Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan

Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan



5,172 posts

231 months

Monday 13th May
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chemistry said:
Apparently Dr Who isn't for straight white men anyway, according to Metro rolleyes

That's that cleared up then, back to TV made for me:


11,695 posts

276 months

Monday 13th May
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chemistry said:
Apparently Dr Who isn't for straight white men anyway, according to Metro rolleyes

So it's inclusive but not if you are straight, white and male. Got it. It's like the whole Star Wars Sequels when they tried to turn the fanbase on itself by trying to make it look like a racism thing rather than a "This storyline is rubbish" thing. Classic squirrel behaviour.


57,065 posts

207 months

Monday 13th May
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chemistry said:
Apparently Dr Who isn't for straight white men anyway, according to Metro rolleyes

They've realised how stupid that was and edited the headline.


7,941 posts

220 months

Monday 13th May
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chemistry said:
Apparently Dr Who isn't for straight white men anyway, according to Metro rolleyes

I'm not having a dig at you personally here....

I don't care if the Doctor is male, female, black, white, asian, gay, lesbian, transgender, straight, binary, non-binary, gender queer or whatever. I care that the stories and acting are good. It's obvious that Ncuti is a colourful character who's going to bring a new slant to the role in the same way that every other doctor has and he's obviously got plenty of acting ability to deliver a great Doctor. The plot lines for the first two episodes have been dreadful and babies and someone who steals music is not what Doctor Who is about.

I can live with colourful characters, like a drag queen for example, if that character supports the narrative of the story but to add a colourful character just for the sake of it is annoying and pointless.

Maybe I'm old (started watching Dr Who in the 1970's) but as it stands at the moment, I'm not encouraged by what I've seen so far in terms of narrative.


3,584 posts

126 months

Monday 13th May
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It’s funny how “inclusive” actually means “excluding anyone whose world view we don’t like”.


725 posts

38 months

Monday 13th May
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ThomW said:
A bunch of grown men getting their panties in a twist because of a fictional character. Good grief have a word with yourselves.
A bunch of grown men watching Doctor Who, period. biglaugh


2,216 posts

112 months

Monday 13th May
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RustyMX5 said:
I'm not having a dig at you personally here....

I don't care if the Doctor is male, female, black, white, asian, gay, lesbian, transgender, straight, binary, non-binary, gender queer or whatever. I care that the stories and acting are good. It's obvious that Ncuti is a colourful character who's going to bring a new slant to the role in the same way that every other doctor has and he's obviously got plenty of acting ability to deliver a great Doctor. The plot lines for the first two episodes have been dreadful and babies and someone who steals music is not what Doctor Who is about.

I can live with colourful characters, like a drag queen for example, if that character supports the narrative of the story but to add a colourful character just for the sake of it is annoying and pointless.

Maybe I'm old (started watching Dr Who in the 1970's) but as it stands at the moment, I'm not encouraged by what I've seen so far in terms of narrative.
No offence taken and I have no issue with Ncuti being cast as the (entirely fictional...) Doctor. Nonetheless it's a shame that some sections of society, such as the Metro journalist, see it as another opportunity to turn inclusion (good thing) into identity politics (bad thing).

RTD making some of the Doctor Who storylines (as opposed to casting) pointedly woke, such as with the pronouns thing and him not being able to "let it go whilst as a male-presenting timelord", doesn't help.

Anyway, I don't want to derail the thread...the politics of it call can be discussed in N,P&E!


6,876 posts

258 months

Monday 13th May
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The inclusivity metric they are failing on is the one where the original description of The Doctor succeeded. In the original casting he was described as "A crotchety old man".

Being gender and colour aware is seen as fine, but the part calls for someone who is old. He is as he points out 900.


5,474 posts

58 months

Monday 13th May
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I think an interesting contrast is the latest episode of Inside #9.

It's a superbly scripted and acted story, that just so happens to represent the wide selection of folks who travel on a tube.

I'd love Pemberton and Shearsmith to have a crack at a few Who stories. I think they'd make a great job of it.


4,938 posts

221 months

Monday 13th May
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RustyMX5 said:
The plot lines for the first two episodes have been dreadful and babies and someone who steals music is not what Doctor Who is about.
Indeed, it should have more 3 hour long stories about Marco Polo or the Romans... hehe


6,061 posts

181 months

Monday 13th May
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The Doctor asking everyone if they're local and fighting twelvety daleks! Shouting at the Cybermen, well have no trouble here! laugh


6,221 posts

51 months

Monday 13th May
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Is it too much to hope that they will do a story about a gay Cyberperson ?


12,726 posts

239 months

Monday 13th May
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anonymoususer said:
Is it too much to hope that they will do a story about a gay Cyberperson ?
Aren't they all non-binary anyway?


7,512 posts

216 months

Monday 13th May
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Just to balance out the presumably mainly straight white middle aged male population on here, my daughter is now 22, is autistic, recently diagnosed with ADHD, and gay; she grew up with and loved Tennant, enjoyed Capaldi...
...and thinks the new stuff, from Jodie onwards, is dreadful - entirely down to the clunkiness of the writing forcing a tick into every box that she should, in theory, be applauding.


5,474 posts

58 months

Monday 13th May
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BossHogg said:
The Doctor asking everyone if they're local and fighting twelvety daleks! Shouting at the Cybermen, well have no trouble here! laugh
hehe You're my companion now!

To be fair, #9 is nothing like TLOG.


6,061 posts

181 months

Monday 13th May
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I could never get into 9, too dark.


27,138 posts

164 months

Tuesday 14th May
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otolith said:
chemistry said:
Apparently Dr Who isn't for straight white men anyway, according to Metro rolleyes

They've realised how stupid that was and edited the headline.

It's still stupid. I watch TV I like, and that's not defined by my colour or sexulity.


3,572 posts

224 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Just watching the second episode. I think Ncuti could be a really good Dr. But what utter rubbish this is thus far. It isn’t Who.

Edited to say:-
The bouncing apprentice though still isn’t enough to make it watchable! The ending is so sad and pathetic.

What utter utter rubbish. Whoever signed this off at the BBC should be sacked.

Dr Who is an institution of British TV. This series and particularly the second episode has taken a huge great turd on top of it.

Edited by W12GT on Tuesday 14th May 21:35


296 posts

40 months

Tuesday 14th May
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I'm not sure anyone should have expected different, it's just what you expect as the distillation of the worst recent habits from Disney and RTD's fairly limited range of pet ideas & themes.

They're making the show they want to make and whether an audience (especially the legacy audience) comes along for the ride apparently doesn't matter.

Maybe they'll carry on, maybe they'll change tack, maybe they'll kill it, but I'm fairly sure no lessons will be learnt along the way as they certainly haven't been before. And I'm not sure there'll be much of an audience left to care.


1,186 posts

31 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Just watched the second episode myself, and honestly I thought it was brilliant. Fun, fast paced and funny.

Maestro was a fantastic villain, unhinged and scary enough while still being PG friendly.

The only thing that stuck out to me was Ruby mentioning her mum’s girlfriend and then the song for her mate who had a girlfriend too. It’s just pushing that aspect too hard.

But I love the new Doctor, he’s a breath of fresh air.

Edited by ThomW on Tuesday 14th May 22:34