind up, but wouldn't surprise me!


7,941 posts

220 months

Thursday 16th May
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Apparently 2.6m for episode 1 and 2.4m for episode 2. That's live viewers rather than streaming.


5,474 posts

58 months

Thursday 16th May
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RustyMX5 said:
Apparently 2.6m for episode 1 and 2.4m for episode 2. That's live viewers rather than streaming.
That's not bad given live TV is dying quickly.


44,575 posts

200 months

Thursday 16th May
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ThomW said:
A bunch of grown men getting their panties in a twist because of a fictional character. Good grief have a word with yourselves.
Could be worse.

Could be a grown man getting overexcited about a cartoon on TV.

It seems, as mentioned on here before, that the recent Dr Who series are aimed at an audience that doesn't actually exist in any large number.

Oh well.

Edited by Blib on Thursday 16th May 15:31


7,941 posts

220 months

Thursday 16th May
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Blib said:
Could be worse.

Could be a grown man getting overexcited about a cartoon on TV.

It seems, as mentioned on here before, that the recent Dr Who series are aimed at an audience that doesn't actually exist in any large number.

Oh well.

Edited by Blib on Thursday 16th May 15:31
But if there was an episode called Attack of the counterclockwise stirring teaspoons would you watch it?


44,575 posts

200 months

Thursday 16th May
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RustyMX5 said:
Blib said:
Could be worse.

Could be a grown man getting overexcited about a cartoon on TV.

It seems, as mentioned on here before, that the recent Dr Who series are aimed at an audience that doesn't actually exist in any large number.

Oh well.

Edited by Blib on Thursday 16th May 15:31
But if there was an episode called Attack of the counterclockwise stirring teaspoons would you watch it?
So long as they used a Krupp 242(b), then yes, I would.


7,424 posts

260 months

Thursday 16th May
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Philbar said:

Not sure how accurate this is or just a wind up, but wouldn't surprise me!
Space Babies got 2.6M, and The Devil's Chord got 2.4M overnight. Warmer weather does affect overnight ratings, as more people are out enjoying the sunshine rather than watching terrestrial TV. The show debuting at midnight on Friday on iPlayer will also knock a hole in the overnight ratings

In any case, saying that they got the lowest ratings in the shows history is not strictly true because Legend of the Sea Devils with Jodie Whittaker got 2.2M overnight.

Still, a Steven Moffat episode this weekend. Hopefully an improvement over the first two.

Edited by Teppic on Thursday 16th May 18:13


1,186 posts

31 months

Thursday 16th May
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Blib said:
ThomW said:
A bunch of grown men getting their panties in a twist because of a fictional character. Good grief have a word with yourselves.
Could be worse.

Could be a grown man getting overexcited about a cartoon on TV.

It seems, as mentioned on here before, that the recent Dr Who series are aimed at an audience that doesn't actually exist in any large number.

Oh well.

Edited by Blib on Thursday 16th May 15:31
Firstly - wow. You're so butthurt you had to go and see what else I'm posting here to try and get a 'bazinga' on me.

And then that bazinga is... me getting excited and being enthused about a tv show. The exact opposite of what I mentioned is so awful here.

<slow hand clap for Blob>


44,575 posts

200 months

Thursday 16th May
quotequote all
ThomW said:
Blib said:
ThomW said:
A bunch of grown men getting their panties in a twist because of a fictional character. Good grief have a word with yourselves.
Could be worse.

Could be a grown man getting overexcited about a cartoon on TV.

It seems, as mentioned on here before, that the recent Dr Who series are aimed at an audience that doesn't actually exist in any large number.

Oh well.

Edited by Blib on Thursday 16th May 15:31
Firstly - wow. You're so butthurt you had to go and see what else I'm posting here to try and get a 'bazinga' on me.

And then that bazinga is... me getting excited and being enthused about a tv show. The exact opposite of what I mentioned is so awful here.

<slow hand clap for Blob>
Nope. It's exactly the same thing. Just people offering their opinion on a television show.

You're welcome, hypocrite.

tongue out


7,809 posts

181 months

Thursday 16th May
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RustyMX5 said:
But if there was an episode called Attack of the counterclockwise stirring teaspoons would you watch it?
Sounds infinitely better than a spaceship full of babies, snot jokes and an overacting transvestite.


3,018 posts

165 months

Thursday 16th May
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Blib said:
ThomW said:
Blib said:
ThomW said:
A bunch of grown men getting their panties in a twist because of a fictional character. Good grief have a word with yourselves.
Could be worse.

Could be a grown man getting overexcited about a cartoon on TV.

It seems, as mentioned on here before, that the recent Dr Who series are aimed at an audience that doesn't actually exist in any large number.

Oh well.

Edited by Blib on Thursday 16th May 15:31
Firstly - wow. You're so butthurt you had to go and see what else I'm posting here to try and get a 'bazinga' on me.

And then that bazinga is... me getting excited and being enthused about a tv show. The exact opposite of what I mentioned is so awful here.

<slow hand clap for Blob>
Nope. It's exactly the same thing. Just people offering their opinion on a television show.

You're welcome, hypocrite.

tongue out
Cyberstalking a poster because they disagreed with you. How very, grown up.


5,474 posts

58 months

Thursday 16th May
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Rumblestripe said:
Blib said:
ThomW said:
Blib said:
ThomW said:
A bunch of grown men getting their panties in a twist because of a fictional character. Good grief have a word with yourselves.
Could be worse.

Could be a grown man getting overexcited about a cartoon on TV.

It seems, as mentioned on here before, that the recent Dr Who series are aimed at an audience that doesn't actually exist in any large number.

Oh well.

Edited by Blib on Thursday 16th May 15:31
Firstly - wow. You're so butthurt you had to go and see what else I'm posting here to try and get a 'bazinga' on me.

And then that bazinga is... me getting excited and being enthused about a tv show. The exact opposite of what I mentioned is so awful here.

<slow hand clap for Blob>
Nope. It's exactly the same thing. Just people offering their opinion on a television show.

You're welcome, hypocrite.

tongue out
Cyberstalking a poster because they disagreed with you. How very, grown up.
'Cyberstalking'... Give over rofl

What does Tom expect... He should try saying that to a table of folks he doesn't know in a pub and see what response he gets.


1,893 posts

123 months

Thursday 16th May
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zarjaz1991 said:
Worth pointing out that the person running the current Doctor Who is Russell T Davies, not Moffat. Though Moff is writing the next episode.
Doh, thats who I meant, RTD not Moffat - got the pair mixed up in my head. It was RTD that wrote "Its a Sin" which was the AIDs show I mentioned etc.