The real italian job



3,354 posts

218 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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anonymous said:
Going on the experience of one of my customers, sourcing a car through that dealer which combines being twice the price you first thought of, coupled with needing unanticipated, and breathtakingly expensive, work that only he has the capacity to source, is not unique to James Martin.

I suppose it could be argued that approaching any dealer with an open cheque book is likely to result in a fool being parted from his money, but Mr. Osborn does seem to have it down to a very fine art.

Edited by J111 on Tuesday 30th December 13:39


52,059 posts

287 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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grimfandango said:
why he didn't buy something cheaper! surely theres loads of cars made between 1920something and 1950something, that could have entered the race. i mean old mgs, and porsche's arnt that dear! what about a beatle...

Leaving aside the fact that I don't think Ringo competed in the original Mille Miglia entries are very restricted and you can't just rock-up in a clapped out old MGB - the full eligibility requirements are here...

Balmoral Green

41,200 posts

251 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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I videoed it and just watched it, I liked the film, and I liked the guy and really felt for him when his car broke. Way too much analysis going on here, for what essentially was a 'made to be sold to network tv' programme anyway, it didn't detract from the passion. Remember those garages he had at home, and their contents? Stop lobbing bricks at the guy.


16,203 posts

187 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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Balmoral Green said:
I videoed it and just watched it, I liked the film, and I liked the guy and really felt for him when his car broke. Way too much analysis going on here, for what essentially was a 'made to be sold to network tv' programme anyway, it didn't detract from the passion. Remember those garages he had at home, and their contents? Stop lobbing bricks at the guy.
Hmmm 'the passion'. The passion for the car (he bought without testing or seeing for himself or apparently taking any interest whatsoever in the £300,000 restoration of, or the passion to be seen in a car with a blonde in front of the worlds press?

Strikes me he buys his cars for the same reason others buy expensive clothes - to be seen in. Witness his carefully selected three pairs of shoes to take with him even though 'space is tight' (yeah right, with his missus in a current Maserati, three mechanics and a covered trailer in tow) Nothing wrong with that per se, just not for me. Cars are fundamentally mechanical assemblies and if you have no idea or inclination to learn how they work or how to even pick a spanner up, then in my book you are not a 'car nut' or 'petrolhead' as he so often referred to himself as. He is merely a 'consumer of expensive cars' nothing more.


19,261 posts

262 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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dr_gn said:
He is merely a 'consumer of expensive cars' nothing more.
... and you, of course, are the true connoisseur, putting your money where your mouth is.

Which Mille Miglia entry did you buy, restore, crew and drive singlehandedly?


39,731 posts

287 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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dr_gn said:
Balmoral Green said:
I videoed it and just watched it, I liked the film, and I liked the guy and really felt for him when his car broke. Way too much analysis going on here, for what essentially was a 'made to be sold to network tv' programme anyway, it didn't detract from the passion. Remember those garages he had at home, and their contents? Stop lobbing bricks at the guy.
Hmmm 'the passion'. The passion for the car (he bought without testing or seeing for himself or apparently taking any interest whatsoever in the £300,000 restoration of, or the passion to be seen in a car with a blonde in front of the worlds press?

Strikes me he buys his cars for the same reason others buy expensive clothes - to be seen in. Witness his carefully selected three pairs of shoes to take with him even though 'space is tight' (yeah right, with his missus in a current Maserati, three mechanics and a covered trailer in tow) Nothing wrong with that per se, just not for me. Cars are fundamentally mechanical assemblies and if you have no idea or inclination to learn how they work or how to even pick a spanner up, then in my book you are not a 'car nut' or 'petrolhead' as he so often referred to himself as. He is merely a 'consumer of expensive cars' nothing more.
And you got 'all this' from a one off TV production? I might know a fair bit more about how a car works but he seemed much more knowledgeable about their history than me. It takes all sorts to make a petrolhead IMO


16,203 posts

187 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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Apache said:
dr_gn said:
Balmoral Green said:
I videoed it and just watched it, I liked the film, and I liked the guy and really felt for him when his car broke. Way too much analysis going on here, for what essentially was a 'made to be sold to network tv' programme anyway, it didn't detract from the passion. Remember those garages he had at home, and their contents? Stop lobbing bricks at the guy.
Hmmm 'the passion'. The passion for the car (he bought without testing or seeing for himself or apparently taking any interest whatsoever in the £300,000 restoration of, or the passion to be seen in a car with a blonde in front of the worlds press?

Strikes me he buys his cars for the same reason others buy expensive clothes - to be seen in. Witness his carefully selected three pairs of shoes to take with him even though 'space is tight' (yeah right, with his missus in a current Maserati, three mechanics and a covered trailer in tow) Nothing wrong with that per se, just not for me. Cars are fundamentally mechanical assemblies and if you have no idea or inclination to learn how they work or how to even pick a spanner up, then in my book you are not a 'car nut' or 'petrolhead' as he so often referred to himself as. He is merely a 'consumer of expensive cars' nothing more.
And you got 'all this' from a one off TV production? I might know a fair bit more about how a car works but he seemed much more knowledgeable about their history than me. It takes all sorts to make a petrolhead IMO
No, I've looked on his website and read some stuff online about him. He's just not my kind of 'enthusiast' I suppose.

As far as the knowledge of history goes, I only saw him flicking through a few coffee table type books and magazines. I belive the only reason he picked the car was because it guaranteed him a place in the event, and from what I've read he may be somehow involved with promoting Maserati.


16,203 posts

187 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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Trommel said:
dr_gn said:
He is merely a 'consumer of expensive cars' nothing more.
... and you, of course, are the true connoisseur, putting your money where your mouth is.

Which Mille Miglia entry did you buy, restore, crew and drive singlehandedly?
Well, firstly I have no inclination whatsoever to partake in the Mille Miglia - even if I could afford it. It's now nothing more than a mobile fashion show.

Secondly I have indeed put my money where my mouth is by - in the past - spending all my available cash and eleven years of my time rebuilding a 1964 Jaguar E-Type, and a 1962 MG, both from boxes of bits from the ground up. I've also participated in a few local meetings, but mostly I like driving cars I've built with my own hands.

You ask "Which Mille Miglia entry did you buy, restore, crew and drive singlehandedly" as if Mr. Martin did any of the aforementioned, apart from *possibly* buying. Ah, we come back to money again don't we? BTW, you could also add "and drive the newly rebuilt engine to destruction" to the list.

Edited by dr_gn on Tuesday 30th December 18:00


52,059 posts

287 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
quotequote all
dr_gn said:
Trommel said:
dr_gn said:
He is merely a 'consumer of expensive cars' nothing more.
... and you, of course, are the true connoisseur, putting your money where your mouth is.

Which Mille Miglia entry did you buy, restore, crew and drive singlehandedly?
Well, firstly I have no inclination whatsoever to partake in the Mille Miglia - <clip> - in the past - spending all my available cash and eleven years of my time rebuilding a 1964 Jaguar E-Type, and a 1962 MG, both from boxes of bits from the ground up...
Maybe a "Hi I'm new here" sort of post first would have been appropriate before diving in? Oh and most people have added a little to their profile. wink Rich...


16,203 posts

187 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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RichB said:
dr_gn said:
Trommel said:
dr_gn said:
He is merely a 'consumer of expensive cars' nothing more.
... and you, of course, are the true connoisseur, putting your money where your mouth is.

Which Mille Miglia entry did you buy, restore, crew and drive singlehandedly?
Well, firstly I have no inclination whatsoever to partake in the Mille Miglia - <clip> - in the past - spending all my available cash and eleven years of my time rebuilding a 1964 Jaguar E-Type, and a 1962 MG, both from boxes of bits from the ground up...
Maybe a "Hi I'm new here" sort of post first would have been appropriate before diving in? Oh and most people have added a little to their profile. wink Rich...

I'm very sorry, I am indeed new to the forum having been a lurker for a while. I'll fill in a profile if that's how things work.




1,752 posts

225 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
quotequote all
Trommel said:
dr_gn said:
He is merely a 'consumer of expensive cars' nothing more.
... and you, of course, are the true connoisseur, putting your money where your mouth is.

Which Mille Miglia entry did you buy, restore, crew and drive singlehandedly?
As of course, one must, before being allowed to criticize.

See PH Rule #17... rolleyes

lord summerisle

8,142 posts

228 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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dr_gn said:
Judging by the amount of incredulous bile being directed towards the guy, I'm assuming not many of you have ever been to a Vintage Sports Car Club meeting? There you can witness many, many examples of Mr. Martin clones : Way too much money and vanity but absolutely no mechanical sense.
yes you do... many who know nothing about the car, or how it works... which can make life difficult for us marshals when he comes off the track and we need to know how to release the pressure from the petrol tank to stop it pumping...

...then again on the other hand you get the chaps who know every nut and bolt. And yes, you find many cars with notes written on the dash either in perminant marker, or on those ticker tape plastic strips glued to the dash to denote what the various knobs and switches do.


6,232 posts

238 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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Is there any way I can put the majority of posters on this thread onto some kind of "ignore" function so that never again do I have to read their childish, jealous and uninformed bile?

This thread appears on the same page as the interview with Dave and the Ten Years of PH topics. My, how things have changed...


31,319 posts

244 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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mft said:
As of course, one must, before being allowed to criticize.

See PH Rule #17... rolleyes
.... Real men dont eat Quiche?


6,881 posts

233 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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Munter said:
mft said:
As of course, one must, before being allowed to criticize.

See PH Rule #17... rolleyes
.... Real men dont eat Quiche?
I thought #17 was "The answer is MX-5, what was the question again?"

g h j

65 posts

216 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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behave, i got to the thread where someone sgs the guy of for trying to write like our jeremy, who happens to be a prick,give me a guy who is passionate about the subject,and unlike clarkson is just in it for the dollars


3,354 posts

218 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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thekirbyfake said:
Is there any way I can put the majority of posters on this thread onto some kind of "ignore" function so that never again do I have to read their childish, jealous and uninformed bile?
IMHO, the sniping at other posters is far more deleterious to PH than the criticism of the subject of a television programme who is highly unlike to become personally involved in the discussion.


142 posts

187 months

Tuesday 30th December 2008
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J111 said:
thekirbyfake said:
Is there any way I can put the majority of posters on this thread onto some kind of "ignore" function so that never again do I have to read their childish, jealous and uninformed bile?
IMHO, the sniping at other posters is far more deleterious to PH than the criticism of the subject of a television programme who is highly unlike to become personally involved in the discussion.

Totally second that.
Only an ignorant person would look through the thread in it's totality and make such an assumption. Kinky has already made it plain that we should avoid all this silly backbiting, yet some still carry on........

thekirbyfake - if you really think the whole thread has been made of posters offering just jealousy and 'uninformed bile' then you need to re-read it. But if you don't care to, then you're just trolling. Go away, if it's not for you.

What's worse than people openly commenting on one TV programme is PH'ers turning on each other. That is sad.


16,203 posts

187 months

Wednesday 31st December 2008
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g h j said:
behave, i got to the thread where someone sgs the guy of for trying to write like our jeremy, who happens to be a prick,give me a guy who is passionate about the subject,and unlike clarkson is just in it for the dollars
Too true. How about this: If the programme had followed the guy from the begining of his search for a suitable car, which when he'd found it he then took *some* indeed ANY interest in restoring or rebuilding - even something as simple as painting the brake drums or shotblasting a suspension arm, then this would have made the whole thing far more acceptable. I'd have been gutted for him when it broke down if he'd put some effort in to it rather than only cash. As it was he appeared to spend more time pratting about deciding what clothes to wear or making sure he got photographed with Sir S.M., which, in the abscence of any other evidence, in my book makes the bloke a bit of a prat. I'm not saying he's daft for spending hundreds of thousands on a car - he's made his money and deserves to enjoy it - good luck to him. Just don't make out you're some kind of uber-enthusiast, cos he aint. Far from being envious of him, I feel a bit sorry for him. By not involving himself in the whole 'old car' experience whether it be a full rebuild or even changing the oil, he's missing something. You cannot match the satisfaction of driving a car you have had some real involvement in. I fully understand that some people have no interest whatsoever in how a car works, but still like cars, but IMHO these people are not 'petrolheads' or 'car nuts', if they are, then what does that make the rest of us? With Mr. Martin, image seems to be all, here is an extract from a press release which sums up what he'd probably *like* people to think:

"James, who acquired and painstakingly restored his 1948 A6GCS (one of only 15 ever built) just a few months ago..." etc etc etc ad nauseum.

Absolute Bull*hit. I think you'll struggle to find any *true* car enthusiast who can empathise with the man. He was just on an ego trip which horribly backfired as it were.

Edited by dr_gn on Wednesday 31st December 00:18


28,935 posts

251 months

Wednesday 31st December 2008
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dr_gn said:
I'm assuming not many of you have ever been to a Vintage Sports Car Club meeting? There you can witness many, many examples of Mr. Martin clones : Way too much money and vanity but absolutely no mechanical sense.
That's not the VSCC I know and love. I would imagine the VSCC is the one single club that has a greater body of knowledge that any other, possibly. If Carlsberg made a car club, etc etc.

In fact if James Martin knew of the VSCC they would have put him straight on every count.

Edited by heebeegeetee on Wednesday 31st December 00:20