Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan

Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan



73,668 posts

258 months

Tuesday 23rd April 2013
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Mutley said:
Torchwood US? Am presuming not Miracle Day. Got any more details?
It is Miracle day. Quite enjoying it thus far. A bit like 24 meets Doctor Who.


7,830 posts

181 months

Tuesday 23rd April 2013
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TheHeretic said:
It is Miracle day. Quite enjoying it thus far. A bit like 24 meets Doctor Who.
I got the feeling that had it been a UK production instead of US, it could have been wrapped up in half the number of episodes.

kenny Chim 4

1,604 posts

261 months

Wednesday 24th April 2013
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Evangelion said:
I got the feeling that had it been a UK production instead of US, it could have been wrapped up in half the number of episodes.
A bit like Broadchurch should've been wink


3,178 posts

262 months

Wednesday 24th April 2013
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kenny Chim 4 said:
Evangelion said:
I got the feeling that had it been a UK production instead of US, it could have been wrapped up in half the number of episodes.
A bit like Broadchurch should've been wink
Shhh, I've got the whole lot on record to watch, don't want to know who it was, but seems it was a hit considering all the stories in the papers.

As for Miracle Day, it was a US led production (RTD couldn't get the full funding from the BBC) and they came out with that dross, which effectively killed Torchwood


15,464 posts

231 months

Saturday 27th April 2013
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Another good one, she looked good in that dress and return of the corset next week, yay. Plus funny fat head returns.


6,894 posts

211 months

Saturday 27th April 2013
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Thought it was poor. Except for Clara


24,114 posts

232 months

Saturday 27th April 2013
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Did I hear a quick burst of 'The Cult' or did I imagine it?

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

264 months

Saturday 27th April 2013
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Hackney said:
Thought it was poor. Except for Clara
Basically sums up this whole series.


28,285 posts

199 months

Saturday 27th April 2013
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Yep, liked this weeks too. Now, how much of it will Clara remember after the 'Big Friendly Button', Doctor telling her about the other Claras/Oswins/Oswalds? His name? Hmm the thick plottens hehe

Six Fiend

6,067 posts

218 months

Saturday 27th April 2013
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Morningside said:
Did I hear a quick burst of 'The Cult' or did I imagine it?
You should have heard it twice wink

Oh and Clara cloud9


19,769 posts

231 months

Saturday 27th April 2013
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Did anyone else notice what it said on the Key in the Tardis controls? Worth paying attention to just an extra geeky thing?


88,941 posts

287 months

Saturday 27th April 2013
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Killer2005 said:
Did anyone else notice what it said on the Key in the Tardis controls? Worth paying attention to just an extra geeky thing?
I did, it said Smiths, but it was a clock key and Smith's of Cricklewood founded in 1851 were once the largest clock manufacturer in Europe so a Smith's clock key would be quite common. (It made me google smiths and clocks). Probably just an amusing coincidence for the props department.




19,930 posts

287 months

Saturday 27th April 2013
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Can't shake the feeling that there was a lot of dialog that had clues that will only make sense when we get the big reveal.

Enjoyed seeing more of the Tardis, but the time zombies were a weak 'baddie'.


23,563 posts

239 months

Saturday 27th April 2013
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I liked it. Im starting to get the Clara/Doc chemistry and Matt Smith is starting to rival Ecclestone as my fav "modern" Doctor. He has the intense, slightly psychotic, manic, wild side down very well. This is the man who could be the mirror of The Master, not Tennant. The way Clara is starting to play off him is working aswell, there is none of that Rose or Pond semi hero worshipping, but something else. She doesnt trust or worship the Doctor, she distrusts him, she sees something in him she knows is unfathomably deep and inherently dangerous.

I like the angle, its got some legs.


12,727 posts

239 months

Sunday 28th April 2013
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Bedazzled said:
That dress was a good look for Clara, and she's got a slightly manic enthusiasm about her which could prove dangerous. I loved how the Tardis is powered by a captured star going supernova, some of the other rooms were fab too. Will have to watch it again to let the details sink in.

Really enjoying this series smile

Bit of a puzzler that. The eye of Harmony was originally a black hole created by the Time Lords to power Gallifrey. We know that the planet was destroyed in the wars, so presumably somehow the Doctor rescued it to power the Tardis, and in the process wound back the clock and turned it back into a star.

I thought the plot and acting was pretty weak in this episode, but I absolutely loved seeing more of the Tardis. Especially the library. Clara seems to be quite similar to my favourite companion, Ace (I exclude the testosterone induced enthusiasm for Amy Pond). Slightly tomboyish but still girly and feminine too.

ETA: Sophie Aldred (Ace) is looking surprisingly not old and knackered, unlike many people I remember from the past. She would be a great character to bring back.

Edited by Zad on Sunday 28th April 04:49


1,797 posts

153 months

Sunday 28th April 2013
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1,622 posts

146 months

Sunday 28th April 2013
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im said:
Want to hear an inriguing and very 'spoilery' rumour concerning the 50th anniversary special...?

...apparently John Hurt will be playing 'The Doctor' but incredibly he'll be playing the 9th Doctor...yes The 9th Doctor!

He'll be the one who fought The Time Wars against the Daleks.

This will bump Eccleston, Tennant and Smith up the 10th, 11th and 12th incarnations of the Doctor respectively.

It's only a rumour but it wouldn't surprise me actually.
Well.......... That seems to contradict the end of 2 years ago series where the Dr takes the head of the guy (blue face) Dorian back to the head store and Dorian says at the fall of the tenth where blah blah no lies can be told a secret will be revealed the secret that cannot be revealed .... DR who dr who etc ?
Also I think somewhere that David Tennants Dr mentions himself being the 9th incarnation ? not 100% sure about that but think it is mentioned


13,698 posts

250 months

Sunday 28th April 2013
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I thought that was an entertaining episode.

Good chemistry between the two, some good acting IMO.

Clara is a good character IMO. I like the notion that she has past lives of which she has no idea ( at least, no idea at the moment).


88,941 posts

287 months

Sunday 28th April 2013
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Zad said:

Bit of a puzzler that. The eye of Harmony was originally a black hole created by the Time Lords to power Gallifrey. We know that the planet was destroyed in the wars, so presumably somehow the Doctor rescued it to power the Tardis, and in the process wound back the clock and turned it back into a star.
The Eye of Harmony was also in the Tardis in the McCoy/McGann film which is pre-time war.


11,053 posts

179 months

Sunday 28th April 2013
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extraT said:

Smoke me a kipper...

Now that WOULD be a character to work into a Dr Who episode! biggrin
