Who can recommend lesser known good films

Who can recommend lesser known good films



27,646 posts

261 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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anonymous said:

Do you like this tie pin? Do you like this car?


2,241 posts

240 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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greenie said:

excellent choice


3,232 posts

261 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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'face' was pretty good, also another vote for 'gangster number one' which i saw utterly by accident and also enjoyed. if you havent seen the film for 'clockwork orange' id give that a whirl also.
id also say go and watch both 'deathwatch' and 'the bunker'. both of those were only ok films but a good way to absorb a spare couple of hours after the pub.


2,241 posts

240 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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The Keep is another lesser know film, superb


2,253 posts

235 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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FourWheelDrift said:

WingChunDave said:

FourWheelDrift said:
Layer Cake.

I've heard some really dodgy things about Layer Cake.

Such as?

It's not like I've seen it myself so these comments are not IMHO

I heard that the film is shot extremely well and the camera work is magnificent, but I heard that the acting and particularly the script let it down in a big way. Storyline not as accomplished as Snatch and the director didn't get the best out of the actors.


88,873 posts

287 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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You'd better watch it yourself then.


595 posts

261 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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Made by the same people / company whatever that made Das Boot.

Excellent film.


580 posts

254 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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WingChunDave said:

FourWheelDrift said:

WingChunDave said:

FourWheelDrift said:
Layer Cake.

I've heard some really dodgy things about Layer Cake.

Such as?

It's not like I've seen it myself so these comments are not IMHO

I heard that the film is shot extremely well and the camera work is magnificent, but I heard that the acting and particularly the script let it down in a big way. Storyline not as accomplished as Snatch and the director didn't get the best out of the actors.

' Shagging birds is for poofs' - Best line I've heard for a bit tho' -


2,253 posts

235 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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FourWheelDrift said:
You'd better watch it yourself then.

I'd intended to but this was the opinion I'd received from a couple of people.

It's fairly cheap on DVD now so perhaps I'll get it.


2,253 posts

235 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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juk said:

' Shagging birds is for poofs' - Best line I've heard for a bit tho' -

This is the most memorable line I've heard recently.

From Sin City:

"When it comes to consoling 19-year-old girls, I'm about as expert as a palsy patient performing brain surgery with a pipe wrench."


16,484 posts

247 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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juk said:

' Shagging birds is for poofs' - Best line I've heard for a bit tho' -

Eh? Is this a "gay interest" film then? And just a tip, but I wouldn't go using that line on a night out either....


3,810 posts

243 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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I'd go for:

Taxi 2
Doberman (french film)
Dazed and confused
Sexy Beast



580 posts

254 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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anonymous said:

Thanks mate - & there's me thinking it would be a sure fire hit with the ladies.


3,367 posts

254 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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Whale Rider. Brilliant drama set within the restrictions and legacy of Maori culture.


291 posts

237 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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The Station Agent
Bad Taste (Early Peter Jackson splat fest)
They Live

Foreign Cinema

Old Boy


2,253 posts

235 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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ProPlus said:
I'd go for:

Taxi 2
Doberman (french film)
Dazed and confused
Sexy Beast


Taxi 3 is out too. Although I have yet to see it.

A bit for Taxi 1 and 2.


19,747 posts

231 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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Equilibrium was an ok film, would'nt go out of my way to watch it again.

Layer Cake was a very good film, and i wasn't expecting much given that i dont usually go for the "cockney gangster films". Must buy it on dvd.

One other i would go for is Ghost Dog : The Way Of The Samurai, just for all round funkyness


2,472 posts

252 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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Chopper. One of my all time favorites

Oh, and City of God. I used to live around the corner from where all of that was going on

>> Edited by Krusty on Thursday 23 June 11:21


3,810 posts

243 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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How about way of the gun?


27,646 posts

261 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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Krusty said:
Chopper. One of my all time favorites

Oh yeah, superb film there. You read any of his books? Despite being an utter psycho, the motivation behind his vigilante activities makes for intriguing readin. All his books have been Australian bestsellers. The main reason why he's not in prison is that the polica actually see him as a positive thing!