Grand Designs On Now Ch4



27,631 posts

219 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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Come on guys, someone must be able to pinpoint the exact location on Live maps so we can see the layout of the plot in reference to the neighbour.


5,667 posts

222 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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Oakey said:
Come on guys, someone must be able to pinpoint the exact location on Live maps so we can see the layout of the plot in reference to the neighbour.
Its not on live maps as the "birds eye" view does not cover that area.


8,849 posts

215 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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1. The guy was clearly as daft as a brush but at least had a concept of what he wanted.
2. The wife, who came across like a retired pole dancer, had not bought into it in any way, was quite happy about it as an expensive hobby which kept him out of her hair, but had zero intention of moving there. Shame for the kids
3. The neighbours who sounded like typical Oxfordshire pricks needed their house torching. Imagine calling in your solicitor to appeal a planning decision to the Courts. Strong arm tactics by rich aholes.
4. Saying that, he obviously hadn't got planning consent, so he was winging it.
5. Showed the Planning System up for the corrupt farce it is.
6. Looked nice inside, particularly with the bridge entrance, but TV is deceptive


27,631 posts

219 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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Goochie said:
Oakey said:
Come on guys, someone must be able to pinpoint the exact location on Live maps so we can see the layout of the plot in reference to the neighbour.
Its not on live maps as the "birds eye" view does not cover that area.
Is it on the aerial view?


8,751 posts

282 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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sleep envy said:
funny how no one commented on this last week when he had commissioned the right consultants...

something worth noting
Wasnt worth commenting on, no room for argument or discussion, ergo bad telly.

sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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scotal said:
sleep envy said:
funny how no one commented on this last week when he had commissioned the right consultants...

something worth noting
Wasnt worth commenting on, no room for argument or discussion, ergo bad telly.
funny that, seeing it all goes to plan


20,449 posts

234 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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Simpo Two said:
monthefish said:
GreatGranny said:
GD is fast becoming 'How not to build a house'.
I think it's becoming less about the 'design' and more about the 'drama'.

There always needs to be be some 'angle' that KM goes on about at the start of the program (pre-music), that's supposed to 'intigue' you into watching.....
Well yes, watching a bunch of ordinary builders making a Barratt Box would be rather dull.

It was hardly a 'mill', just a house with a wheel on the end. And without the wheel, it's just a house.
Agree totally.

but I want to see Grand Designs, not Grand Dramas.


3,972 posts

227 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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NoisyGriff said:
All this proves to me is that a solid British spirit and a sense of drive are no match for the petty grumblings of a neighbour that whinges about somebody's 20-year dream being 3ft too high.

The Council really need to grow a spine and tell the neighbour to accept the decision of their planning committee.

Good luck fella.
The Council also need to get there act together, how the hell can they ask someone to come back THREE bloody time to agree the same thing. Pathetic excuse to waste someone time and money and just goes to show what idiots we have running this country.

Highway Star

3,579 posts

234 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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cardigankid said:
3. The neighbours who sounded like typical Oxfordshire pricks needed their house torching. Imagine calling in your solicitor to appeal a planning decision to the Courts. Strong arm tactics by rich aholes.
Know many Oxfordshire pricks, do you? Or rich aholes come to that?


3,972 posts

227 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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cardigankid said:
1. The guy was clearly as daft as a brush but at least had a concept of what he wanted.
2. The wife, who came across like a retired pole dancer, had not bought into it in any way, was quite happy about it as an expensive hobby which kept him out of her hair, but had zero intention of moving there. Shame for the kids
3. The neighbours who sounded like typical Oxfordshire pricks needed their house torching. Imagine calling in your solicitor to appeal a planning decision to the Courts. Strong arm tactics by rich aholes.
4. Saying that, he obviously hadn't got planning consent, so he was winging it.
5. Showed the Planning System up for the corrupt farce it is.
6. Looked nice inside, particularly with the bridge entrance, but TV is deceptive
Well said, I like Number: 5 the best. biggrin


12,997 posts

267 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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I think it's visible in this photo: Clicky

sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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surely they can't be the neighbours that instructed their solicitor to appeal the planning permission?


72,857 posts

242 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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sleep envy said:
surely they can't be the neighbours that instructed their solicitor to appeal the planning permission?
Right blighted their view of the factory it did...


20,449 posts

234 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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SJobson said:
I think it's visible in this photo: Clicky
It always amazes me how GD seem to be able to 'disguise' the surrounding vicinity of the featured property during all of their filming. The above shows last nights' property in a whole different light, and it was the same with last weeks episode when the subsequent PH thread showed the site plan/aerial photo in detail....


57 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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I'm glad it worked out OK for him in the end, seemed to be a good chap!

These shows are funny, within the 1st 5 minutes I usually decide if I like the
people and hope it goes well, or can't stand them (especially if they say juxtaposition every other sentence..)& hope it goes pearshape!


12,997 posts

267 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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As the chap said on the show, there will be some good views of sports cars. Who uses the old A40 there except people out for a blast?

Highway Star

3,579 posts

234 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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anonymous said:



5,667 posts

222 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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SJobson said:
I think it's visible in this photo: Clicky
Thats the place!

I looked on Google Earth for it last night and from directly above, it looks like "just another roof"


8,849 posts

215 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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I know an Oxfordshire , if that counts.

Wacky Racer

38,458 posts

250 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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Goochie said:
SJobson said:
I think it's visible in this photo: Clicky
Thats the place!

I looked on Google Earth for it last night and from directly above, it looks like "just another roof"
I've just been looking for it on Google Earth (Aston Rowant) without success...

Any clues or co-ordinates??