Alien: Romulus



25,938 posts

170 months

Thursday 21st March
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I think the face hugger thing was one of the best bits in the trailer. We’ve seen singular ones in the past, but never really imagined how it might be when they will hatch at once. It looks terrifying.


130 posts

5 months

Thursday 21st March
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Apparently there are a few twists and turns in this film that they are trying to keep a lid on. One of these was revealed at the casting auditions.

Don't read this if you don't want any kind of spoiler.

This film has a link to David and Prometheus. Make of that what you will.


10,667 posts

194 months

Thursday 21st March
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It's dark, it's in space, there are facehuggers, pulse rifles and xenomorphs so the fundamentals are right.

A lot of the production hype was pushing the idea that the humans were a group of "young people", I don't know why, but it doesn't seem to harm it.

The Alien, or rather the fear of it lurking in dark corners is what makes the first two films work for me, even with Space Marines, Sentry Guns etc, the protagonists were terrified of the Aliens and that drove the film, later ones with the Alien in plain sight, jumping on spaceships etc, it was just another action film.

The OG Jester

185 posts

17 months

Thursday 21st March
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It will still be watched regardless!

However, if they wanted a great movie all they had to do was make Alien Isolation game into a movie and maybe change a couple of story arcs to keep the suspense as that is a belting story (and game).


1,695 posts

174 months

Thursday 21st March
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p1stonhead said:
So is the Prometheus story just over? Was anything at all ever really resolved or explained? I can’t honestly remember because those films were so frustratingly bad.

This looks ok but I’m conscious about how much they can get out of another ‘alien is in the ship with humans and they die one by one’ deal
Alien Convenant killed that storyline right away sadly.


3,677 posts

106 months

Thursday 21st March
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NelsonM3 said:
p1stonhead said:
So is the Prometheus story just over? Was anything at all ever really resolved or explained? I can’t honestly remember because those films were so frustratingly bad.

This looks ok but I’m conscious about how much they can get out of another ‘alien is in the ship with humans and they die one by one’ deal
Alien Convenant killed that storyline right away sadly.
There was supposed to be a third in that run but they canned it. TBH, whilst Prometheus was a disappointment I didn't mind it half as much the second or third time I watched it and Covenant is actually good. Much better than Prometheus and a decent film all round (IMO).

This one, set between the first two films looks much closer to the original in tone but with a larger "threat" than just one Alien. I'm looking forward to it.


1,272 posts

174 months

Thursday 21st March
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Self-confessed franchise obsessive here, and this'll make only the second ever Alien-universe film I watch on the big screen (after Covenant; won't count Prometheus as no truer Xenomorph features - too young for the others / AVP is a no-no).

Very excited, if a little worried that it'll be too teen-flick, or a CGI mess, or acted badly, or too far from the originals. This has promise though, from what I've seen and read so far.

I'd very much love to see this mythical next instalment materialise to complete the Ridley Scott trio, as I for one quite liked them so far - especially with the embryos stashed at the end of part two. David is up there as one of the greatest SciFi characters, or maybe movie villains, of all time IMO.

Hopefully future trailers don't oversell or reveal too much of this new one.


3,677 posts

106 months

Thursday 21st March
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Resolutionary said:
David is up there as one of the greatest SciFi characters, or maybe movie villains, of all time IMO.
Yeah I agree, he was properly terrifying in Covenant.


3,368 posts

143 months

Thursday 21st March
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I genuinely though Prometheus was a great film. In its own right too. Could be linked to the Alien films or not.


25,938 posts

170 months

Thursday 21st March
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Lincsls1 said:
I genuinely though Prometheus was a great film. In its own right too. Could be linked to the Alien films or not.
I can’t view it under any context except waiting for it for like 20 years.

Me and a friend went to the midnight viewing at the IMAX in London and couldn’t have been more disappointed when it was done.

Not a single Xeno in the entire film?! Robbed we were.


1,272 posts

174 months

Thursday 21st March
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C5_Steve said:
Resolutionary said:
David is up there as one of the greatest SciFi characters, or maybe movie villains, of all time IMO.
Yeah I agree, he was properly terrifying in Covenant.
Definitely. If nothing more, I'd like to see where a third instalment would take him specifically.

Lincsls1 said:
I genuinely though Prometheus was a great film. In its own right too. Could be linked to the Alien films or not.
Same - I watch it as regularly and with as much admiration as the first Alien flick. Maybe I'm weird. I love Alien 3 and Resurrection too..
Covenant was beautiful, but the cast let it down (much like many in Prometheus, with important exceptions).

As an aside, I hope there is more than a hint of Giger surrealism to this upcoming one. That alone did all the heavy lifting in the first.


18,916 posts

198 months

Thursday 21st March
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Prometheus was brilliant, I honestly love it.


192 posts

179 months

Thursday 21st March
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Thirded - Prometheus was brilliant. A really interesting take on how the xeno came to be with parallels for our own existence interwoven.

How many times can you see a xeno running round dimly lit corridors.

Hugely wasted opportunity not to continue the story from Prometheus. This looks incredibly lazy


4,061 posts

50 months

Thursday 21st March
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Str6mik said:
Thirded - Prometheus was brilliant. A really interesting take on how the xeno came to be with parallels for our own existence interwoven.

How many times can you see a xeno running round dimly lit corridors.

Hugely wasted opportunity not to continue the story from Prometheus. This looks incredibly lazy
Yeah again I liked Prometheus and wish they carried on the story in Covenant with Shaw and David interacting with the engineers and how it all started instead of bowing to fan pressure and going back to the same trope after killing them all off.
David was the saving grace of Covenant.


130 posts

5 months

Thursday 21st March
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Sorry but I don't like the storyline that David (and by extension humans) created the current xenomorphs.


18,916 posts

198 months

Thursday 21st March
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Love it when he quotes some of the Ozymandias poem, and he attributes it to the wrong poet. It shows he is defective.


7,050 posts

162 months

Thursday 21st March
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Prometheus looks fantastic.

As an actual story I loathed it on first viewing and still do. I could forgive the majority non characters, but not the inconsistency and dead ends.

Maybe there's a different cut that actually works. It's taking its time to arrive.


6,875 posts

129 months

Friday 22nd March
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I hope the Xenomorph has evolved to have a mouth in its mouth which itself has another mouth inside it.


296 posts

40 months

Friday 22nd March
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Maybe there's a vague hope that it might be closer to what Neill Blomkamp wanted to do instead of what Ridley Scott ended up excreting, but I sort of doubt it.

The Blomkamp Alien 5 would probably have looked great and stuck closer to canon - after all what people really want is more Alien/Aliens not something different.


9,103 posts

181 months

Friday 22nd March
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pidsy said:
Please let this be good!
My thoughts exactly. PLEASE!!!!