Star Wars: The Acolyte



6,143 posts

67 months

Friday 14th June
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Antony Moxey said:
My whole point was that I think people are taking the whole thing too seriously.....
Multi-billion dollar industries that employ thousands and are supported by the attention and financial inputs of millions should be treated flippantly?

Is that what you are saying?


4,182 posts

161 months

Friday 14th June
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C5_Steve said:
The point of my comment is there are a lot of poorly researched opinions being given as fact as to why people being annoyed isn't a valid feeling. It's perfectly valid and it's not a small thing they're annoyed at. It's a massive fundamental plot point and not just one. A side series storyline shouldn't be undoing 9 films really should it? Forget the rest of the universe.
It absolutely shouldn't, no. Augment it, yes, add to it sure. Tweak and polish where needed why not. Undermining completely is too far, even in pursuit of modernisation or whatever it is they think they are achieving.

One caution though - it's only 3 episodes in and one of the themes seems to be perspective and how it changes. I might be crediting too much here but it may be better to wait until the full story is told before judging the impacts. For all we know the creation of life was done with a turkey baster - all that's been said so far is that one character believes they created it. There could well be some twist of them being exploited in that belief and that the way it's been presented is just a smart way to create and farm controversy / clumsy as balls without thought of the implications.

As a casual fan though I would say who / what Anakin is and how he came to be is not really the relevant factor, compared to the overall good / bad / good again story arc. I totally appreciate more hardcore fans might think otherwise and fair enough.

Edited by bstb3 on Friday 14th June 15:06


5,820 posts

146 months

Friday 14th June
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I think the reason people are annoyed is that it's not just this one Star Wars thing that's being subverted by people with an agenda, there are more; Dr Who, ST: Discovery, Obi Wanda etc. We're seeing things we've been watching for years being ruined and we're fed up of it.

Then there's poor casting, yes we need more diversity, but not at the expense of major characters in things like Dune, Obi Wan, Sandman etc. I initially rolled my eyes at the black dwarf in Rings of Power, but I think she's one of the best characters in it.
Bad casting can ruin an actors career and life too. There are pea brained s who attack them on social media. The actors who portrayed Reva, Anakin, Rose and Jar Jar really had it bad.

Writing, casting and acting should be the most important thing, not personal agendas.

There's no hysteria here, just fans having a discussion. It is a forum after all.


1,989 posts

263 months

Friday 14th June
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Antony Moxey said:
It's nothing like that at all. If I don't like a particular car I won't buy it, if I don't like a particular restaurant I won't visit it again. If someone asked my opinion of either I'd say I thought they were rubbish but that that's my opinion. I wouldn't be going into a rage about how the franchise has been disrespected and other such nonsense. Your examples are literally ridiculous.
How odd to log into a forum then a sub forum then make a contribution effectively stating ‘I don’t care about it much’


1,205 posts

161 months

Friday 14th June
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I lasted 10 minutes then gave up. I’ve loved Star Wars since 1977 when I was too young to really know what was going on & called Lightsabers “lifesavers”. Collected toys, sticker albums & had the duvet cover. Resurrected the inner child for the prequels & there was plenty to like, Maul, pod racers sounding like Ducatis, Jango, seismic charges, epic duels etc. The last 3 films though have not made any impression at all. Rogue One though was an absolute triumph, really liked it.
The Acolyte. It’s Star Wars !! I wanted to like it but couldn’t. I lasted 10 minutes or so. I had the same sinking feeling as when I watched The Last Jedi (specifically the Hux/Poe scene - I believe he’s tooling with you Sir) . I was watching ste.


6,714 posts

134 months

Saturday 15th June
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SlimJim16v said:
I think the reason people are annoyed is that it's not just this one Star Wars thing that's being subverted by people with an agenda, there are more; Dr Who, ST: Discovery, Obi Wanda etc. We're seeing things we've been watching for years being ruined and we're fed up of it.

Then there's poor casting, yes we need more diversity, but not at the expense of major characters in things like Dune, Obi Wan, Sandman etc. I initially rolled my eyes at the black dwarf in Rings of Power, but I think she's one of the best characters in it.
Bad casting can ruin an actors career and life too. There are pea brained s who attack them on social media. The actors who portrayed Reva, Anakin, Rose and Jar Jar really had it bad.

Writing, casting and acting should be the most important thing, not personal agendas.

There's no hysteria here, just fans having a discussion. It is a forum after all.
Quite. The list of stuff I grew up with and has been hijacked by entryist muppets is too long to mention.
Dungeons & dragons
Dr Who
Star Trek
Star Wars
Wheel of time
LOTR spin offs

Fed up with it, but that’s their call: they keep on insisting on creating these weird interpretations and being bemused when it fails.
Well I don’t know what to say apart from ‘follow the original material?’.


42,961 posts

238 months

Sunday 16th June
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rider73 said:
George Lucas will be spinning in his grave....I mean his 3bn pile of cash..
Whenever Lucas feels any pangs of guilt he just swims in his mound of gold coins again, Duck tales style


42,961 posts

238 months

Sunday 16th June
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Ridgemont said:
Quite. The list of stuff I grew up with and has been hijacked by entryist muppets is too long to mention.
Dungeons & dragons
Dr Who
Star Trek
Star Wars
Wheel of time
LOTR spin offs

Fed up with it, but that’s their call: they keep on insisting on creating these weird interpretations and being bemused when it fails.
Well I don’t know what to say apart from ‘follow the original material?’.


44,574 posts

200 months

Sunday 16th June
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It's as if Disney has become The Borg.

Everything must be assimilated to the same vision. Resistance is futile.

I blame her.


2,627 posts

262 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Evercross said:
Just had a chat during lunchtime there with a colleague who is a life-long Star Wars fan. This is someone who has watched it all including the animated series and said he "enjoyed" Ashoka and, let's just say, he's of a demographic who should have no issues whatsoever with the socio-political agendas some people are saying are the cause of the criticism of The Acolyte (yeah, he's gay).

He summed up episode 3 in one word - "pants".
I’m with your colleague, I’m open and receptive, but this series is just garbage. Its just badly made, terribly written toss.


Original Poster:

3,686 posts

106 months

Wednesday 19th June
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I've stopped watching weekly, not out of any protest as I might get around to it at some point but I just can't keep watching stuff they put out where no effort is made. There's just nothing in this show of interest for me and it's so poorly written and produced.

However, I hear Ep4 is even worse with the inclusion of a character who shouldn't even be alive in this time period and who if they were, absolutely should have had more knowledge than they do in the later stuff they show up in. It's just embarrassing at this point surely? Perhaps something happens towards the end to make all this make sense. I doubt it though.


10,914 posts

187 months

Wednesday 19th June
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I've started the most recent episode, about 15mins in and nothing much has happened yet. We have seen the final Wookie Jedi going about his/her day and a scene where the teenage baddies discuss their master and say multiple times "I've never scene HIS face"

So, predictions - the master is a women, probably a space witch (did anyone die in the fire}?

Guest appearance - It's Chewie isn't it? because Wookies....
Or Yoda, I hope it's not Yoda.

Someone has got a really good memory eraser


8,937 posts

199 months

Wednesday 19th June
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I watched it at lunchtime.

There is a character from part 1 or two in it.

I had to look it up. His name is Ki Adi Mundi. (He’s the one with the incredibly large forehead)

Apparently he wasn’t born when the Acolyte was happening.

Personally I couldn’t give a tinkers cuss. The latest episode is basically them walking through the woods and just as something happens it ends.


2,612 posts

161 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Coolest character so far a Jedi Wookie, really looking forward to seeing more of them!!!!


5,820 posts

146 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Bullett said:
So, predictions - the master is a women, probably a space witch (did anyone die in the fire}?
WOMAN FFS banghead
Yes, I now think it's one of the mums, so the black one as aliens aren't diverse enough.


8,937 posts

199 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Janluke said:
Coolest character so far a Jedi Wookie, really looking forward to seeing more of them!!!!


8,937 posts

199 months

Wednesday 19th June
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SlimJim16v said:
Bullett said:
So, predictions - the master is a women, probably a space witch (did anyone die in the fire}?
WOMAN FFS banghead
Yes, I now think it's one of the mums, so the black one as aliens aren't diverse enough.

CT05 Nose Cone

25,054 posts

230 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Ridgemont said:
Quite. The list of stuff I grew up with and has been hijacked by entryist muppets is too long to mention.
Dungeons & dragons
Dr Who
Star Trek
Star Wars
Wheel of time
LOTR spin offs

Fed up with it, but that’s their call: they keep on insisting on creating these weird interpretations and being bemused when it fails.
Well I don’t know what to say apart from ‘follow the original material?’.
Step 1: get access to the group

Step 2: demand group changes to fit your beliefs

Step 3: tell people if they don't like it they should go and form their own group.

Step 4: return to step 1


5,820 posts

146 months

Wednesday 19th June
quotequote all
CT05 Nose Cone said:
Step 1: get access to the group

Step 2: demand group changes to fit your beliefs

Step 3: tell people if they don't like it they should go and form their own group are misogynist, racist, homophobes.

Step 4: return to step 1


44,574 posts

200 months

Wednesday 19th June
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To be fair, the series only cost $190 million to make.