Jonny Smith's Late Brake Show...


G Thang

327 posts

31 months

Monday 4th March
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WPA said:
Interesting barn find on the Mini's, not sure why Jonny kept calling the later one a Mini One Cooper also does anybody else cringe when he washes a barn find then puts it back in a damp garage.
I cringe when he starts cars without changing the oil.


10,973 posts

193 months

Monday 4th March
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G Thang said:
WPA said:
Interesting barn find on the Mini's, not sure why Jonny kept calling the later one a Mini One Cooper also does anybody else cringe when he washes a barn find then puts it back in a damp garage.
I cringe when he starts cars without changing the oil.
He did say the oil was fine.

G Thang

327 posts

31 months

Monday 4th March
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Smollet said:
He did say the oil was fine.
I still cringe.


1,107 posts

66 months

Monday 4th March
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WPA said:
Interesting barn find on the Mini's, not sure why Jonny kept calling the later one a Mini One Cooper also does anybody else cringe when he washes a barn find then puts it back in a damp garage.
Better left dirty in my view, just remove any crap likely to fall inside somewhere it shouldn't go .


10,973 posts

193 months

Monday 4th March
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N111BJG said:
WPA said:
Interesting barn find on the Mini's, not sure why Jonny kept calling the later one a Mini One Cooper also does anybody else cringe when he washes a barn find then puts it back in a damp garage.
Better left dirty in my view, just remove any crap likely to fall inside somewhere it shouldn't go .
I suspect they'll be on auction soon.


1,256 posts

155 months

Monday 4th March
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WPA said:
Interesting barn find on the Mini's, not sure why Jonny kept calling the later one a Mini One Cooper also does anybody else cringe when he washes a barn find then puts it back in a damp garage.
I'm not sure why he still thought it might be injected with an SU carb sat right in front of him, and yes the MINI One was a different model.

This isn't a criticism of the videos, I like what he does, just might be good if he took someone with specific knowledge with him off camera, extra help for clearing up and a few pointers on what he is looking at smile


26,783 posts

176 months

Monday 4th March
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Wasn't a good one IMO.

Gives it a scratch and shine and then promptly pushes it back into the garage, what's that all about?

The Mini was also very clearly carb'd and not fuel injected and as mentioned a Cooper One wasn't a thing, I expect higher levels of geekery.

It was just too rushed. I know he's talked about the cost to produce the vidoes but you could see he was getting exasperated just trying to get the garage door open (that was the bluntest chainsaw ive ever seen), I presume because it was already getting late.

It was dark by the time he actually got to washing it, let alone the tinkering and at the end there was no pay-off for either vehicle.


12,045 posts

233 months

Monday 4th March
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The condition of the Cooper is remarkable.

I had that exact model in 1995, I got it when it was 5 years old and I think had only just clicked over 10k miles. It was starting to rust in the seams and a few other places then.

Really enjoyed it. Got to love Jonny trying the undo the carb dashpot and saying he doesn't think its fuel injected.


9,305 posts

117 months

Monday 4th March
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ChocolateFrog said:
Wasn't a good one IMO.

Gives it a scratch and shine and then promptly pushes it back into the garage, what's that all about?

The Mini was also very clearly carb'd and not fuel injected and as mentioned a Cooper One wasn't a thing, I expect higher levels of geekery.

It was just too rushed. I know he's talked about the cost to produce the vidoes but you could see he was getting exasperated just trying to get the garage door open (that was the bluntest chainsaw ive ever seen), I presume because it was already getting late.

It was dark by the time he actually got to washing it, let alone the tinkering and at the end there was no pay-off for either vehicle.
I know that he does not visit before but on this occasion surely it would have made sense to get access and the entrance cleared before, would have given him more time.


12,448 posts

206 months

Monday 4th March
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WPA said:
I know that he does not visit before but on this occasion surely it would have made sense to get access and the entrance cleared before, would have given him more time.
TBH whilst I quite like his 'barn-find' series, I find it slightly dissatisfying that he often runs out of time, and doesn't make much progress in the time he does have available. Not saying I could do better, and I understand the time-constraints and the practical cost considerations, but nevertheless, I wonder if he allocated perhaps two days rather than one day, he might be able to get more videos on the same car, and get further into the car, making for a more satisfying viewing experience.


11,614 posts

287 months

Monday 4th March
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trickywoo said:
The condition of the Cooper is remarkable.

I had that exact model in 1995, I got it when it was 5 years old and I think had only just clicked over 10k miles. It was starting to rust in the seams and a few other places then...
Me too :-)

Mine is a sunroof model which leaked even when 'new'. The bottom of the doors rust out as the window seals are rubbish so rain gets inside the door.

Jonny calling the MINI a 'Mini One' is as bad as American calling all Minis 'Mini Cooper' (as they don't sell the base models over there).

The 'classic' Mini looked like it had 165 tyres, so it wonder it there were any other mods done to it.

I bet Ian Hubnut would be excited to check out the Conway trailer tent buried at the back.


16,156 posts

222 months

Monday 4th March
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Some people just want someone to come around and clear the garage of clutter without having to pay them, to make it easier for them to get the cars out to sell them.


2,536 posts

186 months

Monday 4th March
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EddieSteadyGo said:
WPA said:
I know that he does not visit before but on this occasion surely it would have made sense to get access and the entrance cleared before, would have given him more time.
TBH whilst I quite like his 'barn-find' series, I find it slightly dissatisfying that he often runs out of time, and doesn't make much progress in the time he does have available. Not saying I could do better, and I understand the time-constraints and the practical cost considerations, but nevertheless, I wonder if he allocated perhaps two days rather than one day, he might be able to get more videos on the same car, and get further into the car, making for a more satisfying viewing experience.
The thing is if twice the expenses (cameraman, video editor, travel, accommodation etc) don't translate to twice the views, it might not be economic. Plus an additional day making that video is another day not doing something else income generating

The Rotrex Kid

30,829 posts

163 months

Monday 4th March
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ChocolateFrog said:
Wasn't a good one IMO.

The Mini was also very clearly carb'd and not fuel injected
I'm sure he said that, he checked it over and said it was one of the last carb models just before they switched to injection.


12,448 posts

206 months

Monday 4th March
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LastPoster said:
The thing is if twice the expenses (cameraman, video editor, travel, accommodation etc) don't translate to twice the views, it might not be economic. Plus an additional day making that video is another day not doing something else income generating
Agree, those are no doubt some of the practical reasons why it is limited to one day. However, I still think limiting it to one day often results in somewhat thin content. I wonder is he has considered testing some alternatives formats splitting the one video into separate videos.

Example could be.... video 1 ..."finding the car, meeting the owner, getting it out from storage", video 2.... "cleaning and detailing", video 3.... "will it start?".... video 4, "getting it valued by an expert". Maybe he could get specific sponsors for the valuing segment and the detailing videos etc.


11,614 posts

287 months

Monday 4th March
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I suspect the problem would be that they know in advance what the property or car is going to be like until they get there, so it is a case of just turning up and seeing what's what.

You might get the car out within a few minutes and it fires up with a bit of tinkering and you'd be cursing you've arranged for 2 days of the cameraman etc.

The budget for a 2 day shoot must be way more than 2x one day of shooting as there will be hotels and meals involved.

Plus you also need the owner/friend/relative/etc to be available for multiple days which isn't practical if they are of working age and/or have other commitments.


9,305 posts

117 months

Monday 4th March
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Truckosaurus said:
I suspect the problem would be that they know in advance what the property or car is going to be like until they get there, so it is a case of just turning up and seeing what's what.

You might get the car out within a few minutes and it fires up with a bit of tinkering and you'd be cursing you've arranged for 2 days of the cameraman etc.

The budget for a 2 day shoot must be way more than 2x one day of shooting as there will be hotels and meals involved.

Plus you also need the owner/friend/relative/etc to be available for multiple days which isn't practical if they are of working age and/or have other commitments.
I agree but with the Mini video it was obvious that the guy he meet on site lived close as he know about the cars etc, surely it would make sense to arrange for him to visit a day or so before, clear the weeds etc and get the door open, then he could spend more time on the cars.


16,156 posts

222 months

Monday 4th March
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He explained his rationale for the way he does barn finds in that podcast the other week. He acknowledged that there's all sorts of things he could do differently but this is just his way of doing it, and he can't afford the time (financially or physically) to spend longer at each one.

Endlessly bringing up the same criticisms every time isn't going to change the way he does it, so you'll be able to complain that he's doing it wrong again next time.


8,977 posts

199 months

Monday 4th March
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thegreenhell said:
He explained his rationale for the way he does barn finds in that podcast the other week. He acknowledged that there's all sorts of things he could do differently but this is just his way of doing it, and he can't afford the time (financially or physically) to spend longer at each one.

Endlessly bringing up the same criticisms every time isn't going to change the way he does it, so you'll be able to complain that he's doing it wrong again next time.
What he said.


862 posts

65 months

Monday 4th March
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I loved that one- I wasn't bothered by the newer car, but the old Mini was a delight and I just knew it would fire. Great entertainment, willing the little thing on!