Grand Designs 11/2


Deva Link

26,934 posts

248 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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jazzybee said:
I'm going to say I like it.
Go on then.


26,140 posts

217 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Am I the first to say it?

I reckon she's worth one.


13,917 posts

216 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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jazzybee said:
I'm going to say I like it.
I'm going to say "Looks like a pile of fking portacabins piled up against a Folly - filled with posh white goods"


26,140 posts

217 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Steamer said:
jazzybee said:
I'm going to say I like it.
I'm going to say "Looks like a pile of fking portacabins piled up against a Folly - filled with posh white goods"

I'm going to say I agree with you. No accounting for taste.


70,090 posts

232 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Oh FFS if they'd not added that sodding thing on the side it would be a stunning building......

Now it looks like a visitor centre.

Coco H

4,237 posts

240 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Haven't totted it up yet! Should be too embarrassed to say how much they've spent


8,376 posts

263 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Love it! (Apart from the floor coverings in the new build).

The guy looks like he's heading for a heart attack before 40, though.


26,140 posts

217 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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So what do we reckon it cost all in?

I shouldn't think there'd be much change from £1,500,000.


13,917 posts

216 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Jasandjules said:
Oh FFS if they'd not added that sodding thing on the side it would be a stunning building......

Now it looks like a visitor centre.
hehe It even echos like a visitor centre too!

...nice project - NOT my cup of tea.


3,972 posts

285 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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I like it, & as much as I didnt expect to say it I think she did a bloody good job.


Simpo Two

85,989 posts

268 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Steamer said:
I'm going to say "Looks like a pile of fking portacabins piled up against a Folly - filled with posh white goods"
I thought 'Portakabins' as well. I can't see how someone who likes Portkabins could like such a lovely old castle. Shiny but dreadful; all it needed in it was a line of Porsches.


15,366 posts

239 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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How on earth did they get planning permission for that when that bloke last week got hassle for his house being 3 feet too tall? It looks like a 1960s comprehensive tagged onto the side of a folly.

The main part of the building was nicely done as well. What a shame they couldn't have done the kitchen better!

Planet Claire

3,329 posts

212 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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I think it's great. Although have to agree with Kevin, I thought the second storey new build didn't look right.


2,313 posts

268 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Like the folly, the bolt-on porta cabins ruined it for me.


4,061 posts

220 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Autonotiv said:
Do you get the feeling kevin doesn't like her that much?
He's not the only one, she comes across (to me anyway) as a right stuck up cow. Whole thing smacks of keeing up with the Jones'.

As for the building, it's a bit clinical to me, seems to have lost any homeyness it had/could of had.

Coco H

4,237 posts

240 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Overall I liked it. I didn't like the second floor bathroom extension bit - did detract from the the folly. The cinema room in the old folly was suh a wonderful old room - great fireplace and windows. The living space in new bit was just too OTT and modern for my liking but my taste is horredously old fashioned.


26,140 posts

217 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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WildCards said:
Autonotiv said:
Do you get the feeling kevin doesn't like her that much?
He's not the only one, she comes across (to me anyway) as a right stuck up cow. Whole thing smacks of keeing up with the Jones'.

As for the building, it's a bit clinical to me, seems to have lost any homeyness it had/could of had.
Yes but you would, wouldn't you?


2,753 posts

211 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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asbo said:
So what do we reckon it cost all in?

I shouldn't think there'd be much change from £1,500,000.
that's exactly what i said


88,874 posts

287 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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I think the render on the outside should have been more of a honey colour, to match the stonework of the tower.


4,532 posts

225 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Paddy_n_Murphy said:
would of been LOVELY in Green OAK...........)
That would have been worth seeing. Without the second storey portacabin would have been better.
Folly is fantastic, but then I liked the other castle a couple of series ago.
And no garage that I could see - what were they thinking of?