The official PH Emmerdale thread


Wacky Racer

38,494 posts

250 months

Friday 9th July 2021
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Anybody else think Meena has a look of Daisy from Corrie?


Original Poster:

7,985 posts

76 months

Friday 9th July 2021
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Wacky Racer said:
Anybody else think Meena has a look of Daisy from Corrie?

Don't know as I don't watch Corrie..! 1 soap is enough....! biggrin

Is daisy a psycho killer like Meena......?!

Wacky Racer

38,494 posts

250 months

Friday 9th July 2021
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rjfp1962 said:
Don't know as I don't watch Corrie..! 1 soap is enough....! biggrin

Is daisy a psycho killer like Meena......?!
Depends if Alya gets in her way or not.....biggrin

They are both little minxes...


Original Poster:

7,985 posts

76 months

Saturday 10th July 2021
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Mimi Slinger who played Leana asked to leave Emmerdale and was apparently pleased with her exit scenes...
Wonder where her career will take her as obviously she didn't want to become type-cast.


11,218 posts

212 months

Saturday 10th July 2021
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AlexRS2782 said:
Only in Soap / Movieland - when you're under threat of attack / death always make sure you run as far away from safety as possible, avoid anyone in the local population (pub / business, etc) and go to a nice remote location instead to ensure you get finished off - when will people ever learn? hehe

Another typical TV oversight with the scenes knocking Leana off - she gets thrown over the bridge side on, yet lands perfectly on the rocks (that are already set further back from the bridge) lengthways instead. Oh and the blood draining from her head wound appeared to be defying gravity as, based on the angle she was positioned in, the blood was heading up the rocks behind her head hehe

As you say, typical botched investigation to come - anyone want to bet on either Jacob being accused at some point, or maybe Billy as he was last seen by Dan talking to her on the outskirts of the village - plus Matty / Mack had already been spreading the fake story about Billy / Leana in a previous episode.

Plus point appears to be Leana getting a good pull of Meena's hair / skin under her fingernails for future DNA purposes - although this will be conveniently overlooked i'm sure in order to drag this out to say, Christmas, or whenever voting is due for the next NTA's? hehe - and it seems Meena has now hung the ring on her necklace based on her dancing scene - although again, i assume this will be missed by everyone in the village including David hehe

Edited by AlexRS2782 on Friday 9th July 00:22
Leanna was going to return the ring to jacob bu couldn't get it back off her finger,I guess being dead relaxed everything instantly as Meena had no problem sliding it off!


Original Poster:

7,985 posts

76 months

Monday 12th July 2021
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That was quick..! Leana's death according to the Post-Mortem was a tragic accident, where the drinking of a large amount of Prosecco was a major contributor!
Forensics at the scene didn't find footprints near the body (Meena's)?! Wouldn't Leeana's clothing have been checked for other people's DNA? Wouldn't the walkover at the bridge have become a sealed area too? Access managed by plod?
I'm thinking if Jacob somehow finds the ring he gave her missing, some suspicion my arise....., then again, maybe not, this is Emmerdale plod....!


11,218 posts

212 months

Tuesday 13th July 2021
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rjfp1962 said:
That was quick..! Leana's death according to the Post-Mortem was a tragic accident, where the drinking of a large amount of Prosecco was a major contributor!
Forensics at the scene didn't find footprints near the body (Meena's)?! Wouldn't Leeana's clothing have been checked for other people's DNA? Wouldn't the walkover at the bridge have become a sealed area too? Access managed by plod?
I'm thinking if Jacob somehow finds the ring he gave her missing, some suspicion my arise....., then again, maybe not, this is Emmerdale plod....!
The forensics didn't even find any black hair on Leeana that she pulled off Meena when she grabbed a handfull, Horatio Caine would have sussed it out and arrested the killer in one episode wink


11,218 posts

212 months

Monday 9th August 2021
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I see in the episode this evening that only in soapland can a person move to America with their very recent new boyfriend as he has landed a job in NYC rolleyes


Original Poster:

7,985 posts

76 months

Monday 9th August 2021
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Has gone a bit flat in recent episodes.... Suddenly Jamie is back at Home Farm with Gabby calling the shots in Kim's absence..
Think we need to see who Meena is eying up as her next victim..... Probably be a slow-builder of a story up to and over Christmas...!
Emmerdale needs to spice up a bit... smile


8,083 posts

216 months

Tuesday 10th August 2021
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Saw one of the Soap mags in Tesco the other week suggesting that Leyla is the likely next long term target for Meena - i'd assume as she probably keeps getting in the way of David, and i believe next week Leyla thinks she could be pregnant. So yeah, yet another pregnancy storyline - it seems to be the easiest thing for soap writers for pretty much every female character of childbearing age nowadays.

The fight last week between Mandy & Nicola added some light relief / normality being able to show characters near each other again rather than distanced to comply with CV measures on set.

As mentioned above, the plotline with Julia leaving for NYC at the drop of a hat, as a result of a recent new boyfriend not wanting kids, is just typical pure soap stupidity.

Edited by AlexRS2782 on Tuesday 10th August 18:59


11,218 posts

212 months

Tuesday 10th August 2021
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Have just seen a preview of next week and it looks like Meena attempts to knock off David's baby


Original Poster:

7,985 posts

76 months

Tuesday 10th August 2021
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Saleen836 said:
Have just seen a preview of next week and it looks like Meena attempts to knock off David's baby
The baby, then Jacob? and possibly Leyla? - Then she'll have David all to herself to do...... who knows what....?!


Original Poster:

7,985 posts

76 months

Thursday 19th August 2021
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So Meena has kidnapped David's son Theo... Search party will go looking for him, but I'll bet Meena will be the one who "Finds" him much to David's relief and his contempt for Victoria....!


11,218 posts

212 months

Thursday 19th August 2021
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rjfp1962 said:
So Meena has kidnapped David's son Theo... Search party will go looking for him, but I'll bet Meena will be the one who "Finds" him much to David's relief and his contempt for Victoria....!
Or as she is a sicko she will take him to the river and let him drown


11,531 posts

63 months

Thursday 19th August 2021
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Virtually all a load of crap with occasional but brief bits worth watching. They're probably less than 1% rolleyes


Original Poster:

7,985 posts

76 months

Thursday 19th August 2021
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anonymous said:
The Theo missing, Meena, Victoria thing - How predictable was that...?! Very! If I could see it coming...!

Nico and Jimmy have always known how to make up wink
The most solid marriage in Emmerdale which isn't saying much...!


11,531 posts

63 months

Thursday 19th August 2021
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anonymous said:
I go through phases of watching Emmerdale. Then boredom sets in and I stop watching. Current absence has extended over 3 years, although I do 'pop in' very occasionally to see if it's improved. It hasn't frown


8,083 posts

216 months

Thursday 19th August 2021
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I like the fact that nobody questions exactly how Meena found the kid, just that she did. Nobody also questions how the kid supposedly managed to toddle themselves all the way across the village to the bridge without being seen by anyone. Then there's Manpreet that doesn't think it's a bit strange that all this kicks off just a short period of time after Meena was discussing looking after kids, etc.

Now we've got Leyla trying to hide / cover up her pregnancy - yep, because that always works well in Soapland.

The weird plotline with Sarah trying to find the family of the donor heart is also getting a bit stupid - although some of the fan sites suggest that Sarah's plan is possibly to try and meet up with the family in the hope of getting a new life away from her real family - typical soapland balls laugh


11,218 posts

212 months

Thursday 19th August 2021
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I guess we will have to wait for Wendy to return to find out who the mystery man is that has been sniffing around,guessing he is a disgruntled relative of the recently deceased lady whose funeral Wendy attended and who for some reason left £50k to Victoria's kid and that is what he is after


15,022 posts

217 months

Thursday 19th August 2021
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Saleen836 said:
I guess we will have to wait for Wendy to return to find out who the mystery man is that has been sniffing around,guessing he is a disgruntled relative of the recently deceased lady whose funeral Wendy attended and who for some reason left £50k to Victoria's kid and that is what he is after
My guess he's her ex husband and father to her kids and thus Harry's grandad.