Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan

Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan


Justin Cyder

12,624 posts

152 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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I enjoyed that one. It put me in mind of the pirate episode & I was half expecting the ghost to be some kind of computer program, then again they did that with the James Corden ep, so it's good to see a different slant on a familiar idea.

On the down side, it's giving my seven year old nightmares & I've had to stop her watching it. frown


Original Poster:

34,302 posts

220 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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Justin Cyder said:
On the down side, it's giving my seven year old nightmares & I've had to stop her watching it. frown
Shirley thats the whole idea of Dr Who. hehe

I remember watching the Daleks through a keyhole into the living room from the hallway I was soooooo scared. But it made me a fan for life. biggrin

I'd draw the line at letting her watch Rolf Harris though.

Justin Cyder

12,624 posts

152 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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Rolphypnol? nono

The nightmares are getting her up two or three times in the night, the delicate flower. It's easier to record it & watch Britain's got budgies or something on CowellTV 1.

I took her to the Dr. Who experience last year & she nearly had kittens during the 3D finale. She is only 7!


20,820 posts

207 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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Justin Cyder said:
On the down side, it's giving my seven year old nightmares & I've had to stop her watching it. frown
My 17 year old son ( and his 18 year old girlfriend ) both found it scary, so not surprising a seven year old was frightened by it. Maybe an idea to vet each show to decide which ones she can watch - I did this years ago for my son with Torchwood


Original Poster:

34,302 posts

220 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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Pah, you're all molly-coddling these kids nowadays! Sit 'em down, strap 'em in and change channel...

Justin Cyder

12,624 posts

152 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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I may just accept that I'm the sole Whovian in the family & leave her to watch Olly Murs videos on youtube. hehe


3,178 posts

262 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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TheHeretic said:
LukeSi said:
I still reckon she is somehow related to Captain Jack.
On that note, I started watching the US Torchwood series. Only 2 episodes in, but doesn't seem as daft.
Torchwood US? Am presuming not Miracle Day. Got any more details?


11,042 posts

179 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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telecat said:
The Cybermen in the next episode have been re designed. I expect they will not be Cyber industries versions.
That's good news - I could never take those too seriously when they marched, even though Cybermen were and are my favourite baddies smile

I didn't realise they were in the next episode, I always make a point of NOT watching the 'next week' bit of any programme smile



3,558 posts

220 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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I enjoyed this week's episode a lot more than the last couple. But they were so poor it hasn't been a high bar to exceed. I liked the creepiness and the explanation and the involvement again of the TARDIS being a character. Not as much fun as The Doctor's Wife, but a nod in the same direction at least.

I still find Clara quite straightforward and superficial though - fun and sparky and quizzical, but not actually very interesting yet. And being told there's Something Very Interesting about her all the time doesn't actually make it so.


11,042 posts

179 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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hapless said:
I still find Clara quite straightforward and superficial though - fun and sparky and quizzical, but not actually very interesting yet. And being told there's Something Very Interesting about her all the time doesn't actually make it so.
Funnily enough I had exactly the same thought myself yesterday.

Whilst she's very pretty and all that, she doesn't have the spark of Amy Pond (even the little girl version!).

All I can say is, she better be VERY bloody interesting when it comes out! biggrin



12,726 posts

239 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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While Amy Pond was very nice, I feel Dr Who had pretty much become the Amy Pond show, with the Dr acting as her assistant.


7,427 posts

260 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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marcosgt said:
I didn't realise they were in the next episode, I always make a point of NOT watching the 'next week' bit of any programme smile

They're not in the next episode. The next episode is 'Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS', which is followed by 'The Crimson Horror'. The one after that it the Cybermen one, called 'Nightmare in Silver'.

Silver Smudger

3,317 posts

170 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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DJRC said:
The Clara story was nicely moved along? How?
Yea, this - What did we miss?


11,042 posts

179 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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Zad said:
While Amy Pond was very nice, I feel Dr Who had pretty much become the Amy Pond show, with the Dr acting as her assistant.
Actually, you make a fair point. Probably why I enjoyed it biggrin



8,528 posts

244 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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Yes the "Crimson Horror". Our favourite Sontaran returns!!


Original Poster:

34,302 posts

220 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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Want to hear an inriguing and very 'spoilery' rumour concerning the 50th anniversary special...?

...apparently John Hurt will be playing 'The Doctor' but incredibly he'll be playing the 9th Doctor...yes The 9th Doctor!

He'll be the one who fought The Time Wars against the Daleks.

This will bump Eccleston, Tennant and Smith up the 10th, 11th and 12th incarnations of the Doctor respectively.

It's only a rumour but it wouldn't surprise me actually.


28,150 posts

199 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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im said:
Want to hear an inriguing and very 'spoilery' rumour concerning the 50th anniversary special...?

...apparently John Hurt will be playing 'The Doctor' but incredibly he'll be playing the 9th Doctor...yes The 9th Doctor!

He'll be the one who fought The Time Wars against the Daleks.

This will bump Eccleston, Tennant and Smith up the 10th, 11th and 12th incarnations of the Doctor respectively.

It's only a rumour but it wouldn't surprise me actually.
Well we didn't see any regeneration from McGann into Eccleston, so there 'could' be some missing time or generation of Doctor inbetween.


15,464 posts

231 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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telecat said:
Yes the "Crimson Horror". Our favourite Sontaran returns!!
Yabbadabbadoo! Without sarcasm.


13,222 posts

212 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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Is it just me BTW or is there a recurring theme of mentioning the Lake District? Sure it's been mentioned a couple of times already and then there was the Kendal Mintcake mention this week.


8,528 posts

244 months

Tuesday 23rd April 2013
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KaraK said:
Is it just me BTW or is there a recurring theme of mentioning the Lake District? Sure it's been mentioned a couple of times already and then there was the Kendal Mintcake mention this week.
Seems to be a few this series. Ice and the Tardis disliking Clara seem to be others.