Clarkson’s Farm



10,973 posts

193 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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citizensm1th said:
Well this thread doesn't disappoint, it's just like the top gear threads of old.
What did you expect. It’s the same audience.


8,371 posts

140 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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Smollet said:
What did you expect. It’s the same audience.
I know, nowt as strange as folks


11,039 posts

184 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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xeny said:
Everything I know about farming I learnt from watching TG S09E05 and the original All Creatures Great and Small. Is there enough material in a year when you've more got the hang of things and don't have Covid to fill another 8 episodes?
I reckon so. Farming is a changeable thing.

Also it is not like he needs to do it, so he can afford to take some risks and try different things.


4,171 posts

156 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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I've watched the first two episodes and so far I think it's tremendous, up there with his best work. Looking forward to watching the rest, I hope it's a success and we get more seasons.

My brother worked in farming for years so I have some 2nd hand knowledge but I'm still finding it very educational about how the realities of the business actually work.


20,449 posts

234 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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djc206 said:
farmeryellow said:
As a born and bread Chadlington resident,
I have a high interest in this program.
I see and talk to Gerald every day, and yes I can understand what he is saying lol

The program is far better than what I was expecting so a thumbs up from me.
Kaleb is a top lad as well, There are plenty more characters in the village, most can be found in the tite inn.
Gerald seems great, always smiling and laughing. I reckon I can understand around 50% of what he’s saying.
I turned the subtitles on for that, and there were none for him hehe


57 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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Evoluzione said:
Condi said:
Evoluzione said:
I understand the reasoning perfectly well, but my point is he actually made things worse than they were before.
Maybe for a few months, but he's introduced a whole new environment (the pond) which will support far more life than was there before. Its a great thing for the environment.
He got someone in to identify if anything was living there then killed it all.
He pulled clay out of where it should have been left and threw it all over the top soil permanently ruining the environment.
The barn owl was happily living, guess where? Oh aye, in a barn. So it was offered some stupid brightly coloured MDF box facing the wrong way. If anything was ever daft enough to move in the thing will leak and rot away in no time anyhow.
Then there was a shot of his trophy blonde swimming through the murk of one of his filthy plant free puddles heading for a load of scum floating at one end. The camera then conveniently pulled away.
He then planted trees too shallow, at the wrong time of the year and in a drought where I think they died.
Playing with shops, tractors, land and plants was all well and good and great entertainment, but ffs sake, just leave the wildlife alone or do it sensitively and properly.
He genuinely did more harm than good there, it was doing better on its own before he messed it up.
Seems you know so much, since it was filmed in 2019/2020, what does the finished project look like?

Was it successful?


1,969 posts

211 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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ralphrj said:
ninja-lewis said:
rigga said:
I'm wondering what the farm's use was, before JC took over the running. He had someone running the place, but then retired, so what was he actually farming? Can't have been the same as Clarkson intended to do, otherwise there would have been the necessary machinery already there, or wouldn't there have been?
The auction he bought the equipment at was apparently his ex-tenant farmer's.
I think he said that the farm was run by a contract farmer. Either a tenant farmer renting land to work or another farmer leased the land to grow more crops in addition to their own.

It was mentioned that the previous farmer retired so it is plausible that the auction was the retiring farmer selling his (no longer needed) machinery.
And here it is Google maps......,+Chi...


44,669 posts

200 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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Random thing happened just a minute ago.

I was checking out the Google map link on my phone and it rang. The screen announced that the call originated in Chipping Norton!

Nope, not Jezza. Instead it was the PCGB trying to get me to rejoin.

The woman from PCGB told me about the day that Clarkson opened his farm shop. Apparently, he stood in the middle of the road with a megaphone, shouting at passing motorists.

She and her husband visited the following weekend, only to find the shop closed and apparently free of stock.

Edited by Blib on Monday 14th June 17:05

Leon R

3,253 posts

99 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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One episode in but I quite liked it, also seems like a good thread for this.


1,357 posts

51 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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Evoluzione said:
614-HSO said:
Evoluzione said:
Are Kaleb and Jacob related? Both have the same surnames.

I just got to the end and it's wrapped up with some heartwarming feelgood scenes along with the predictable figures of harsh reality.
You do wonder how they can move on from here to do another series or if it'll stay as a one-off....
A second series has been mentioned by Clarkson in one of the videos if this is a success, the thing is though, what happens to the farm when he is off filming Grand Tour.
Do you think they'll do anothe GT?
They are doing them yes, just no studio or track stuff, it is adventures only.

Evoluzione said:
Condi said:
Evoluzione said:
I understand the reasoning perfectly well, but my point is he actually made things worse than they were before.
Maybe for a few months, but he's introduced a whole new environment (the pond) which will support far more life than was there before. Its a great thing for the environment.
He got someone in to identify if anything was living there then killed it all.
He pulled clay out of where it should have been left and threw it all over the top soil permanently ruining the environment.
The barn owl was happily living, guess where? Oh aye, in a barn. So it was offered some stupid brightly coloured MDF box facing the wrong way. If anything was ever daft enough to move in the thing will leak and rot away in no time anyhow.
Then there was a shot of his trophy blonde swimming through the murk of one of his filthy plant free puddles heading for a load of scum floating at one end. The camera then conveniently pulled away.
He then planted trees too shallow, at the wrong time of the year and in a drought where I think they died.
Playing with shops, tractors, land and plants was all well and good and great entertainment, but ffs sake, just leave the wildlife alone or do it sensitively and properly.
He genuinely did more harm than good there, it was doing better on its own before he messed it up.
Wrong, wrong wrong wrong on sooooooooooooo many levels.

Do you know what Jezza is like, actually like? he's a man child he wants everything now, he thought about a shop and before he's thought it through he's on the phone to his builder pal.

What did he kill in the excavator the odd weevil maybe but that's all.

One thing Jezza is is not stupid, what he said to the land manger guy is what every bloke would have said, there are more rules in farming than you can shake a stick at, there is a law on compacting soil, I mean what are they on about! yes there was a little damage maybe but it would have gone in a week and the area is much more improved for insects and stuff.

The same with the trees, the house I live in backs onto a protected woodland, there used to be a carpet of bluebells but for insurance reasons they had to chop a lot of trees down close to the boundary, many of these were trees like Oaks and Chestnut but the trees that sprouted from their stumps were the sycamores and now you cannot get into the wood at all because they have taken over and there is no more bluebells, it's like a wasteland now, I bet you were one of them lot on Insta moaning at Jezza.

Jezza would know full well people would be on to him and he would have got the ok on what he was going to do, Harry Metcalfe has been talking about how he has been wanting to plant some trees for years but the government keep changing their minds but Jezza is in the position where he can actually afford to take some risks like he ploughed some crops to make it easier for insects and bees to get about, think of it as someone who is doing some out of the box thinking when it comes to farming.


1,357 posts

51 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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monthefish said:
djc206 said:
farmeryellow said:
As a born and bread Chadlington resident,
I have a high interest in this program.
I see and talk to Gerald every day, and yes I can understand what he is saying lol

The program is far better than what I was expecting so a thumbs up from me.
Kaleb is a top lad as well, There are plenty more characters in the village, most can be found in the tite inn.
Gerald seems great, always smiling and laughing. I reckon I can understand around 50% of what he’s saying.
I turned the subtitles on for that, and there were none for him hehe
That is classic Clarkson, like the name for his honey "Bee juice" it is what it says it is.


10,973 posts

193 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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I really enjoyed. I hope there’s another series. Odd that his COVID episode wasn’t mentioned though.


26,761 posts

176 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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614-HSO said:
That is classic Clarkson, like the name for his honey "Bee juice" it is what it says it is.
No it isn't.

404 Page not found

15,437 posts

203 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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super7 said:
What's with all the cars parked in the field? Is that shop traffic?


1,266 posts

213 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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404 Page not found said:
super7 said:
What's with all the cars parked in the field? Is that shop traffic?
As the crow flies, the shop is 2 miles north of those cars in the field, next to the caravan park.

Looking at it again, just to the west is a load of farm equipment, that looks like an aerial shot of the auction.


4,312 posts

193 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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Dyl said:
404 Page not found said:
super7 said:
What's with all the cars parked in the field? Is that shop traffic?
As the crow flies, the shop is 2 miles north of those cars in the field, next to the caravan park.

Looking at it again, just to the west is a load of farm equipment, that looks like an aerial shot of the auction.
Indeed -


7,904 posts

83 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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2 episodes in. It's bloody great. I had no clue his farm was 1000 acres.

Also was surprised that Lambo tractor was 40k. I was expect 2-3 times that.

Really eye opening as well to see how hard and knife edge farming is. All the cost for the equipment and materials and a string of bad weather can massively reduce your yield.

The stone wall guy is hilarious. Couldn't understand a word he was saying.

Plus the size of the bks on those rams yikes


17,457 posts

174 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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Scabutz said:
Also was surprised that Lambo tractor was 40k. I was expect 2-3 times that.
He bought it second hand. Wasn't new.


1,218 posts

229 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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Thought this was his farm:

You can see the long low building and raised beds.


8,905 posts

161 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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'Kaleb goes outside the Cotswolds' should be made into a series....