Heads Up - Grand Designs--NEW SERIES

Heads Up - Grand Designs--NEW SERIES



22,803 posts

204 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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Red Firecracker said:
odyssey2200 said:
Do you remember the one where the guy rebuild a listed ancient monument.

It was an old castle.

During the build a load of internal walls fell down while they were filming it.

They actually made him rebuild the internal walls with breeze blocks laid flat on their sides.

I was expecting some jobsworth to insist that the original stones were reused to the original style.

Edited by odyssey2200 on Friday 30th January 09:04
There was actually a very reasonable explanation for that and unusually for a Heritage body, quite sensible. What they were concerned about was the time line of the building being preserved, so the concrete blocks would show that that work was done in a set time frame, separate from the original.

Saying that I'm not sure if that was the fallen down bit or the new supporting wall? I seem to remember that they needed new supporting walls to be able to put a roof back on?
i can't belive that wall collapsing was anything other than an "accident" wink the only prop point was under the doorway, with a couple of planks of wood and props set about 1.5m from each side of the wall. never in a million years would anyone expect that to hold.


18,650 posts

212 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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shirt said:
Red Firecracker said:
odyssey2200 said:
Do you remember the one where the guy rebuild a listed ancient monument.

It was an old castle.

During the build a load of internal walls fell down while they were filming it.

They actually made him rebuild the internal walls with breeze blocks laid flat on their sides.

I was expecting some jobsworth to insist that the original stones were reused to the original style.

Edited by odyssey2200 on Friday 30th January 09:04
There was actually a very reasonable explanation for that and unusually for a Heritage body, quite sensible. What they were concerned about was the time line of the building being preserved, so the concrete blocks would show that that work was done in a set time frame, separate from the original.

Saying that I'm not sure if that was the fallen down bit or the new supporting wall? I seem to remember that they needed new supporting walls to be able to put a roof back on?
i can't belive that wall collapsing was anything other than an "accident" wink the only prop point was under the doorway, with a couple of planks of wood and props set about 1.5m from each side of the wall. never in a million years would anyone expect that to hold.
It's just luck that they were there with a camera at the time!yes
otherwise no one would have believed them.

Red Firecracker

5,293 posts

230 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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odyssey2200 said:
It's just luck that they were there with a camera at the time!yes
otherwise no one would have believed them.
Indeed, I do seem to remember it was a touch 'B Movie' smile


2,447 posts

200 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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anonymous said:


20,449 posts

234 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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Jasandjules said:
Vron said:
Do you only get accepted onto Grand Designs if you will get pregnant during the build?

And with Relocation Relocation and Property Ladder, it's the hosts who get pregnant instead.

It's that randy bugger Phil Spencer.

Ever notice that whenever they go back to visit the 'happy' couple (usually around 9 months after filming the episode), the wife/girlfriend is always 'with child' and Phil always has a 'triumphant' look on his face...


It's happened too often to be a coincidence


14,291 posts

229 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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anonymous said:

very good!


18,650 posts

212 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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Fred is going to project manage the build himself = Pain killers, morphine etc!

Edited by odyssey2200 on Friday 30th January 11:07


22,803 posts

204 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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calling a building 'honest' = a glass of wine made from your own fermented urine. get used to the taste, you'll be drinking lots.

'blends in with the landscape' = a cement mixer [baileys & lime], so that your stomach contents will too.

'narrative of the building' = half a guiness with half a lager on top, sprinkled with peanuts.


8,751 posts

282 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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anonymous said:
Well referenced BR, clever that.


14,291 posts

229 months

Friday 30th January 2009
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scotal said:
anonymous said:
Well referenced BR, clever that.

pre-fabricated engineered wood truss = a stein of weissbeer!


8,849 posts

215 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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Anybody see last night's episode? Very entertaining. Nice idea, and it might have worked. However,

1. The man was clearly insane
2. His wife/partner/whatever had not bought into this in any shape or form
3. His neighbours were typical NIMBY aholes. What do you expect in Oxfordshire? Live in the country indeed.
4. Planning procedure could easily be seen for the joke it is.

What happens now is not that Planning Officers make a decision based on the law. The neighbours kick up a fuss about anything, good or bad, and the law is woolly enough to allow this to be done. The Councillors get drawn in and know fk all about it or anything much except drawing expenses. The Planning Officer is scared of the Councillors and just negotiates a deal to try to placate both parties. The building ends up as an classic British abortion.

Edited by cardigankid on Thursday 5th February 09:06


3,527 posts

234 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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Managed to watch about 90secs. Then the dhead presenters voice got on my tits.

I think that was about 15 secs longer than normal though.

Either I'm going soft or I'm losing my hearing.


22,803 posts

204 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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caught the lst sentence as i forgot it was on. something about building on a 30deg slope with no running water, so i guess anyone playing the GD drinking game won't be in work today!


14,291 posts

229 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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cardigankid said:
Anybody see last night's episode? Very entertaining. Nice idea, and it might have worked. However,

1. The man was clearly insane
2. His wife/partner/whatever had not bought into this in any shape or form
3. His neighbours were typical NIMBY aholes. What do you expect in Oxfordshire? Live in the country indeed.
4. Planning procedure could easily be seen for the joke it is.

What happens now is not that Planning Officers make a decision based on the law. The neighbours kick up a fuss about anything, good or bad, and the law is woolly enough to allow this to be done. The Councillors get drawn in and know fk all about it or anything much except drawing expenses. The Planning Officer is scared of the Councillors and just negotiates a deal to try to placate both parties. The building ends up as an classic British abortion.
the officers don't want to make people take the building down. he should have taken it down really. he seemed like a nice guy but was also a clown. i am not sure the neighbours were all that nimbyish. someone seemed to be building something that apparently didn't fit the permissions.... it was taller and looked into their property - a property that had been there a lot longer presumably...

like i say - nice guy, nice idea, st planning and st execution.


20,449 posts

234 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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Felt sorry for the guy - that objection really did p!ss on his chips, but we never did discover (1) in what way was the house he built not in accordance with the consent given (other than the height), and (2) How the hell was he not aware that the building wasn't in accordance with his consent, and yet the neighbours noticed this.

Was he chancing his arm in the first place, and thinking he would probably get away with it?

(and yes, he did appear to have demented look in his eye)

sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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the bloke rides roughshod over planning decisions although he got nailed by Haringey for the shopfront of his art shop


2,174 posts

229 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Anyone watching this eve's episode?

Looks like it has potential.... anyone know the chap ?