The official PH Emmerdale thread



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7,985 posts

76 months

Friday 11th June 2021
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AlexRS2782 said:
I think it was one of the soap reviewers online that said ITV were evidently expecting to receive more complaints about the dog in the car cliffhanger than they normally get about scenes invoving rape, murder, assault, etc.
If they continue the storyline of the dehydrated pooch to highlight the issue of not leaving dogs in a hot vehicle, that'll not be a bad thing...


8,083 posts

216 months

Saturday 12th June 2021
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CeramicMX5ND2 said:
AlexRS2782 said:
I think it was one of the soap reviewers online that said ITV were evidently expecting to receive more complaints about the dog in the car cliffhanger than they normally get about scenes invoving rape, murder, assault, etc.
If they continue the storyline of the dehydrated pooch to highlight the issue of not leaving dogs in a hot vehicle, that'll not be a bad thing...

Bit of a slight continuity fail with the dog toy as last it was seen being thrown into the rear footwell and the door shut. Yet somehow Meena, who was then shown as being in the pub all afternoon, managed to get back to the car after the dog was removed from it, find that it was still unlocked and take the toy back as a keepsake? Not that it matters anyway as by the looks of it Meena is now in complete soap, clepto, stalker, psycho territory with a sprinkling of possibly believing she's an "Angel of Death" based on the weird First Aid tin and the newspaper clipping of the suspicious death. Nice escalation there writers hehe

I guess Diane wasn't wrong when she referenced David and his, er, choices when it comes to women in the village hehe

Speaking of crazy women, spoilers for next week suggest that Bernice is going her own version of crazy in her attempt to get Liam back.

Edited by AlexRS2782 on Sunday 13th June 00:15


11,218 posts

212 months

Tuesday 15th June 2021
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With Liv who claimed to be Asexual getting it on with the lad on the caravan site,is this going to be the next pregnancy?

Who is Meena going to attempt to murder first?


15,022 posts

217 months

Tuesday 15th June 2021
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Saleen836 said:
With Liv who claimed to be Asexual getting it on with the lad on the caravan site,is this going to be the next pregnancy?

Who is Meena going to attempt to murder first?
Her acting coach smile


12,017 posts

148 months

Tuesday 15th June 2021
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cuprabob said:
Saleen836 said:
With Liv who claimed to be Asexual getting it on with the lad on the caravan site,is this going to be the next pregnancy?

Who is Meena going to attempt to murder first?
Her acting coach smile


8,083 posts

216 months

Wednesday 16th June 2021
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Saleen836 said:
With Liv who claimed to be Asexual getting it on with the lad on the caravan site,is this going to be the next pregnancy?
I don't think anything happened though. Liv inferred it had when she bumped into her mum that morning but the lad in the caravan then asked her if she "wanted to talk about what happened last night" and had "told your mum the truth". When Aaron arrived later and found her having a seizure, the lad in the caravan mentioned the seizure she'd had that night and how he'd stayed up watching her afterwards suggesting that's what happened instead.

Although knowing how much continuity gets lost in soaps, no doubt that will get overlooked.

Soap mags for next week suggesting that Kim is stepping up her plans to find out who was after her, but it seems to end up with her getting knocked out by a mystery assailant and as Will's the first to find her, he's getting arrested for everything, including the poisoning (which it looks like he may actually have done) whilst the real attacker remains at large.


Original Poster:

7,985 posts

76 months

Wednesday 16th June 2021
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AlexRS2782 said:
I don't think anything happened though. Liv inferred it had when she bumped into her mum that morning but the lad in the caravan then asked her if she "wanted to talk about what happened last night" and had "told your mum the truth". When Aaron arrived later and found her having a seizure, the lad in the caravan mentioned the seizure she'd had that night and how he'd stayed up watching her afterwards suggesting that's what happened instead.
Agree with this. Liv's recovery from these seizures seems pretty remarkable, not taking her meds and constantly wasted on drink! This is Emmerdale though, but at least Andrea handed out posters warning others not to leave their dogs in hot vehicles.....! smile


11,218 posts

212 months

Wednesday 23rd June 2021
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That wasn't a surprise!


Original Poster:

7,985 posts

76 months

Wednesday 23rd June 2021
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Kim Tate - She was gone, then she wasn't... Double x's her son Jamie with fake police and doctor...!, believing Will.. But will Will get his revenge for her spiking Dawn's drink.......?!
Will dodgy cop Malone ever be found... dug up and Dawn arrested....?!
Got to love Emmerdale... smile


8,083 posts

216 months

Thursday 24th June 2021
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I know this is soap world where all logic goes out of the window hehe but how exactly are they going to sell her "death" publicly seeing as her chat with Will at the end suggests this could be a long game thing by waiting to see how Jamie reacts over a number of weeks.

Not real Police, so no Police / coroner's report. Not a real arrest so no arrest report / record, so how are they going to sell Will being "held / released on bail" pending investigation? Surely Jamie would see through this when he phones the Police and asks them what's happening? hehe Then there's the whole thing of arranging the funeral - closed / locked casket i guess? hehe

In all fairness Jamie should know it's a setup anyway - mainly as the ever present PC Swirling wasn't attending the scene and it was a never seen in the village before PC instead hehe

Edited by AlexRS2782 on Friday 25th June 00:59


8,083 posts

216 months

Friday 25th June 2021
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Well that was all rather quick. They gave the impression in the previous episode there'd be a bit of drag out to see how Jamie reacts, then it's all cleared up in the next episode - although in fairness at one point Kim did reference the "last few days" suggesting that there's meant to have been at least 1 or 2 days delay before the reveal.


Original Poster:

7,985 posts

76 months

Friday 25th June 2021
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I think the next story will involve David and Victoria bonding because of them both having their own babies... Then see how this develops as psycho Meena will likely be enraged with jealousy.. Also will Liam return from his honeymoon with Leyla, have doubts and want Bernice again....?!


8,083 posts

216 months

Saturday 26th June 2021
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Blurb for next week suggests that Meena steps up her campaign of stirring. At the same time the Emmerdale Pride collection tin goes "missing" after some anon evidently left a decent donation. If that's the case, i'd bet it will be Meena that lifted it, and that the tin will get planted on / around Jacob in an attempt to get him out of the shop / back overseas so that she can move in - it would line up with Jacob's confession about the massive debt on the engagement ring to David which Meena also overheard.

Does make me wonder whether Emmerdale are building up to a murder / attempted murder later this year courtesy of Meena.


Original Poster:

7,985 posts

76 months

Tuesday 6th July 2021
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Not surprised to see Jacob has sussed out that Meena is a bit of a psycho.! Think he learned that from Maya... amongst other things...! biggrin


15,022 posts

217 months

Tuesday 6th July 2021
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Jacob has to be one of the most annoying characters of any soap. I was hoping that he would be the victim of Meena "going postal"


11,218 posts

212 months

Tuesday 6th July 2021
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I'm guessing Meena will attack Leeana and Jacob will turn up just in time and save the day!


Original Poster:

7,985 posts

76 months

Tuesday 6th July 2021
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Saleen836 said:
I'm guessing Meena will attack Leeana and Jacob will turn up just in time and save the day!
Maybe he will, maybe he won't...! His indecision is final, as one minute he's going travelling the world with Leana... then he isn't..!
Sure the spoilers are out there, don't look at them myself, but the village "grieves" in Monday's episode...!


12,017 posts

148 months

Thursday 8th July 2021
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anonymous said:
Emmerdale’s twinned with Midsomer, didn’t you know?


Original Poster:

7,985 posts

76 months

Thursday 8th July 2021
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Looks like Leana isn't going to make it to her own 18th birthday bash, and we'll again see the woeful police of Emmerdale, failing to find any evidence against Meena... Just one example being Meena's shoeprints that would have been left behind when going to mock Leana as she lay injured under the bridge....! Where's Columbo when you need him....?! "Oh just one more thing mam......?" biggrin


8,083 posts

216 months

Friday 9th July 2021
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Only in Soap / Movieland - when you're under threat of attack / death always make sure you run as far away from safety as possible, avoid anyone in the local population (pub / business, etc) and go to a nice remote location instead to ensure you get finished off - when will people ever learn? hehe

Another typical TV oversight with the scenes knocking Leana off - she gets thrown over the bridge side on, yet lands perfectly on the rocks (that are already set further back from the bridge) lengthways instead. Oh and the blood draining from her head wound appeared to be defying gravity as, based on the angle she was positioned in, the blood was heading up the rocks behind her head hehe

As you say, typical botched investigation to come - anyone want to bet on either Jacob being accused at some point, or maybe Billy as he was last seen by Dan talking to her on the outskirts of the village - plus Matty / Mack had already been spreading the fake story about Billy / Leana in a previous episode.

Plus point appears to be Leana getting a good pull of Meena's hair / skin under her fingernails for future DNA purposes - although this will be conveniently overlooked i'm sure in order to drag this out to say, Christmas, or whenever voting is due for the next NTA's? hehe - and it seems Meena has now hung the ring on her necklace based on her dancing scene - although again, i assume this will be missed by everyone in the village including David hehe

Edited by AlexRS2782 on Friday 9th July 00:22