The official PH Coronation Street thread (Vol 2)

The official PH Coronation Street thread (Vol 2)



781 posts

159 months

Sunday 1st September 2019
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Ah yes forgot about them.


10,203 posts

131 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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It's easily done, like Steve who has forgotten where he left his dog.


12,010 posts

148 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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227bhp said:
It's easily done, like Steve who has forgotten where he left his dog.
And his car...


57 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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STO said:
Who lives in the flat above the corner shop? Surely Dev will offer it to Mary.
And why doesn't Dev's house have endless rooms like every other house on the street ?


3,737 posts

209 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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Grahamdub said:
And why doesn't Dev's house have endless rooms like every other house on the street ?
Both Eileen's and Ken's are like a hotel! If she can last a few more weeks there will be lots of spare rooms going!

200Plus Club

10,858 posts

281 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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Please tell me I didn't just watch that nonsense...
A fully padlocked builders yard is broken into by Harrý Houdinis daughter who picked the locks then snapped them shut

Meanwhile the jobbing builder has somehow stored 6 J size cylinders of compressed air for his next bathroom (as you do) and stood them on top of a pile of pallets and offcuts. No visible source of flame mind...

Honestly this is getting bizarre as to how stuff happens in the street :-)
She's been "in birmingham" for months but decides to burn the street down, maybe she's frustrated like us lot!


14,993 posts

217 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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Evelyn and Dev and the Adam Ant reference was funny smile

Let's hope Fiz has got a return ticket back to Birmingham....

200Plus Club

10,858 posts

281 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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Wasn't watching how the girl broke into the yard?
This Geoff storyline is slightly mental too. Can't we get back to Steve and Tracey:-)


7,850 posts

162 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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I'm getting annoyed with Craig. Sorting stuff out off duty, telling friends/neighbours about cases. Load of bks.


14,993 posts

217 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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Ah bugger, Fiz is staying frown

200Plus Club

10,858 posts

281 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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It's a real mash up of stupid storylines at present. None of them realistic....


12,010 posts

148 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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200Plus Club said:
Wasn't watching how the girl broke into the yard?
This Geoff storyline is slightly mental too. Can't we get back to Steve and Tracey:-)
I thought she sneaked in when the jobbing builder and his son weren’t looking.

Hope’s a rubbish actor compared to other kids in the street (except Jack).

Wacky Racer

38,480 posts

250 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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Escort3500 said:
I thought she sneaked in when the jobbing builder and his son weren’t looking.

Hope’s a rubbish actor compared to other kids in the street (except Jack).
Yes, Hope definitely sneaked in.

I can't stand Hope or Fiz, with her mardy arsed voice..."Awwww Ty"......the sooner they go back to Birmingham the better.

With a bit of luck Hope will blow herself


670 posts

134 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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Why don't the set department just buy a real skip instead of trying to made them out of wood ?


22,023 posts

199 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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Busterbulldog said:
Why don't the set department just buy a real skip instead of trying to made them out of wood ?
Wooden ones match most of the acting.


4,484 posts

138 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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I think I just watched Emmerdale. What a load of tosh. No heat from the fire yet everything was red hot. Geoff storyline is stupid and boring. I was glad when fiz left. Pity she is back.

Wacky Racer

38,480 posts

250 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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eldar said:
Busterbulldog said:
Why don't the set department just buy a real skip instead of trying to made them out of wood ?
Wooden ones match most of the acting.

200Plus Club

10,858 posts

281 months

Monday 2nd September 2019
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At one stage there was a mini fire on a pallet. You could've pissed on it and put it out...
Twisted firestarter music would be cool if she starts another anytime soon..
Researchers need to be a little more realistic it's like an am-dram stage setting.


4,484 posts

138 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2019
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That fire had a very "gas" like flicker to it. Im sure they press a button and it starts flaming. Loads of smoke coming out the building but clear as day inside. Evelyn and Mary : gold.


3,737 posts

209 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2019
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Agree with the comments above. How difficult is it to write some decent stuff, employ some decent actors and add just a tiny bit of reality to the execution of the stories.
Corrie is becoming more like amateur dramatics every episode. Sad really as I used to look forward to each episode. Now I sit there cringing throughout.
Ho hum off to set my bonfire going with a single match and soggy piece of paper.
Did love the Adam Ant bit though!!