Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan

Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan


Adrian W

14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 11th May
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What is this drivel


6,227 posts

51 months

Saturday 11th May
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Riley Blue said:
I'm lost for words and not in a good way. yikes
I must admit I'm really struggling with this second one.
It comes across as a bit too clever for its own good and it's very loud too

Jordie Barretts sock

5,162 posts

22 months

Saturday 11th May
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I've just switched on waiting for Eurovision.

What am I watching? This isn't Cybermen or Daleks or even Tribbles.

Is it for pre school kids now?

Adrian W

14,216 posts

231 months

Saturday 11th May
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This isn't Dr Who, whatever this st is, it isn't Dr Who


28,150 posts

199 months

Saturday 11th May
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First one. New companion standard intro stuff. I liked the nanny voice filtering with 'waste' and 'illegitimate person' hehe .

Second one. I hope panto Keith Flint was a one and done villain never to be seen again.


3,592 posts

126 months

Saturday 11th May
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Utter garbage, sorry. And I’m a big RTD fan. It feels like he needs someone to rein him in.

Utterly utterly awful.


7,946 posts

220 months

Saturday 11th May
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Ummm..... Errrr.... What is this?

ETA. Based on the first two episodes, I'd like my licence fee refunded because there's no way anyone should be paying for that.

Edited by RustyMX5 on Saturday 11th May 21:29


7,040 posts

108 months

Saturday 11th May
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I caught the last ten minutes. Sci-fi adventure series, RIP.

fk off Doctor Who, good riddance.


4,942 posts

221 months

Saturday 11th May
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I really enjoyed both of those, totally bonkers in a good way. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series now, although it looks like their setting up Ruby as the product/regeneration of a timelord as they threw in a bunch of references to other timelords...


1,015 posts

227 months

Saturday 11th May
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We've got the Mrs. Flood story arc to reveal itself yet.


4,208 posts

221 months

Saturday 11th May
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The first episode: Meh.

Second episode started with potential - hoping The Maestro might be the new Missy - maintained it for a bit, and then...... meh.


6,227 posts

51 months

Sunday 12th May
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Is it a clause in the new Doctors contract that they do a song and dance routiine at the end of every second episode now ?
Asking for a friend


1,410 posts

43 months

Sunday 12th May
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This came up in my feed and I haven't watched it as they lost me with their Xmas crap specials. I thought they were so badly written with a storyline built around box ticking.

It seems the bad writing appears to have continued which is a shame as I the Dr was great in the Sex Education series and he could have really done something with rhe role if it had been more purposeful.
Given the latest comments from those who watched I don't feel like I missed anything.


7,820 posts

181 months

Sunday 12th May
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Saw the first epidose last night, pretty standard 'monster on a spaceship' fare, but even more crap than usual.

Will watch Ep 2 this morning over breakfast to see if it's any better (it couldn't fail to be).


14,753 posts

146 months

Sunday 12th May
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Bloody hell that was awful! Snot monster and a Poundland Cruella de Ville!
And obvious storylines too, the monster was just misunderstood, and music geniuses Lennon and McCartney save the day that you could see coming a mile off.


14,489 posts

241 months

Sunday 12th May
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After reading these reviews, I feel my decision to give this season a complete swerve is fully justified.


7,820 posts

181 months

Sunday 12th May
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Just watched Ep 2, it was better than the first, but not by much. Some of the detail was quite good - except you can't play two notes on one tympani.

Best line: "I thought that was non-diegetic."

It was worth putting up with all the crap for Millie in her nifty little outfit. cloud9


728 posts

38 months

Sunday 12th May
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I had to sit through 25 minutes of this crap at a mate's house. I can't recall what it was about but I couldn't imagine kids being scared witless by it, as I was in the 70's. Absolute dross.

About ten years ago, my niece - then about 8 years old - was rivetted to the screen when I put 'Genesis of the Daleks' on. The whole thing was on YouTube iirc. 1974. I watched it back then as a nipper and whilst I grew out of Doctor Who decades ago, I had to admit that it was still very good. Tom Baker was the perfect Doctor. Fiercely intelligent and ever so slightly* batst.


5,831 posts

146 months

Sunday 12th May
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How long before those involved brand everyone who says it's st, a racist homophobe?

Not very long actually.


Edited by SlimJim16v on Sunday 12th May 19:31


739 posts

141 months

Sunday 12th May
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zarjaz1991 said:
Utter garbage, sorry. And I’m a big RTD fan. It feels like he needs someone to rein him in.
According to the Wiki page, the third episode (Boom) is written
by Steven Moffat, which might help to calm things down a bit?