Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan

Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan



27,155 posts

164 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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Excellent episode. Next weeks looks good as well. I've always thought they should shown more of the tardis. Its not just a control room. There have been references to other area's in the tardis before.


7,820 posts

181 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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Thought this was a cracking episode, particularly after the last two which were really disappointing.

Best bit for me was when Clara turned round to suddenly see herself standing there ... and they then cut away from that to leave us wondering for the next few minutes.


73,668 posts

258 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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Strax? Was Strax in it? Need more Strax.


88,902 posts

287 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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davepoth said:
First bit in the bubble universe, just after he takes his bowtie off, it was back again.
I think he took it off to tie the door, door disapoeared tie dropped to the floor, we saw it on the floor then he puts it back on. They just didn't show him putting it back on as that would have been a waste of time in a 3/4hr show smile


8,528 posts

244 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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Much better, paced well and the Doctor tied up the loose ends. He still cannot find anything "wrong" with Clara though. As for the "Ice" in his heart. We know He is still hurting from the loss of Rory and Amy. This is not helped by the appearance of a girl who seems to be in three time zones at once.


29,395 posts

202 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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FourWheelDrift said:
I think he took it off to tie the door, door disapoeared tie dropped to the floor, we saw it on the floor then he puts it back on. They just didn't show him putting it back on as that would have been a waste of time in a 3/4hr show smile
37:50ish on the iPlayer. I just looked. And yes, I really do have that little to do on a Sunday morning. wink


2,063 posts

211 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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Best episode of the series thus far for me, a really good Dr Who story line. However if Mr. "thing" jumped on to the Tardis and came back to 1974 to hook up with Mrs. Thing, then there was no explanation as to where they went then. I imagine the things were then in the wrong time zone then.


20,819 posts

207 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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Bedazzled said:
Yes, I've got a faint memory of an episode I watched as a kid when Tom Baker unpicked his scarf so they could find their way back from the centre of the Tardis...?
I remember a few episodes around that time where we saw other areas of the TARDIS, including some of the companions bedrooms, and an indoor garden


7,426 posts

260 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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Bedazzled said:
Yes, I've got a faint memory of an episode I watched as a kid when Tom Baker unpicked his scarf so they could find their way back from the centre of the Tardis...?

It was Peter Davison who was unpicking the scarf, as having just regenerated his mind was shot, and he didn't want to get lost while trying to find the Zero Room nerd


11,042 posts

179 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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NBTBRV8 said:
Best episode of the series thus far for me, a really good Dr Who story line. However if Mr. "thing" jumped on to the Tardis and came back to 1974 to hook up with Mrs. Thing, then there was no explanation as to where they went then. I imagine the things were then in the wrong time zone then.
Didn't he say "I can take you somewhere safe" or words to that effect? Presumably, he took them to an appropriate time/place...

It's a kids programme, don't expect everything to make sense biggrin

Can we expect the Gay Pride Cybermen to make a reappearance this series?



27,155 posts

164 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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Bedazzled said:
98elise said:
Excellent episode. Next weeks looks good as well. I've always thought they should shown more of the tardis. Its not just a control room. There have been references to other area's in the tardis before.
Yes, I've got a faint memory of an episode I watched as a kid when Tom Baker unpicked his scarf so they could find their way back from the centre of the Tardis...?
I'm pretty sure I saw the second control room in an episode of the same era. In more recent times a swimming pool, a library, and a garage have been mentioned. We also saw Amy and Rory's bedroom, with bunk beds smile


Original Poster:

34,302 posts

220 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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Season finale is apparently called 'The name of The Doctor' and Moffat promises a big secret WILL be revealed.

But I'll bet it's not that one! biggrin


1,214 posts

213 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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Rule 1: The Moff lies


23,563 posts

239 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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The Clara story was nicely moved along? How?


5,754 posts

164 months

Sunday 21st April 2013
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I still reckon she is somehow related to Captain Jack.


73,668 posts

258 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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LukeSi said:
I still reckon she is somehow related to Captain Jack.
On that note, I started watching the US Torchwood series. Only 2 episodes in, but doesn't seem as daft.


17,199 posts

193 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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TheHeretic said:
LukeSi said:
I still reckon she is somehow related to Captain Jack.
On that note, I started watching the US Torchwood series. Only 2 episodes in, but doesn't seem as daft.
The one where no one dies?

Give it time.


73,668 posts

258 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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MiniMan64 said:
The one where no one dies?

Give it time.


8,528 posts

244 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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The Cybermen in the next but two episode have been re designed. I expect they will not be Cyber industries versions.

Edited by telecat on Monday 22 April 15:25


44,591 posts

200 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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Useless fact time.

My daughter's very best friend made it to the final two to be the new Dr Who companion. She is the spitting image of the girl who got the job. But Emer is almost six foot tall and Matt Smith, who had a say in who was picked, decided on the other girl.

My 11 year old stepson is still gutted.
