The real italian job



9,586 posts

246 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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escargot said:
Now now children. It's a School night, time for bed eh?
I'm with you snaily. I don't think ive seen things turn like this in a long time. James Martin as celeb chefs go does not have an ego from what I have seen of his other work and read about.

Now Ramsey, Burton Race, Pierre White are different kettles of fish.


4,108 posts

234 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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Rocky Balboa said:
Just watched this, sorry but James Martin comes across as a complete and utter tit!
I disagree, it was his life dream, and he threw in a load of money for it to come to nothing - plus he has perhaps the most annoying wife/girlfriend EVER...

Best of luck to him for next year. smile


4,531 posts

226 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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i feel sorry for the bloke, he seems to have been ed over at every opportunity, spending that much money of the rebuild and it last less then 200 miles. it seems he has been badly advised or gone into this not knowing what to do and who to talk to to get it done properly. i hope he finds the money to have another go and then sells the car and makes his money.

he likes his cars.. that makes him ok in my book.


4,616 posts

218 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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I have briefly met the guy and he is a genuine petrolhead. It has been edited (it is the beeb afterall) to make him look edgy. I think that the programme was good. All some people want to do on this forum is sg everything off regardless.


8,422 posts

196 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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Just read through this thread and glad I turned over when I heard the line "they didn't have airbags back then so people died" - really didn't want to have my intelligence insulted anymore - another example of people who know nothing about cars making car shows.


20,120 posts

216 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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bigmanteebs said:
All some people want to do on this forum is sg everything off regardless.
Maybe we'd like a car program about cars not personalities. Seems to be asking a bit much these days.


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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this programme made me feel violently ill

the enormity of his self-pity and total loss of perspective on the world was so embarrasing, cringeworthy and so completely and disgustingly self-absorbed and distasteful

get a grip !

some people in this world would give limbs just to have the clean air and water that you enjoy every waking day of your life... never mind completing teh friggin mungo miglia or whatever the fk it is


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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jackal said:
this programme made me feel violently ill

the enormity of his self-pity and total loss of perspective on the world was so embarrasing, cringeworthy and so completely and disgustingly self-absorbed and distasteful

get a grip !

some people in this world would give limbs just to have the clean air and water that you enjoy every waking day of your life... never mind completing teh friggin mungo miglia or whatever the fk it is
wtf. go back to sleep. what a stupid post. you have completely missed the point.


13,986 posts

197 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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PumaPower said:
jackal said:
this programme made me feel violently ill

the enormity of his self-pity and total loss of perspective on the world was so embarrasing, cringeworthy and so completely and disgustingly self-absorbed and distasteful

get a grip !

some people in this world would give limbs just to have the clean air and water that you enjoy every waking day of your life... never mind completing teh friggin mungo miglia or whatever the fk it is
wtf. go back to sleep. what a stupid post. you have completely missed the point.
Wow, i agree with you...


31,319 posts

244 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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jackal said:
never mind completing teh friggin mungo miglia or whatever the fk it is
Is this a motoring forum?... I swear it was. Sounds more like the greenpeace forum right now.

It was a cheap program about a bloke buying a car he couldn't afford and doing a race he wasn't prepared for. With a background of some nice cars.

Sounds alright to me.


13,277 posts

206 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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jackal said:
teh friggin mungo miglia or whatever the fk it is
Get out.


13,986 posts

197 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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Munter said:
jackal said:
never mind completing teh friggin mungo miglia or whatever the fk it is
Is this a motoring forum?... I swear it was. Sounds more like the greenpeace forum right now.

It was a cheap program about a bloke buying a car he couldn't afford and doing a race he wasn't prepared for. With a background of some nice cars.

Sounds alright to me.
He's been a member for 98 months too yikes


4,108 posts

234 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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jackal said:
some people in this world would give limbs just to have the clean air and water that you enjoy every waking day of your life... never mind completing teh friggin mungo miglia or whatever the fk it is
What? He worked hard and wanted to fulfil a dream. Don't have a go at James because others are stupid enough to have kids and believe they can grow crops in a desert...

It's a shame the BBC have made him look like a wally. rolleyes


3,308 posts

230 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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What an utterly amazing experience.....

Future Dream ... Tick

Now having looked through the Mille Miglia list for 2008, it appears some machines under 40k crept in, whats the chance of buying said model and getting it into a future MM.

Does it require past experience in MM?

Surely something that is on any petrol heads dream list to achieve and partake in.

Edited by V6Alfisti on Sunday 28th December 22:45


13,926 posts

216 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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jackal said:
this programme made me feel violently ill...
I was actually thinking that maybe you would volunteer to produce a pistonheads version that actually focused on the event, the cars, the history, the driving... infact everything that the BBC version missed! boxedin

Youve all got to admit it was pretty dross, regardless of your own personal views of the chef bloke.


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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Steamer said:
jackal said:
this programme made me feel violently ill...
I was actually thinking that maybe you would volunteer to produce a pistonheads version that actually focused on the event, the cars, the history, the driving... infact everything that the BBC version missed! boxedin

Youve all got to admit it was pretty dross, regardless of your own personal views of the chef bloke.
seeing the cars was fabulous


she dropped a right clanger when she got angry and snarled "its your fault, you broke it"

he disguised it well but i dont think that went down too well !


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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Top gear, car program, HIGNFY(clarkson), NMTB(clarkson)....


2,265 posts

217 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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Money or no Money i do think the passion was there.

Badly made program.

The boys done ok and i would not say no to his garage and/or GF hehe, fair play to him!

Had some decent women, i must learn to cook hehe


738 posts

203 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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jackal said:
this programme made me feel violently ill

the enormity of his self-pity and total loss of perspective on the world was so embarrasing, cringeworthy and so completely and disgustingly self-absorbed and distasteful

get a grip !

some people in this world would give limbs just to have the clean air and water that you enjoy every waking day of your life... never mind completing teh friggin mungo miglia or whatever the fk it is
Violently ill!!! C'mon now your been silly?


8,413 posts

244 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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Steamer said:
jackal said:
this programme made me feel violently ill...
I was actually thinking that maybe you would volunteer to produce a pistonheads version that actually focused on the event, the cars, the history, the driving... infact everything that the BBC version missed! boxedin

Youve all got to admit it was pretty dross, regardless of your own personal views of the chef bloke.
They obviously only got 120 miles of film of him 'racing' so had to fill the hour (what would have been the other 780 miles) with the 'before' stuff - I think they were probably salvaging a watchable programme from an unfortunate situation.

If he's had completed it there would have been much more about the race. Unfortunately a programme just about the MM either wouldnt get made (by the green BBC) or would be on ITV8 at 3am.