A What's that Film Thread?



12,199 posts

245 months

Monday 11th May 2020
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I was reading a book yesterday where someone had been kept inside a house, only allowed outside for a short period of time, because they had been convinced that they had some kind of allergy to fresh air, and only the pills they were being given by the baddie would keep them safe. The intention obviously was to make them think twice about running off.

That made me think of something else, I'm sure I've seen either a TV series or a film with a very similar plot device, either people kept in because the air outside is bad, or something along those lines.

Does anyone know what I might be thinking of? I don't have satellite or streaming, so it's going to be something on proper TV even if it was a film. I was wondering if it was in "The 100" as that's about the only thing I can think of that might have done something similar.


28,086 posts

199 months

Monday 11th May 2020
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Hmm, I don't think it's either of these really but I can't think of anything else at the moment.

10 Cloverfield Lane. John Goodman keeps woman and guy locked in a shelter with him because aliens.

Room. Brie Larson locked in a room with her son who was born there and believes the room is the whole world.

They're not locked in because of bad air outside though.

daddy cool

4,008 posts

232 months

Monday 11th May 2020
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Ever play computer games? Fallout3's premise was that people were kept in an underground bunker long after it was (relatively) safe to leave.

Also in "IT", doesn't one of the children have an allergy to pretty much everything, and in the end learns that they don't - its just they have a massively overbearing mother that convinces them they do?


12,199 posts

245 months

Monday 11th May 2020
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Thanks, but I don't think I've seen any of those, or played that game (my last game-playing was either Doom 2 or perhaps Quake, or maybe even Quake 2).

I suspect it may just be a widely-used thing.


1,674 posts

99 months

Wednesday 8th July 2020
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Watched "10, Cloverfield Lane" again last night. What I thought was the next instalment turned out not to be and now I can't remember the name nor much of the plot of the film I was thinking about.

I thought it was something like, last house on the left but also not that.

Protagonists enter a lonely house, only to find out that under the house is a Men in Black style lab with either aliens or horror creatures (can't remember which) in it. Cue battle. I do remember that the "lab" thing was totally out of context with the start of the film but I do remember it being very good. Would have been 2017 or earlier.

daddy cool

4,008 posts

232 months

Wednesday 8th July 2020
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toastyhamster said:
Watched "10, Cloverfield Lane" again last night. What I thought was the next instalment turned out not to be and now I can't remember the name nor much of the plot of the film I was thinking about.

I thought it was something like, last house on the left but also not that.

Protagonists enter a lonely house, only to find out that under the house is a Men in Black style lab with either aliens or horror creatures (can't remember which) in it. Cue battle. I do remember that the "lab" thing was totally out of context with the start of the film but I do remember it being very good. Would have been 2017 or earlier.
"The Cabin in the woods"?

There was an incredibly loosely linked 3rd Cloverfield film "The Cloverfield Paradox", but thats set in space, and if i remember correctly, was a load of old pony.


1,674 posts

99 months

Wednesday 8th July 2020
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daddy cool said:
toastyhamster said:
Watched "10, Cloverfield Lane" again last night. What I thought was the next instalment turned out not to be and now I can't remember the name nor much of the plot of the film I was thinking about.

I thought it was something like, last house on the left but also not that.

Protagonists enter a lonely house, only to find out that under the house is a Men in Black style lab with either aliens or horror creatures (can't remember which) in it. Cue battle. I do remember that the "lab" thing was totally out of context with the start of the film but I do remember it being very good. Would have been 2017 or earlier.
"The Cabin in the woods"?

There was an incredibly loosely linked 3rd Cloverfield film "The Cloverfield Paradox", but thats set in space, and if i remember correctly, was a load of old pony.
Perfect, thanks

karma mechanic

740 posts

125 months

Monday 20th July 2020
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A TV drama came to mind the other day and I couldn't quite place it. Maybe someone can recall it..
Terrestrial TV, UK, probably late eighties.

A young man in the 1970's inherits a great big country house from a long-lost uncle.
He moves there, gets rid of the gardener, is joined by some friends and they have a great time.
After some sort of incident a female friend dies, so they bury the body in that part of the grounds where various pets have been interred. All are sworn to secrecy.

Much later the bones are discovered and it is in the news, and there is a scene in a Post Office where one of the protagonists recognises the killer.

Any ideas?


39,108 posts

190 months

Saturday 31st October 2020
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quigonjay said:
Was going to post this in the fight scenes thread but can not remember the name of the film. Occasionally watch the odd chinese/japanese martial arts film and watched one a while back where it was the biggest one man versus an army fight scene i have ever seen. It was a period style samurai type of film where one guy was going up against the local warlord and the main fight scene at the end he slices and dices his way through what seemed liked hundreds of guys to eventually fight the boss at the end. Sorry for the lack of detail but I'm sure somebody who watches this type of film will know what it is.


39,108 posts

190 months

Saturday 31st October 2020
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Halb said:
it'll have to go on the 'to watch' list.

The Whitman, Price and Haddad scene from TRM popped into my head thanks to another thread and that made me think of another film...I can't quite imagine it...almost got it...basically at the end one fella makes a phonecall to another fella from a sunny beautiful beach with a drinki hand, he's 'got away with the cash' or something, and makes a phonecall to his 'mate/comrade/partner'? Letting him know he got away, or has the cash, or made it to the beach...damn almost recalled it then...what is it?
Sounds like the end of Chaos with Jason Statham calling Ryan Philipe at the airport, after Ryan figures out that Statham is behind the whole thing. Statham basically tells him he got away with, then saunters off to board the private plane taking him to paradise whilst Phillipe frantically scans the airport to see if he can see him.
Really good film as it goes, not what you would expect from a Statham film


31 posts

205 months

Saturday 31st October 2020
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Scene from a western where two outlaws turn up at a remote ranch on a prairie, where a woman and kids and an old grandpa are living. They steal
something and ride off across the prairie . The Grandpa takes down an ancient rifle from over the fireplace , take an age to load it , prop it against the hitching rail , lick the sight and take aim by which time the outlaws are a speck in the distance , He hits the lead baddie thus foiling theirs plans.
Any ideas , Film or might have been from an episode of something like Alias Smith and Jones

Driveline Shunt

916 posts

145 months

Sunday 15th November 2020
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Early 70's British horror film, scene near the start where an old couple are out for a Sunday drive (Landcrab?) & hold up a young guy driving an artic. He road rages them, eventually ramming them causing considerable damage to the car. He gets past, they stop to inspect the damage & carry on except someone or something forces them off the road over the edge of the ever present conveniently placed quarry (essential in the 70's) & the young guy is blamed for their demise.

Don't think it's Psychomania but there's only so much of that I can watch!

Cheers, DS.


39,788 posts

287 months

Sunday 15th November 2020
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If you could remember the car you could narrow the search in the IMCDB (Internet Movie Cars Database)


21,893 posts

207 months

Sunday 15th November 2020
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Landcrab = Austin/Morris 1800

Possibly Austin Maxi........

Driveline Shunt

916 posts

145 months

Sunday 15th November 2020
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Great shout re the database, thanks both.

It was Hammer House of Horror mystery & suspense, episode 7 Black Carrion from 1984. Much later than I recall tho possibly because of the age of the cars featured.


Edited by Driveline Shunt on Sunday 15th November 17:18


4,119 posts

84 months

Wednesday 18th November 2020
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I recall a film that featured a stuntman named "Judas S Chariot". It wasn't Hoooper, and Google reveals nothing.


10,210 posts

162 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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SCEtoAUX said:
I recall a film that featured a stuntman named "Judas S Chariot". It wasn't Hoooper, and Google reveals nothing.
Type this into Google....


and you get.... as the first hit - your post

All the other hits are.....

Bill MItchell. Movie is RIding High


21,893 posts

207 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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10,210 posts

162 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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phazed said:
And you can watch the full video online too.

Tony Starks

2,130 posts

215 months

Thursday 21st January 2021
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No one every worked out the film I asked about last, but here goes.

2 films, the first one terrified me as a kid. It was set in space maybe and someone was in bed and the alien/creature was like red licorice laces covered in jam. It crawled up beside them and took over their body or something.

Thats the only scene I saw of it, and it was enough to make me sleep with the light on (can I sue my parents? Lol).

The second one is truly awful, but I just need to know what it was to read the reviews. It was an early 2000s British film and may have had a soap star in it. Basically, a twenty something girl created a virtual boyfriend. Kind of a Weird Science rip off.