Grand Designs On Now Ch4



6,755 posts

266 months

Sunday 8th February 2009
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I normally like the stuff on Grand Designs but this build did nothing for me at all. I find the shape of it awkward, and lacking in focus. Folly is the best word to describe it, but without the personality that is usually associated with such buildings.

The footage certainly made it seem much more remote than shown in the subsequent photos!


22,803 posts

204 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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according to the tv guide this weeks in the one that was supposed to go out as episode 1 - the folly in newport. had a flick through the GD mag in tesco and it looks like this will be the highlight of the series.


1,285 posts

200 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
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found this ...

Lotty. Personally I don't like the house - but that is irrelevant for our purposes - it could the an architectural masterpiece but the fact is it looms over us invading our privacy and blocking our sunlight - and on the north side of a hill that matters a great deal. From the Bridge (AKA the "viewing gallery"!) he can see right into our house and over look most of our property.

The programme gave a false impression regarding the balconies - the only one he has to delete from the scheme is the top floor one at the front - though we fully expect him to put it on anyway - and given the state of the council they will probably do nothing about it (but we will!).

Bob - yes we did know about the planning permission when we moved in- but the whole point is that it was planning permission for a house at the very least 2 metres lower than it is - i.e the whole house was supposed to be at a much lower level - the documentation accompanying the application specifically stated that ALL the windows on the side that faces our house would be "below the level of the adjoining house - which would have actually meant that in theory we would have barely been able to see it over the fence. in actual fact - not only do the plans and the design statement for that permission not match - but the various drawings don't agree with each other either. You might ask why we didnt spot all this at the time - to which I would answer - is it reasonable that you should have to check when you buy a house not only if there is planning permission, but also if the council did their job properly when they granted that permission?? - I think the legal term would be that we had a reasonable assumption of competence in the council. Alas woefully mistaken

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Yesterday, 01:05 #395
Forum Member

Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 17 Yes - we did prohibit them from showing our house - however that is no defence as they did in fact show our house.

We also prohibited them from giving details that would enable the identification of either our location or identity - they did so. Given some of the more oafish comments floating about on the forums - suggesting physical violence or arson directed toward us and our property for example - my wife is extremely upset as you might imagine. I expect a public apology from both channel 4 and grand designs, together with a not inconsiderable level of compensation for the stress they have put us through - over and above in the hell we have gone through in the least three years as a result of what has taken place.

Mobile Chicane

20,920 posts

215 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Tonight's episode looks interesting:

"Kevin McCloud follows the progress of Brighton couple Daren Howarth and Adi Nortje, who want to build an earth-sheltered home from recycled materials, based on ideas pioneered in New Mexico in the 1970s. However, land prices and planning laws have forced the pair out of England and into Brittany. To keep costs down, Daren and Adi enlist the help of unskilled volunteers to work on the home, in exchange for teaching them the construction techniques"

Mud, hippies and The French. hehe

My money's on an unmitigated disaster.


22,803 posts

204 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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haven't they done that before? the mexican insipration being earthship?


27,631 posts

219 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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So we're back to repeats already?