Alien: Romulus


Some Gump

12,751 posts

189 months

Thursday 6th June
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UTH said:
Those who are already putting this latest film in the bin (it may well prove to be rubbish, we'll see).....what would you like to see from a new Alien film if this one isn't floating your boat? Or do you want the franchise to be left alone now?
Should have left it alone a long time ago.

Sadly, Hollywood is no longer making new films.


502 posts

10 months

Thursday 6th June
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Some Gump said:
UTH said:
Those who are already putting this latest film in the bin (it may well prove to be rubbish, we'll see).....what would you like to see from a new Alien film if this one isn't floating your boat? Or do you want the franchise to be left alone now?
Should have left it alone a long time ago.

Sadly, Hollywood is no longer making new films.
I think we all wanted Prometheus to be a serious attempt at back story and origins. But what we got was very much not that! I think there's an element there of it being the standard "expedition through space by unlikeable characters"

It perhaps should have been set on the Engineers home world, and not featured anyone from Earth, to give it the juxtaposition it needed to make it interesting. Show us their civilisation. Show us their technology and why they felt the need to create xenomorphs to destroy humans

As for Hollywood not making new films. The problem is that interesting one off projects don't generate the dollars in the same way as Fast and Furious 96 and anything from Marvel, as the people who go to cinemas regularly are not the sort of people you want in your home!


14,373 posts

141 months

Friday 7th June
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No idea what it's gonna be like but hopefully the soundtrack is good (I played on it)


3,677 posts

106 months

Friday 7th June
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BunkMoreland said:
As for Hollywood not making new films. The problem is that interesting one off projects don't generate the dollars in the same way as Fast and Furious 96 and anything from Marvel, as the people who go to cinemas regularly are not the sort of people you want in your home!
This. People complain that there aren't enough original stories being told but then no one goes to see them. Of the 20 top-grossing films last year only 3 were "original" stories, two were animated and Oppenheime (which you could argue isn't original). Everything else was either an adaptation of an existing franchise or a sequel.

Personally I don't care if something is in the same universe or even if it's a follow up tbh as long as it's good. But there's a real danger we will lose the ability to tell an original story whether it's in a universe or not by not championing original stories.


40 posts

27 months

Friday 7th June
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ajprice said:
So where do I get the Alien 3 Assembly Cut?
The Pirate place.

I don't feel guilty having bought the box set which annoyingly didn't include it.


3,677 posts

106 months

Friday 7th June
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Slothly said:
ajprice said:
So where do I get the Alien 3 Assembly Cut?
The Pirate place.

I don't feel guilty having bought the box set which annoyingly didn't include it.
The Assembly Cut was on the Quadrilogy boxset (which I have), it should be noted though this still wasn't done with Fincher's involvement. It does include 30 mins of extra footage that brings it closer to what it should have been though.


40 posts

27 months

Friday 7th June
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C5_Steve said:
The Assembly Cut was on the Quadrilogy boxset (which I have), it should be noted though this still wasn't done with Fincher's involvement. It does include 30 mins of extra footage that brings it closer to what it should have been though.

The boxset I bought was the "Evolution" one (I think) which includes Prometheus, which I could happily live without.

Although Fincher wasn't involved, wasn't it cut to an original script of his? Need to look it up....

Edit: interesting read on it here

Edited by Slothly on Friday 7th June 15:05


25,938 posts

170 months

Friday 7th June
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Slothly said:
C5_Steve said:
The Assembly Cut was on the Quadrilogy boxset (which I have), it should be noted though this still wasn't done with Fincher's involvement. It does include 30 mins of extra footage that brings it closer to what it should have been though.

The boxset I bought was the "Evolution" one (I think) which includes Prometheus, which I could happily live without.

Although Fincher wasn't involved, wasn't it cut to an original script of his? Need to look it up....
iTunes special edition has the directors cut I think? Is that the assembley cut?

Edit - it definitely has 2 versions just checked, but a bit unclear as to what the non theatrical release is;


3,677 posts

106 months

Friday 7th June
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p1stonhead said:
iTunes special edition has the directors cut I think? Is that the assembley cut?

Edit - it definitely has 2 versions just checked, but a bit unclear as to what the non theatrical release is;

There's no such thing as a Directors cut for 3 as Fincher washed his hands of it so it'll be the Assembly cut. Check the run time, if it's 30 mins longer than the theatrical it'll be that.


25,938 posts

170 months

Friday 7th June
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C5_Steve said:
p1stonhead said:
iTunes special edition has the directors cut I think? Is that the assembley cut?

Edit - it definitely has 2 versions just checked, but a bit unclear as to what the non theatrical release is;

There's no such thing as a Directors cut for 3 as Fincher washed his hands of it so it'll be the Assembly cut. Check the run time, if it's 30 mins longer than the theatrical it'll be that.
Ah ok then it’ll be the Assembly Cut. So if anyone wants to see it without pirate type sites, its there to buy on iTunes or probably other sites like Amazon i assume


10,667 posts

194 months

Tuesday 11th June
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UTH said:
Those who are already putting this latest film in the bin (it may well prove to be rubbish, we'll see).....what would you like to see from a new Alien film if this one isn't floating your boat? Or do you want the franchise to be left alone now?
My theory has always been that the films of the 70s and 80s that relied on SFX (Alien(s) Jaws, Star Wars etc) were brilliant because it forced the directors to be more creative, using music, lighting, tone and off-camera action to hide the wires and all that.

CGI has made things too easy, they can throw $100m at effects and create a spectacle but you lose the 'feel'.

The trailers look good to me because at least the tone looks good, it's dark, Xenomorphs are ambush hunters, hiding the shadows waiting to pounce, for me that's the scare factor, not a perfectly visible one jumping about on the roof of a fast-moving space craft like in Prometheus, it's a great spectacle, but it doesn't create emotion.

The director of Romulus had the opportunity to have the best of both worlds, keep the claustrophobic, dark, scary feel of the two first films, but improve things - Aliens isn't perfect, the Aliens move like a man in a suit, the face huggers sort of jiggle their legs as they're dragged across the ground by wires etc. I imagine it needs huge restrain by the director, especially as the Studio will want to create spectacle for the trailer to drag people into the cinema.


6,649 posts

221 months

Tuesday 11th June
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The trailer looks like a re-hash of the first two movies. A completely unnecessary cash in for the next generation of punters (see pretty much every other Hollywood franchise flogging of recent times).

If you loved the originals (two) then they can't really be bettered, so just trying to re-do them with 'better' effects isn't going to work. The only meaningful addition to the series is to move on the story, and they've done that, and some worked better than others, but none were as good as the first two.

Which makes me wonder, why bother with this one? It seems like a purely money-making exercise, relying on nostalgia and a proven formula.

The only thing which interests me, and why I will probably see it is the title, and the relevance of the name Romulus. Given the obvious reference to a founder of Rome and the well known story, I'm curious about the film's interpretation.


3,677 posts

106 months

Tuesday 11th June
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LimaDelta said:
The trailer looks like a re-hash of the first two movies. A completely unnecessary cash in for the next generation of punters (see pretty much every other Hollywood franchise flogging of recent times).

If you loved the originals (two) then they can't really be bettered, so just trying to re-do them with 'better' effects isn't going to work. The only meaningful addition to the series is to move on the story, and they've done that, and some worked better than others, but none were as good as the first two.

Which makes me wonder, why bother with this one? It seems like a purely money-making exercise, relying on nostalgia and a proven formula.

The only thing which interests me, and why I will probably see it is the title, and the relevance of the name Romulus. Given the obvious reference to a founder of Rome and the well known story, I'm curious about the film's interpretation.
The idea for this film comes from a deleted scene from Aliens, which showed a group of kids playing in and around the base on LV426 (it's available on the extended cut). Alvarez thought it would be an interesting angle not yet explored; what would it be like for the kids growing up on a world at the beginning of the terraforming?

As for the title, Romulus is the name of the space station above the planet that a lot of the film is set on (I'm sure you see the word on an airlock door in the trailer). It'll be interesting to see what the purpose of the station is, I'm thinking perhaps something along the lines of a research station for Weyland Yutani that will lead into the events of Alien.

It's worth noting the film was due originally to go straight to streaming but obviously changed. I'm sure the performance of Prey influenced this and given how good that film was, it seems a logical choice.

Arnold Cunningham

3,799 posts

256 months

Tuesday 11th June
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P-Jay said:
My theory has always been that the films of the 70s and 80s that relied on SFX (Alien(s) Jaws, Star Wars etc) were brilliant because it forced the directors to be more creative, using music, lighting, tone and off-camera action to hide the wires and all that.

CGI has made things too easy, they can throw $100m at effects and create a spectacle but you lose the 'feel'.
Yeah, I agree. Jaws and Alien are interesting because you don't actually see the creatures on screen that much. It's fortunate, that "Bruce" was so unreliable, it made Jaws a much better film IMVHO.


25,938 posts

170 months

Tuesday 11th June
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C5_Steve said:
LimaDelta said:
The trailer looks like a re-hash of the first two movies. A completely unnecessary cash in for the next generation of punters (see pretty much every other Hollywood franchise flogging of recent times).

If you loved the originals (two) then they can't really be bettered, so just trying to re-do them with 'better' effects isn't going to work. The only meaningful addition to the series is to move on the story, and they've done that, and some worked better than others, but none were as good as the first two.

Which makes me wonder, why bother with this one? It seems like a purely money-making exercise, relying on nostalgia and a proven formula.

The only thing which interests me, and why I will probably see it is the title, and the relevance of the name Romulus. Given the obvious reference to a founder of Rome and the well known story, I'm curious about the film's interpretation.
The idea for this film comes from a deleted scene from Aliens, which showed a group of kids playing in and around the base on LV426 (it's available on the extended cut). Alvarez thought it would be an interesting angle not yet explored; what would it be like for the kids growing up on a world at the beginning of the terraforming?

As for the title, Romulus is the name of the space station above the planet that a lot of the film is set on (I'm sure you see the word on an airlock door in the trailer). It'll be interesting to see what the purpose of the station is, I'm thinking perhaps something along the lines of a research station for Weyland Yutani that will lead into the events of Alien.

It's worth noting the film was due originally to go straight to streaming but obviously changed. I'm sure the performance of Prey influenced this and given how good that film was, it seems a logical choice.
This concept sounds awesome to be honest. I’m looking forward to it.


6,649 posts

221 months

Tuesday 11th June
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p1stonhead said:
C5_Steve said:
LimaDelta said:
The trailer looks like a re-hash of the first two movies. A completely unnecessary cash in for the next generation of punters (see pretty much every other Hollywood franchise flogging of recent times).

If you loved the originals (two) then they can't really be bettered, so just trying to re-do them with 'better' effects isn't going to work. The only meaningful addition to the series is to move on the story, and they've done that, and some worked better than others, but none were as good as the first two.

Which makes me wonder, why bother with this one? It seems like a purely money-making exercise, relying on nostalgia and a proven formula.

The only thing which interests me, and why I will probably see it is the title, and the relevance of the name Romulus. Given the obvious reference to a founder of Rome and the well known story, I'm curious about the film's interpretation.
The idea for this film comes from a deleted scene from Aliens, which showed a group of kids playing in and around the base on LV426 (it's available on the extended cut). Alvarez thought it would be an interesting angle not yet explored; what would it be like for the kids growing up on a world at the beginning of the terraforming?

As for the title, Romulus is the name of the space station above the planet that a lot of the film is set on (I'm sure you see the word on an airlock door in the trailer). It'll be interesting to see what the purpose of the station is, I'm thinking perhaps something along the lines of a research station for Weyland Yutani that will lead into the events of Alien.

It's worth noting the film was due originally to go straight to streaming but obviously changed. I'm sure the performance of Prey influenced this and given how good that film was, it seems a logical choice.
This concept sounds awesome to be honest. I’m looking forward to it.
Agreed, except that doesn't seem to be what this film is. It might be good, but my experience of recent releases is to expect rubbish, and then I might be pleasantly surprised if it's not.


3,677 posts

106 months

Tuesday 11th June
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LimaDelta said:
p1stonhead said:
C5_Steve said:
LimaDelta said:
The trailer looks like a re-hash of the first two movies. A completely unnecessary cash in for the next generation of punters (see pretty much every other Hollywood franchise flogging of recent times).

If you loved the originals (two) then they can't really be bettered, so just trying to re-do them with 'better' effects isn't going to work. The only meaningful addition to the series is to move on the story, and they've done that, and some worked better than others, but none were as good as the first two.

Which makes me wonder, why bother with this one? It seems like a purely money-making exercise, relying on nostalgia and a proven formula.

The only thing which interests me, and why I will probably see it is the title, and the relevance of the name Romulus. Given the obvious reference to a founder of Rome and the well known story, I'm curious about the film's interpretation.
The idea for this film comes from a deleted scene from Aliens, which showed a group of kids playing in and around the base on LV426 (it's available on the extended cut). Alvarez thought it would be an interesting angle not yet explored; what would it be like for the kids growing up on a world at the beginning of the terraforming?

As for the title, Romulus is the name of the space station above the planet that a lot of the film is set on (I'm sure you see the word on an airlock door in the trailer). It'll be interesting to see what the purpose of the station is, I'm thinking perhaps something along the lines of a research station for Weyland Yutani that will lead into the events of Alien.

It's worth noting the film was due originally to go straight to streaming but obviously changed. I'm sure the performance of Prey influenced this and given how good that film was, it seems a logical choice.
This concept sounds awesome to be honest. I’m looking forward to it.
Agreed, except that doesn't seem to be what this film is. It might be good, but my experience of recent releases is to expect rubbish, and then I might be pleasantly surprised if it's not.
I don't think any of us can comment on whether it'll be good or not until it comes out rofl Plus, I'm sure we'll disagree on whether it is actually any good regardless of the quality. As some people have highlighted here, I find it a very different viewpoint to not think Aliens is a good film. Same goes for the two prequels, some like them, some don't.

As to the fact it "doesn't seem to be what the film is", I don't know what to tell you. That's exactly what the director has said is the film he's made. Can't really see how any of us are yet in a position to judge whether he's achieved it?

Here's a link to an article which is from a Q&A session the director did following the teaser. Doesn't give anything really away but it's an interesting read and in my view, really shows the care and attention paid to the franchise whilst also being something new. Pay specific attention to the CGI part, should put a few minds at rest:


4,061 posts

50 months

Tuesday 11th June
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I will definitely watch it.

I'm getting Prey vibes from this rather than The Predator.

So expecting it to be decent.

CT05 Nose Cone

25,053 posts

230 months

Tuesday 11th June
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P-Jay said:
UTH said:
Those who are already putting this latest film in the bin (it may well prove to be rubbish, we'll see).....what would you like to see from a new Alien film if this one isn't floating your boat? Or do you want the franchise to be left alone now?
My theory has always been that the films of the 70s and 80s that relied on SFX (Alien(s) Jaws, Star Wars etc) were brilliant because it forced the directors to be more creative, using music, lighting, tone and off-camera action to hide the wires and all that.

CGI has made things too easy, they can throw $100m at effects and create a spectacle but you lose the 'feel'.

The trailers look good to me because at least the tone looks good, it's dark, Xenomorphs are ambush hunters, hiding the shadows waiting to pounce, for me that's the scare factor, not a perfectly visible one jumping about on the roof of a fast-moving space craft like in Prometheus, it's a great spectacle, but it doesn't create emotion.

The director of Romulus had the opportunity to have the best of both worlds, keep the claustrophobic, dark, scary feel of the two first films, but improve things - Aliens isn't perfect, the Aliens move like a man in a suit, the face huggers sort of jiggle their legs as they're dragged across the ground by wires etc. I imagine it needs huge restrain by the director, especially as the Studio will want to create spectacle for the trailer to drag people into the cinema.
This is how ridiculous cgi is these days


502 posts

10 months

Tuesday 11th June
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LimaDelta said:
The trailer looks like a re-hash of the first two movies. A completely unnecessary cash in for the next generation of punters (see pretty much every other Hollywood franchise flogging of recent times).

If you loved the originals (two) then they can't really be bettered, so just trying to re-do them with 'better' effects isn't going to work. The only meaningful addition to the series is to move on the story, and they've done that**, and some worked better than others, but none were as good as the first two.

Which makes me wonder, why bother with this one? It seems like a purely money-making exercise, relying on nostalgia and a proven formula.

The only thing which interests me, and why I will probably see it is the title, and the relevance of the name Romulus. Given the obvious reference to a founder of Rome and the well known story, I'm curious about the film's interpretation.
Agree on most of that. (though I wont be watching this newest one)

**I would add that, all the films after the 2 originals have never actually tried to move the story along. Its always been the same old, same old. "stupid characters who you don't care for making dumb choices. And 1 or a number of aliens tracking them down and despatching them like the headless chickens they are"

Only Ripley, Hicks and perhaps Bishop are in any way competent rounded characters who do anything other than tread water till their inevitable demise. And besides the David characters in the 2 prequels the writers of every film have never bothered to give us good characters!

Ironically if this was a terrible MCU film. There would be spin off series from the Alien universe (not you AvP) that explore other races and other creatures. BUt it seems every Aliens is destined to follow the same old formula, slowly gaining the gravitas of Fast And Furious!