A What's that Film Thread?


Whats on Second

732 posts

36 months

Sunday 10th April 2022
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3 oz films,

made in the 60s, comedy/drama about the upcoming general election where the likelihood of a labour victory
is either a triumph or a disaster for australia, not sure why it got a release in the UK, remember seeing as a kid and was bored out of my trousers.

maybe 1980s , comedy set in aussie rules football were a new bumpkin player from the outback spins a yarn that he's been bonking his sister for years [ as you do ] leading to much hilarity.

a couple go on a trip to a remote beach, where things go off kilter, a dead sea creature gets washed up, a camper van is floating offshore and nature seems to not want them there, things get worse. not a happy ending, nice little thriller actually.

Edited by Whats on Second on Sunday 10th April 18:07

Professor Barney

179 posts

128 months

Sunday 10th April 2022
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Whats on Second said:
maybe 1980s , comedy set in aussie rules football were a new bumpkin player from the outback spins a yarn that he's been bonking his sister for years [ as you do ] leading to much hilarity.
I think this one might have been 'The Club' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Club_(1980_film)


1,195 posts

130 months

Monday 11th April 2022
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Whats on Second said:
3 oz films,

a couple go on a trip to a remote beach, where things go off kilter, a dead sea creature gets washed up, a camper van is floating offshore and nature seems to not want them there, things get worse. not a happy ending, nice little thriller actually.

Edited by Whats on Second on Sunday 10th April 18:07
I've been trying to remember name of this film for years! I think it was a turtle washed up. Great film if memory serves.

Maybe this one: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079482/

Edited by ozzuk on Monday 11th April 12:27


1,195 posts

130 months

Monday 11th April 2022
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ozzuk said:
I've been trying to remember name of this film for years! I think it was a turtle washed up. Great film if memory serves.

Maybe this one: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079482/

Interestingly the film was remade in 2008 starring Jim Caviezel when his career was tanking (before he got PoI).

Edited by ozzuk on Monday 11th April 12:27

Whats on Second

732 posts

36 months

Friday 15th April 2022
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ozzuk said:
I've been trying to remember name of this film for years! I think it was a turtle washed up. Great film if memory serves.

Maybe this one: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079482/

Edited by ozzuk on Monday 11th April 12:27
that's it, well done.

Wacky Racer

38,458 posts

250 months

Monday 2nd May 2022
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Professor Barney said:
I've been thinking about a film I saw in the late 80's / early 90's on the TV, possibly channel 4.

The scene I remember is a car on an empty road - it beeps its horn and then falls down an old mineshaft that opens up underneath it. The whole scene is shot in a kind of sepia colour scheme, and there may have been a constant hum of industrial noise in the background.

I've a feeling it may be Eraserhead, but frankly I've no intention of watching that again just to find out :-).
Definitely not Eraserhead.


1,635 posts

30 months

Monday 2nd May 2022
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sicarumba said:
I'm glad I found this sticky thread because I was about to start my own.

Apologies but this really isn't a lot to go on. I'm about 95% convinced it was a film but it could have been a TV series. It feels like it could have been late 80s / early 90s based on how long I've been quoting it and to whom. I can only remember this one speech and I think I have it fairly accurate. It goes "You know who's responsible for this, don't you? You KNOW who's responsible for this, don't you? You. That's who. You. Nobody else. You. You."

In my head it's said in an Italian/American accent - think Robert DeNiro or similar. There's real emphasis on the word "responsible". Variations on the line could well have been used more than once throughout the show. It could have been during a car journey. It's not Seinfeld.

Does anyone have any idea before I drive myself to petty crime?
Hanging with the Homeboys.

It's Vinnie (who thinks he's Italian) moaning to Willie about Jonny coming out with them that night because he's always on a downer and spoils their night.

Good film.


401 posts

166 months

Tuesday 3rd May 2022
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originals said:
Hanging with the Homeboys.

It's Vinnie (who thinks he's Italian) moaning to Willie about Jonny coming out with them that night because he's always on a downer and spoils their night.

Good film.
You have no idea the sense of relief I now feel, no longer having to rack my brain trying to think of this. Thank you so much.


1,635 posts

30 months

Tuesday 3rd May 2022
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sicarumba said:
originals said:
Hanging with the Homeboys.

It's Vinnie (who thinks he's Italian) moaning to Willie about Jonny coming out with them that night because he's always on a downer and spoils their night.

Good film.
You have no idea the sense of relief I now feel, no longer having to rack my brain trying to think of this. Thank you so much.
My pleasure.


It's mentioned throughout the film though.

Sideways Tim

900 posts

189 months

Friday 2nd September 2022
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On a slightly different tangent, I was walking near Seven Sisters at Cuckmere Haven in 2018 (Augustish I think) and there was filming going on. It was massive - a huge amount of trailers, artics, containers and lots of official looking people, even a canteen with a very impressive menu.

The bit I saw being filmed involved a Ferrari and a Alfa being parked outside the coastguard cottages.

I can't find any film or TV program that fits the bill - any ideas what I saw being made?


4,443 posts

261 months

Sunday 4th September 2022
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Sideways Tim said:
On a slightly different tangent, I was walking near Seven Sisters at Cuckmere Haven in 2018 (Augustish I think) and there was filming going on. It was massive - a huge amount of trailers, artics, containers and lots of official looking people, even a canteen with a very impressive menu.

The bit I saw being filmed involved a Ferrari and a Alfa being parked outside the coastguard cottages.

I can't find any film or TV program that fits the bill - any ideas what I saw being made?

Sideways Tim

900 posts

189 months

Sunday 4th September 2022
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Gompo said:
The timing is in the right frame, but Summerland doesn't have a modern Ferrari and Alfa in it does it?


4,443 posts

261 months

Sunday 4th September 2022
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Sideways Tim said:
The timing is in the right frame, but Summerland doesn't have a modern Ferrari and Alfa in it does it?
Unlikely, although I've not seen it and was just a quick web search. You didn't mention they were modern cars previously, but they probably weren't a regular sight in 1940 regardless!


927 posts

204 months

Sunday 4th September 2022
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Gnits said:
This one has been bugging me for years...
Set in 70's /early 80's in UK in the country (Dartmoor / Yorkshire, somehwere with a moor?). There is a fox hunt and the main antagonist splits from the main hunt and rides through some woods where he is knocked off his horse by the branch of a tree and starts coughing blood. Still deternined to catch the fox he carries on on foot to the den which is on a moor (I think) he crawls into the den and opens a penknife to kill the fox and its cubs but succumbs to his injuries, the end.
Turns out this was The Belstone Fox.

de Sade

64 posts

204 months

Sunday 27th November 2022
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Bit late to this party but the Aus election film was "Don's party",had a lot of excellent australian actors in it.


26,417 posts

176 months

Friday 23rd December 2022
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Didn't see this thread before I started my own so I'll copy my post here.

Mods feel free to delete my thread.

My brother and I were reminiscing about a film we had on tape as kids. We can only remember one scene. It will have been from the late 70's or more likely the 80's. A sci-fi or dystopian fantasy.

The scene is a woman (99% sure) and a man handcuffed together with a chain connecting them. They're sword fighting. The woman wins and chops off the hand of the opponent which is left hanging in the handcuff. 'She' then swings it round above her head covering those watching in blood spatter.

That's all we can remember.

Currently ruled out:

Kill Bill (too recent but the right vibe)
Running Man
Red Sonja (really thought we had it with that one)

It could be some really obscure B movie and we'll never know. Seem to remember it being set in space on another world but that could be a red herring.


20,099 posts

189 months

Friday 23rd December 2022
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Ice pirates?


1,555 posts

204 months

Wednesday 28th December 2022
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Film set in the Southern states during the Civil War.
2 Confederate horsemen are thrilled to see a column of their cavalry ahead & ride up to them cheering.
When they meet up the leading rider removes a glove & beats the grey dust off his uniform to reveal the navy blue of the Union uniform.


21,892 posts

207 months

Wednesday 28th December 2022
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Film that starts off with a guy on a ledge several floors up on a building as he had to, “leave” when his lovers husband returns.
Film then starts at the beginning as the ledge scene was at the end of the film.

If I recall there was a French and an American version both of which were enjoyable.

The lead in the American version may have been Gene Wilder. Probably 1970’s.


726 posts

23 months

Wednesday 28th December 2022
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julianm said:
Film set in the Southern states during the Civil War.
2 Confederate horsemen are thrilled to see a column of their cavalry ahead & ride up to them cheering.
When they meet up the leading rider removes a glove & beats the grey dust off his uniform to reveal the navy blue of the Union uniform.
Wasn't that the good the bad and the ugly?