Star Wars: The Acolyte



4,949 posts

220 months

Sunday 23rd June
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A bit of a mixed review from me. I went into it with my expectations low, but there have been some positives as well as negatives.

The first episode lowered my expectations further with the ridiculous crash landing. An uncontrolled crash from space and literally not a scratch on her. A 10 second scene of her reactivating the droids so they could steady and slow the descent would have improved that scene immensely. I thought it was cool the way the droid autopilots were built into the chairs.

I can accept the first Jedi losing the fight, but it is frustrating that she didn't disable the baddie asap, which is why she ultimately lost. She should have drawn her light sabre and cut her hand or foot off or something. It's not like limbs can't be replaced in the Star Wars universe. Every fight scene seems to require the goodie to block for the first five minutes and make no effort to fight back. It's frustrating.

Generally I'm not a fan of all the Jedi being ninjas, but like modern Star Trek, in a universe with energy weapons/guns and light sabres, they will always find a reason to resort to fisticuffs. Marvel are worse because they simply hit each other with no effect whatsoever. There hasn't been a good Jedi fight scene since Obi-Wan fought Dooku in Attack Of The Clones.

I think it is possible that the Republic would allow the Jedi some sort of mandate to test children for their force powers. Force users are a bit like nuclear weapons in that a single one going rogue can cause a lot of damage. I thought the implication that the children would be taken if they didn't lie about their ability, was quite an interesting one.

The Jedi were referred to as an old religion in A New Hope. It's certainly possible there would have been other force using religions or different offshoots in the past. A bit like how Christianity and Islam are offshoots of Judaism. Or how Christians are split into Protestants, Catholics etc. Religions don't tend to get along with each other, so this presents an interesting possibility about the origins of the Jedi and why there are no other force using religions later on.

I can also accept the fire in the witches lair getting out of control so quickly, because I think the girl's rage through the force was amplifying it somehow. I didn't get why she was so angry that she wanted to kill her sister. That didn't feel right to me.

I didn't understand why the Jedi who willingly drank the poison took the death of the witches so hard. It really wasn't his fault at all, so this also didn't feel right.

My assumption was that the twins are clones of the head witch. Clones are very much a thing in the Star Wars universe. Until I read this thread I had no idea people were thinking they were created by the force somehow.

I think the acting has been ok overall. Jedi always come across a little wooden and aloof. Episode 4 has been the best so far and I don't really have any criticisms of it. I found myself looking forward to the next episode.


6,131 posts

67 months

Sunday 23rd June
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AlexC1981 said:
A bit of a mixed review from me. I went into it with my expectations low, but there have been some positives as well as negatives.

The first episode lowered my expectations further with the ridiculous crash landing. An uncontrolled crash from space and literally not a scratch on her. A 10 second scene of her reactivating the droids so they could steady and slow the descent would have improved that scene immensely. I thought it was cool the way the droid autopilots were built into the chairs.

I can accept the first Jedi losing the fight, but it is frustrating that she didn't disable the baddie asap, which is why she ultimately lost. She should have drawn her light sabre and cut her hand or foot off or something. It's not like limbs can't be replaced in the Star Wars universe. Every fight scene seems to require the goodie to block for the first five minutes and make no effort to fight back. It's frustrating.

Generally I'm not a fan of all the Jedi being ninjas, but like modern Star Trek, in a universe with energy weapons/guns and light sabres, they will always find a reason to resort to fisticuffs. Marvel are worse because they simply hit each other with no effect whatsoever. There hasn't been a good Jedi fight scene since Obi-Wan fought Dooku in Attack Of The Clones.

I think it is possible that the Republic would allow the Jedi some sort of mandate to test children for their force powers. Force users are a bit like nuclear weapons in that a single one going rogue can cause a lot of damage. I thought the implication that the children would be taken if they didn't lie about their ability, was quite an interesting one.

The Jedi were referred to as an old religion in A New Hope. It's certainly possible there would have been other force using religions or different offshoots in the past. A bit like how Christianity and Islam are offshoots of Judaism. Or how Christians are split into Protestants, Catholics etc. Religions don't tend to get along with each other, so this presents an interesting possibility about the origins of the Jedi and why there are no other force using religions later on.

I can also accept the fire in the witches lair getting out of control so quickly, because I think the girl's rage through the force was amplifying it somehow. I didn't get why she was so angry that she wanted to kill her sister. That didn't feel right to me.

I didn't understand why the Jedi who willingly drank the poison took the death of the witches so hard. It really wasn't his fault at all, so this also didn't feel right.

My assumption was that the twins are clones of the head witch. Clones are very much a thing in the Star Wars universe. Until I read this thread I had no idea people were thinking they were created by the force somehow.

I think the acting has been ok overall. Jedi always come across a little wooden and aloof. Episode 4 has been the best so far and I don't really have any criticisms of it. I found myself looking forward to the next episode.
A fair analysis, but I think you are being too kind by filling in yourself a lot of what simply isn't there. Good entertainment is supposed to fire your imagination, but objectively I can see a lot more evidence that the writers/directors haven't put nearly as much thought into this that you are giving them credit for.

People are accusing it of being lore-breaking, but it is more a case of sloppy continuity through lazy/non existent research of the canon and source material - the most glaring example being the totally anachronistic introduction of a character from the prequel trilogy in episode 4, who in his later canonical appearance presents no knowledge whatsoever of events of The Acolyte and indeed contradicts them. OK, so there could be reasons for this, but when the official Star Wars wiki is being edited in real-time to cover-up this continuity-break immediately after Youtubers and industry critics are questioning this amateurish slip-up it becomes obvious that The Acolyte and its associated pre-and-post release writing work is not a high quality product.

Far from it.


4,064 posts

52 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Jasandjules said:
E63eeeeee... said:
I don't think there's any "alleged" about it. There’s pretty plain racism and misogyny on display. Plenty of people weirdly attached to an OK-in-1977 universe with one woman and one black person and the rest are white dudes, aliens or robots
I don't think you understand Star Wars.

The point is, there are people from all sorts of planets, races, colours, creeds and whatnot and they ALL band together against evil. It is literally about everyone being included no matter what FFS. They even speak their own languages and people understand them, including droids......

The evil people were - white males. The empire was pretty much a bunch of white blokes was it not? I mean I am sure some will claim Vader was black soo but he was also a white male...........

Is it racist to say Someone get this Walking carpet out of my way? Having a strong female take charge of her own rescue? Having a black man own Cloud CIty? Having a Squid as a General ?
I think you're not understanding me. I'm not saying the original trilogy was specifically racist and misogynistic, it was pretty normal at the time to have fewer women and fewer non-white people and mostly white males. You wouldn't make it like that if you were making it now, because it's now normal to have a range of races and a more even gender balance in films. Some of the response to that change, when it happened to the Star Wars products, was just overtly racist and misogynistic. Also some of the response to the less good recent products seems to blame this social change for them being less good, even though some of the post-change products are as good as anything made with the Star Wars label on.


4,949 posts

220 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Evercross said:
A fair analysis, but I think you are being too kind by filling in yourself a lot of what simply isn't there. Good entertainment is supposed to fire your imagination, but objectively I can see a lot more evidence that the writers/directors haven't put nearly as much thought into this that you are giving them credit for.

People are accusing it of being lore-breaking, but it is more a case of sloppy continuity through lazy/non existent research of the canon and source material - the most glaring example being the totally anachronistic introduction of a character from the prequel trilogy in episode 4, who in his later canonical appearance presents no knowledge whatsoever of events of The Acolyte and indeed contradicts them. OK, so there could be reasons for this, but when the official Star Wars wiki is being edited in real-time to cover-up this continuity-break immediately after Youtubers and industry critics are questioning this amateurish slip-up it becomes obvious that The Acolyte and its associated pre-and-post release writing work is not a high quality product.

Far from it.
It is a slip up, but not one many watchers would pick up on. I only know about it because I googled it after reading this thread.

Maybe this new baddie will be another faction, though admittedly, it doesn't look likely.


6,131 posts

67 months

Sunday 23rd June
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AlexC1981 said:
It is a slip up, but not one many watchers would pick up on. I only know about it because I googled it after reading this thread.

Maybe this new baddie will be another faction, though admittedly, it doesn't look likely.
To give you another insight into the cursory and superficial effort the showrunner put into this piece of ephemeral garbage, you'll never believe how she came up with the names of the two lead characters!

She literally copied them from her favourite brand of toiletries - overpriced Canadian soap and stuff.

BTW the rumour that in the upcoming Rey movie, the Mary Sue Jedi Master will be facing up against the Sith Lords Molton and Brown may be unfounded.


263 posts

147 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Evercross said:
To give you another insight into the cursory and superficial effort the showrunner put into this piece of ephemeral garbage, you'll never believe how she came up with the names of the two lead characters!

She literally copied them from her favourite brand of toiletries - overpriced Canadian soap and stuff.
Astonishing if true. Also astonishing if not true and just a coincidence!

But either way, surely a great opportunity for merchandising! Jedi on a rope, Witch on a rope - the possibilities are endless.


44,532 posts

200 months

Sunday 23rd June
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'I am your lather'.


42,859 posts

238 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Do not underestimate the power of the soap suds.

Steve vRS

4,911 posts

244 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Blib said:
'I am your lather'.
Very good


4,064 posts

52 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Blib said:
'I am your lather'.

CT05 Nose Cone

25,053 posts

230 months

Sunday 23rd June
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2,529 posts

176 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Quite ironic that the makers, stars, studio and shill media are decrying the racism and sexism that is apparently behind any criticism of the show when Disney’s racist and sexist hiring practices have been exposed this week.


4,051 posts

50 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Radec said:
ThomW said:
The big baddie appearing at the end was quite good though. Proper spooky bugger.
Laugh it it turns out to be Mae's mate Qimir.
Whoever it was, they did look really OP.
Called it.

Best episode so far, even if the bar wasn't that high.

Dave Hedgehog

14,655 posts

207 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Radec said:
Radec said:
ThomW said:
The big baddie appearing at the end was quite good though. Proper spooky bugger.
Laugh it it turns out to be Mae's mate Qimir.
Whoever it was, they did look really OP.
Called it.

Best episode so far, even if the bar wasn't that high.
everyone called it including Qui Gon

“What’s in his bag?” “Sandwich’s, and a sith helmet”

Now Darth Basil sounded awesome

weak, simplistic and predictable writing continues, but at least a lot of the bad actors got Sith'd, although i was starting to like Jecki

Edited by Dave Hedgehog on Wednesday 26th June 16:57


5,815 posts

146 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Yes, a better episode, but then there was less plot. I wish they'd make their minds up about whether being skewered with a light sabre is fatal or not.

I got Darth Smilers's identity wrong.


8,933 posts

199 months

Wednesday 26th June
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The editing between the various plot elements was terrible.
The fight scenes were rubbish with the Jedi’s queuing up to take turns to get skewered.
The baddy playing dress up at the end is laughable.

Anyway Ashoka taught us those sort of lightsaber wounds are easily sorted, so the Jedi will be back next week.


10,912 posts

187 months

Wednesday 26th June
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That was a bit better.

When she woke up at the start I thought, after that build up they are going to not show us the fight! The Jedi skills seem variable depending on the plot requirements.
The bad sister seems very flexible in what she's doing, 30's before the big fight she was going to hand herself in.
Then as they have very obviously swapped places, is master Sol not going to sense that? Or the Sith bloke (called that reveal wrong).

It felt like they wanted to play a who's the good twin and who's the bad twin but never really commit to it. Quite surprised they killed off all the Jedi especially the Padawan.


4,064 posts

52 months

Wednesday 26th June
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SlimJim16v said:
Yes, a better episode, but then there was less plot. I wish they'd make their minds up about whether being skewered with a light sabre is fatal or not.

I got Darth Smilers's identity wrong.
Surely that's like asking whether being shot is fatal or not.


1,988 posts

263 months

Wednesday 26th June
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I watched tonight’s episode having not bothered to watch the last 2. Critical Drinker indicated this was a better episode and I thought it was OK as well. He criticisms remain valid. It struck me as odd that he would stomp off that planet leaving the bodies of his dead mates behind. Drinker mentioned that as well. The twin swap concept was literally laughable.


10,912 posts

187 months

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highway said:
It struck me as odd that he would stomp off that planet leaving the bodies of his dead mates behind.
I thought that at the time but forgot to mention it above. Very out of character for a Jedi.