A What's that Film Thread?



3,904 posts

149 months

Sunday 26th February 2023
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Kes Arevo said:
Night of the Running Man
It is indeed. Thank you.


9,193 posts

117 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Trying to remember what this film is, basically set in an USA football stadium, a sniper is on top of the clock /score tower holding everyone hostage.

Does anyone else remember it?


33 posts

58 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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Two minute warning


654 posts

181 months

Thursday 27th April 2023
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Two films which I have been trying to find again for the best part of 20 years!!

I would be very grateful to anyone who can help me here. I have tried various google searches, IMDB keywords, a film forum, etc. no luck so far.

One I hope is possibly easier than the other.

1. This one is a classic/generic american thriller type plot. A successful business man (stock broker possible, as I seam to remember a scene where he is on a trading floor) goes out with a woman, he seems perfect, but then inevitably turns out to be a psycho. Starts stalking her, he's clever so no one believes her and people think she's crazy. She turns the tables on him in the end, and survives as I recall. Don't remember the ending in any detail though. The lead actor looked 30's/early 40's, and had a beard, think I have seen him in some other films before possibly. From what I remember it would have been a 90's film.

2. This one might be harder- foreign language film. Possibly tartan video release in the 90s? I think it's either French or Belgian. What I remember most clearly is an attractive blonde woman in her 30's in a white dress, going around with a strange man, who would often say 'I am the king of Belgium' and from what I recall not much else. It's something I saw on VHS a long time ago, sorry I know that is not a lot to go on.

Anyone have any ideas?


39,777 posts

287 months

Thursday 27th April 2023
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Just a tip but if you can remember a car being in a film you can usually look it up on IMCDB.
I was trying to remember a film and remembered it had a Mercedes CW311 prototype in in then tracked it down


4,442 posts

261 months

Thursday 27th April 2023
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Chad_Hugo said:
Two films which I have been trying to find again for the best part of 20 years!!

I would be very grateful to anyone who can help me here. I have tried various google searches, IMDB keywords, a film forum, etc. no luck so far.

One I hope is possibly easier than the other.

1. This one is a classic/generic american thriller type plot. A successful business man (stock broker possible, as I seam to remember a scene where he is on a trading floor) goes out with a woman, he seems perfect, but then inevitably turns out to be a psycho. Starts stalking her, he's clever so no one believes her and people think she's crazy. She turns the tables on him in the end, and survives as I recall. Don't remember the ending in any detail though. The lead actor looked 30's/early 40's, and had a beard, think I have seen him in some other films before possibly. From what I remember it would have been a 90's film.

2. This one might be harder- foreign language film. Possibly tartan video release in the 90s? I think it's either French or Belgian. What I remember most clearly is an attractive blonde woman in her 30's in a white dress, going around with a strange man, who would often say 'I am the king of Belgium' and from what I recall not much else. It's something I saw on VHS a long time ago, sorry I know that is not a lot to go on.

Anyone have any ideas?

Could the first one be Blue Steel?



654 posts

181 months

Thursday 27th April 2023
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Yes, that is it smile

I never thought I would track it down, much, much appreciated.

I also had a vague memory of the female lead having short hair but was not so sure as I have not seen it in 20 years.


4,442 posts

261 months

Friday 28th April 2023
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Chad_Hugo said:

Yes, that is it smile
You're welcome.

Strangely I'm even sure I've seen it myself, and I guessed it from your description of the actor 'with the beard'. Narrows it down a bit especially for that age and one who wasn't a massive star and generally forgot about - Since my youth I've liked Ron Silver as an actor for some reason, so just searched for 'Ron Silver stalker film'.


39,777 posts

287 months

Friday 29th September 2023
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Every time someone mentions the film The Road it reminds me of a very similar film but I can never remember the name.

I think it may be foreign possibly German. A small group possibly a family try to get through an area in a post apocalyptic senario. I remember they had a car possible a volvo. On the way they met people that tried to capture and eat them. Everything is covered in very fine sandy dust, water is difficult to fine. People block roads with telegraph poles to try and rob them.


1,571 posts

38 months

Friday 29th September 2023
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I have.

Film where 2 men are running down a railwaiy track/tunnel, im sure one is holding a bag.

Film where man bumps into someone in a long brown trench to pick pocket them, may also be the same film where a person hands over a brown package over a counter, peraon behind the counter does some dodgy swap shift thing and gives him a different parcel back.


10,661 posts

194 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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This might be a tough one, as it’s a memory of film u saw decades ago.

80’s American post-teen film.
It’s quite melancholy
They’re all graduating ‘college’ leaving a shared house and joining the real world.
The only scene I really remember is two women making diner for everyone. One of them sprinkles some herbs into the pot, when the other says to her “hey, why are you putting my pot, in the pot?” They look at each other, laugh and put more in.


Original Poster:

23,341 posts

273 months

Saturday 2nd December 2023
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St. Elmo's Fire?

Only thing that springs to mind.


8,256 posts

249 months

Saturday 23rd December 2023
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Ryyy said:
I have.

Film where 2 men are running down a railwaiy track/tunnel, im sure one is holding a bag.
A wild stab in the dark..



1,571 posts

38 months

Saturday 23rd December 2023
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Digby said:
Its not unfortunately frown god knows why i can remeber it,i was only young and probably about 20 years ago.


1,635 posts

228 months

Tuesday 26th December 2023
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I don't dip in here very often so apologies if this is not the correct thread.
Back in the early to mid 70s, after the 1 o'clock news on a weekday there was sometimes a very short American or Canadian film about a boy and his father who would go off to the country to canoe and explore the wilderness. It struck such a chord that i was determined to do it with my boy which we did a few years back.
I'd love to be able to trace something that inspired so much 50 years ago!


3,046 posts

98 months

Thursday 18th January
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Thriller, possibly 25 years ago... starts with a guy crashing off a mountain road and being in a coma. He pulls through but has amnesia. Later scenes (or are they dreams?) involve a girl (obviously), being chased, and being trapped inside a shipwreck.
Sorry to be so vague, hopefully something there may click...


8,933 posts

199 months

Thursday 18th January
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TwinKam said:
Thriller, possibly 25 years ago... starts with a guy crashing off a mountain road and being in a coma. He pulls through but has amnesia. Later scenes (or are they dreams?) involve a girl (obviously), being chased, and being trapped inside a shipwreck.
Sorry to be so vague, hopefully something there may click...
Is it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shattered_(1991_film...

I saw it at the cinema and remember quite enjoying it. Pretty good twist if I remember correctly.


185 posts

96 months

Thursday 18th January
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Late 1980s, set in a post apocalyptic world, where the new teachers are psychopathic robots.

The most psychopathic teacher drills a hole through students head, manically grinning ‘I love to mould young minds’.


20,094 posts

189 months

Thursday 18th January
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HIAO said:
Late 1980s, set in a post apocalyptic world, where the new teachers are psychopathic robots.

The most psychopathic teacher drills a hole through students head, manically grinning ‘I love to mould young minds’.
Class of 1999.



185 posts

96 months

Thursday 18th January
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That’s the one. Cheers.

Terrible movie. Need to watch it again!