Mr Bates vs The Post Office



17,134 posts

243 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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This copulating cluster is a great example of how our checks and balances aren’t fit for purpose: broad sweeping powers & lack of proper oversight posited on the absurd basis that the organs of power are always right. A view reinforced by the abject failure to hold any of those involved to account.

I’d hope this was a “never again” moment, but I suspect it will be - at best - a case of the “few bad apples” defence and no change.

The Wookie

14,004 posts

231 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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I knew what happened with horizon was bad and that peoples lives were ruined but fking hell I didn’t realise the negligence and persecution was as wilful and needless as it was.

What on earth was wrong with all of them. Lying, evil bds, from the auditors to the CEO.

It genuinely upsets me.


4,735 posts

237 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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It is shocking that a public body is more interested in protecting it's 'reputation' than establishing the truth. Disgraceful.

bad company

18,988 posts

269 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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A friend of mine ran our village Post Office and was a victim so I feel involved. He pleaded guilty to avoid jail then relocated to avoid the shame. He has since been acquitted but still very damaged mentally and financially.

Makes me so angry. mad


2,563 posts

148 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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I'm finding it intresting that Adam Crozier who was head of the post office at the time isn't referred to in this programme.
Maybe due to him leaving the aroyal Mail and becoming head of ITV whilst they made this programme.

If so that needs it's own investigation. He's coming across as a bit of a pr#ck


410 posts

18 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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mikebradford said:
I'm finding it intresting that Adam Crozier who was head of the post office at the time isn't referred to in this programme.
Maybe due to him leaving the aroyal Mail and becoming head of ITV whilst they made this programme.

If so that needs it's own investigation. He's coming across as a bit of a pr#ck
I thought the woman was head of PO?


2,563 posts

148 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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tele_lover said:
mikebradford said:
I'm finding it intresting that Adam Crozier who was head of the post office at the time isn't referred to in this programme.
Maybe due to him leaving the aroyal Mail and becoming head of ITV whilst they made this programme.

If so that needs it's own investigation. He's coming across as a bit of a pr#ck
I thought the woman was head of PO?
My mistake.
Likely different levels of responsibility he's was ceo of royal mail, and she was ceo of the post office.
He must have had some involvement, and his lack of reference in the programme puzzling.
Here's his wiki page

Edited by mikebradford on Tuesday 2nd January 22:56

Edited by mikebradford on Tuesday 2nd January 22:57

The Count

3,282 posts

266 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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ZX10R NIN said:
tele_lover said:
Not something I'd normally bother with but in this case I've signed & shared, I encourage anyone who's watching this to do the same.
Me too.

Bonefish Blues

27,690 posts

226 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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road hog

2,566 posts

216 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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Signed if she had any decency she should just hand it in .

Vile evil.


3,247 posts

130 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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The Count said:
ZX10R NIN said:
tele_lover said:
Not something I'd normally bother with but in this case I've signed & shared, I encourage anyone who's watching this to do the same.
Me too.
And me.


363 posts

163 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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Also signed it, scumbags


410 posts

18 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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Shared with LinkedIn connections, some of whom are quite vocal.


2,273 posts

36 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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Hard to believe a British Company could do this, even worse that they expected to get away with it


102 posts

225 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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and31 said:
The Count said:
ZX10R NIN said:
tele_lover said:
Not something I'd normally bother with but in this case I've signed & shared, I encourage anyone who's watching this to do the same.
Me too.
And me.

Had listened to a podcast about this and bored a couple of friends about the appalling cover up/ denials; the quality of the acting brought the whole thing to life for people who perhaps haven’t heard the story before. Well done to all involved in bringing it to ‘prime time’.


1,352 posts

36 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Ehco all the comments made regarding this travesty of jus .....Hah, justice. This caught my attention in a sidebar, the real Alan Bates. Respect, what a gent.


8,083 posts

216 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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mikebradford said:
tele_lover said:
mikebradford said:
I'm finding it intresting that Adam Crozier who was head of the post office at the time isn't referred to in this programme.
Maybe due to him leaving the aroyal Mail and becoming head of ITV whilst they made this programme.

If so that needs it's own investigation. He's coming across as a bit of a pr#ck
I thought the woman was head of PO?
My mistake.
Likely different levels of responsibility he's was ceo of royal mail, and she was ceo of the post office.
He must have had some involvement, and his lack of reference in the programme puzzling.
Here's his wiki page

Did you even look at the dates on the pic you posted? Crozier was at ITV from 2010-2017 and in the time this show was filmed / produced by ITV he was already at BT from 2021 so not sure how he's influenced ITV during production?

RM and PO were part of the same group until April '12 which is when Vince Cable split them as part of full privatisation / sell off of Royal Mail. However from 2001 - 2012 they were still operated as 2 separate entities with 2 completely different boards & control during the time this went on which would explain the lack of RM reference as this all happened directly under PO board / control.

Anyway aside from that very good show, acting, etc, highlighting what a wholly disgusting situation this was and effectively still is given how it's still not been sorted, compensated correctly, etc.


1,763 posts

210 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Muzzer79 said:
I was watching with the OH last night and commented how the victims of this must have a huge compensation claim at least ongoing.

But I've done some more research and learned that the Post Office paid out £57m in damages in 2019 (of which £46m was for legal fees) to 555 claimants and have basically said they don't have the money for any more. The Government have therefore had to step in to assist further claims.

First the Post Office rip them off, then their own legal team rip them off £46 million.

What a fecked up Country we live in. Oh! must not say that I need to get a sense of proportion. £46 million!



510 posts

151 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Signed after episode 1.just finished 4. What a complete and utter bunch of bds. Hopefully the st will hit the fan now and something will done SOON to end this utter disgrace


9,378 posts

222 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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kestral said:
Muzzer79 said:
I was watching with the OH last night and commented how the victims of this must have a huge compensation claim at least ongoing.

But I've done some more research and learned that the Post Office paid out £57m in damages in 2019 (of which £46m was for legal fees) to 555 claimants and have basically said they don't have the money for any more. The Government have therefore had to step in to assist further claims.

First the Post Office rip them off, then their own legal team rip them off £46 million.

What a fecked up Country we live in. Oh! must not say that I need to get a sense of proportion. £46 million!

They didn’t “rip them off”, as far as I am aware it was a ‘no win, no fee arrangement’. Given these guys had no money and were going up against the Post Office who dragged every heal they had, they expensed significant resources to help them at least get it through court properly.

In turn, that case has also opened the doors to (hopefully) a much larger settlement for them in the long term.

I agree the numbers are obscene, but it’s important to understand these were not some back street lawyers chasing an ambulance.