Adverts that make you wanna smash your TV set up. (Vol 2)

Adverts that make you wanna smash your TV set up. (Vol 2)



3,744 posts

209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2018
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Europa1 said:
Advertisers unfortunately seem to have hit a particularly rich vein of st recently, which they are mining for all it's worth. A selection of the ones that particularly make me want to act like the guy from the "Why Don't You...?" credits are:
- the Halifax ads, especially the Wizard of Oz one;
- Lloyds, with the horses on the beach and the massacred of "You're not alone"
- Flash
- Deep Relief
- Sun Bingo
- Cesar cat food
+1. What bellend decided that an advert for Halifax where they can't offer the people in it anything was a good idea. The older guy also looks like a pervert!


3,256 posts

96 months

Saturday 3rd November 2018
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That 'Quick Quid' Ad where the lad comes out the house moaning at his Mum there's no hot water like its her fault. He needs telling to wind his neck in, not pacifying by taking a massively high APR payday loan, it genuinely annoys me even though it is not real (right??).


8,743 posts

203 months

Saturday 3rd November 2018
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2 for me today.

Some advert about thumbs. It seems to be for a mobile phone network but I noticed it said for under 30's. How do they plan to police that? And surely a phone network is just a phone network?

Not a specific addvert, mostly because these type all seem the same to me, but adverts that try to guilt you into feeding the starving children or similar. They had one before the film today at the Cinema, a captive audience of people stuffing their faces on over priced food.


6,469 posts

113 months

Saturday 3rd November 2018
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The Vodafone / Martin Freeman on the train.

What am I missing; star recruited by phone company, who make stloads money from people streaming videos, shouts at people on a train for streaming a video?

I mean I applaud him; he should take a baseball bat to them all, but what is the message they are trying to sell?


29,272 posts

206 months

Saturday 3rd November 2018
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JonChalk said:
The Vodafone / Martin Freeman on the train.

What am I missing; star recruited by phone company, who make stloads money from people streaming videos, shouts at people on a train for streaming a video?

I mean I applaud him; he should take a baseball bat to them all, but what is the message they are trying to sell?
that he failed to book the quiet coach and is now being a about it? Not sure.


6,469 posts

113 months

Saturday 3rd November 2018
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Blown2CV said:
that he failed to book the quiet coach and is now being a about it? Not sure.


15,023 posts

217 months

Saturday 3rd November 2018
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I thought the reason Martin Freeman was getting upset on the train was because he hadn't had a chance to watch a programme and everybody else around him was watching it, therefore spoiling it for him. If he was using Vodafone then he could watch it too smile

That's my understanding but then again maybe a parrot is coming in my direction hehe


6,469 posts

113 months

Saturday 3rd November 2018
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cuprabob said:
I thought the reason Martin Freeman was getting upset on the train was because he hadn't had a chance to watch a programme and everybody else around him was watching it, therefore spoiling it for him. If he was using Vodafone then he could watch it too smile
Possibly, but it just looks like your average PHer getting rightfully upset with the fkwit knobs on the train streaming stuff at full volume, which is facilitated, if not actually perpetrated, by said phone company.

Missed getting their message home by a mile.

From memory, the main message of "What is wrong with you people?" is spectacularly accurate for the sort of person who does exactly that.


29,272 posts

206 months

Saturday 3rd November 2018
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JonChalk said:
cuprabob said:
I thought the reason Martin Freeman was getting upset on the train was because he hadn't had a chance to watch a programme and everybody else around him was watching it, therefore spoiling it for him. If he was using Vodafone then he could watch it too smile
Possibly, but it just looks like your average PHer getting rightfully upset with the fkwit knobs on the train streaming stuff at full volume, which is facilitated, if not actually perpetrated, by said phone company.

Missed getting their message home by a mile.

From memory, the main message of "What is wrong with you people?" is spectacularly accurate for the sort of person who does exactly that.
i think as they are trying to tap into the commuter market or something... yea absolutely. I totally read it the same way having been in what i thought was the same situation countless times!


3,744 posts

209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2018
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Claudia F****ing Winkleman reading "tweets from real people" and then trying to convince us that her hair shine is all owing to Head and Shoulders. So she doesn't have a professional hairdresser or any expensive product on her hair then! Plus she is one of the most annoying people on TV.


17,152 posts

209 months

Saturday 3rd November 2018
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iandc said:
Claudia F****ing Winkleman reading "tweets from real people" and then trying to convince us that her hair shine is all owing to Head and Shoulders. So she doesn't have a professional hairdresser or any expensive product on her hair then! Plus she is one of the most annoying people on TV.
That is properly cringeworthy ste.


41,205 posts

248 months

Sunday 4th November 2018
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Octaspring by Dormeo
More an overblown American documentary than an advert, each spring like a musician in an orchestra....and only £199, most of which went to pay for this advert you're all hoping will end....but still it goes on and on and on


11,218 posts

212 months

Sunday 4th November 2018
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LuS1fer said:
Octaspring by Dormeo
More an overblown American documentary than an advert, each spring like a musician in an orchestra....and only £199, most of which went to pay for this advert you're all hoping will end....but still it goes on and on and on
offering a 20year guarentee on their matresses goes against the tag line from 'Dreams, replace every 8' which would make the £249 price tag for a king size a good deal confused


11,317 posts

103 months

Monday 5th November 2018
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LuS1fer said:
Octaspring by Dormeo
More an overblown American documentary than an advert, each spring like a musician in an orchestra....and only £199, most of which went to pay for this advert you're all hoping will end....but still it goes on and on and on
I commented recently but mattresses are being advertised everywhere I look at the minute. TV, radio, online, billboards.. so much so that I wonder what exactly is the benefit of selling them now which makes them so attractive? Do they experience some enormous tax benefits or some form of grant?


3,744 posts

209 months

Monday 5th November 2018
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Nationwide has reached a new low with 2 guys spending too much of our time telling us how they do everything together. What a load of bo***cks!!


41,205 posts

248 months

Monday 5th November 2018
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Shakermaker said:
I commented recently but mattresses are being advertised everywhere I look at the minute. TV, radio, online, billboards.. so much so that I wonder what exactly is the benefit of selling them now which makes them so attractive? Do they experience some enormous tax benefits or some form of grant?
I suspect they are actually much cheaper to make, being made of foam and many lacking any springs as such and then cashing in on being cheaper than the spring mattresses hovering around £1000.
I fell for the hype and bought a memory foam mattress but managed to get it discounted down to about £700 IIRC.
However, it's too hard for me although my missus finds it very good.
I didn't fall for all the pillow hype though which seem to be nice little earners.

Years and years ago, maybe ten or more, I bought a new ordinary mattress and we were conned into buying the then new memory foam pillows. i think we paid about £70 for each pillow and now you can buy them for £7 in Poundstretchers.


8,083 posts

216 months

Wednesday 7th November 2018
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Amazon again, infesting nearly every single ad break with at least one of their adverts / offerings. At one point this evening they actually ran 3 in the same break for different Amazon products banghead

If it's not the long version of "can you feel it?" with the singing boxes, it's the shortened version, or alternatively the kid that's gone to Uni asking the talking bit of plastic to play "Dad's play list", or any of the other variants mentioned earlier in the thread banghead


41,205 posts

248 months

Wednesday 7th November 2018
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AlexRS2782 said:
Amazon again, infesting nearly every single ad break with at least one of their adverts / offerings. At one point this evening they actually ran 3 in the same break for different Amazon products banghead

If it's not the long version of "can you feel it?" with the singing boxes, it's the shortened version, or alternatively the kid that's gone to Uni asking the talking bit of plastic to play "Dad's play list", or any of the other variants mentioned earlier in the thread banghead
Is it just me or does Amazon's logo look like a dick?

Old Man Fred

821 posts

92 months

Wednesday 7th November 2018
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There seems to be a new radio ad out that says "wouldn't it be great if you could cut out all the fuss of comparing your energy supplier, well now you can with our new website"

i can't remember what it is called, but there are already half a dozen websites that have been doing that for 5 years.

Same principle with the contactless one mentioned earlier, anyone that hasn't heard of contactless is probably not going to be using it


2,303 posts

198 months

Thursday 8th November 2018
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The current Jacamo ads framing every ad break on Sky One during the Simpsons/ general primetime, featuring sofa-based 'lad banter' with a group of guys in lumberjack shirts and the like.

Wouldn't be as annoying if they decided to film more than 3 variations of these, so chances are every 15mins or so you're going to be reminded what a 'Texas Tuxedo' is or whether one of these blokes prefer British or American comedians ("For me, it's got to be British, every time"...yes I know, you said that in the last ad break).

aaaand breathe.