TVRCC Track Days 2024 - Which choices did you pick?

TVRCC Track Days 2024 - Which choices did you pick?



Original Poster:

689 posts

40 months

Tuesday 5th September 2023
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So the good folks at the TVRCC have invited feedback on what tracks they should look to book for next years track days…with 3 track days possibly to be arranged.

I imagine we’ll end up at Cadwell for at least one day, and I wouldn’t be against going to Donington again either.

My choices were:

1. Oulton Park - looks great circuit and close to home
2. Anglesey - close to home but also looks beautiful
3. Silverstone - classic circuit and I would like to drive it just so when I watch the GP I can say I’ve been there smile

I’d be interested to hear other people’s choices and rational



Original Poster:

689 posts

40 months

Tuesday 5th September 2023
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spitfire4v8 said:
Ive not seen the email they said they were sending out .. is it via email or is it just on the tvrcc website?
Via email from just before 5pm last night.

It does say to pass it onto anyone that wants to contribute, so if you pm me your email address I'll forward it on.


Original Poster:

689 posts

40 months

Wednesday 6th September 2023
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I didn’t even seek Mrs P’s input for choices Nick eek

That’s a fair point about not knowing which configurations too, but the folks at the club didn’t know what configuration we were doing at Donny on the day biggrin

Agreed Stewart, anywhere is fine really with a good crowd of folks to enjoy the day!


Original Poster:

689 posts

40 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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Got an email from the TVRCC with the result of the vote:

1. Donington Park
2. Oulton Park
3. Brands Hatch
4. Silverstone
5. Cadwell Park
6. Thruxton
7. Snetterton
8. Anglesey
9. Croft
10. Mallory.

I'd be happy to go to any of the top 5, although Brands is a bit of a trek for those of us up north!

Will be interested to see what they can get booked for 2024.


Original Poster:

689 posts

40 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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Agree Stewart - I did think the projected costs were quite high, but it was the worst case scenario pricing with the weekend rates being used.

I appreciate business is business, but I think those tracks that have a dB limited day for one price and an unlimited dB day for a greater price are taking the pee a bit. All the talk of being restricted by the council, or to not bother the neighbours, blah blah…but if you pay the track more money then it all gets forgotten!

Maybe I’m just still bitter for failing my sound test that first time biggrin


Original Poster:

689 posts

40 months

Monday 18th December 2023
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kartman24 said:
Has the decision been made yet which Tracks they are going to in 24?
Yes mate. Brands, Oulton and Cadwell.

Separate thread is here


Original Poster:

689 posts

40 months

Friday 22nd March
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Both Brands Hatch and Oulton have now met the minimum quota smile


Original Poster:

689 posts

40 months

Wednesday 1st May
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Emails were sent out on 12th April for payment of the balance for Brands.

Give the office a call and I’m sure they’ll be able to sort it out for you.


Original Poster:

689 posts

40 months

Thursday 2nd May
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mk1fan said:
Bit suprised that Cadwell hasn't 'sold out'.

Got service and MOT booked with the TVR tickler for the 23rd and 24th. Unfortunately, I will struggle to get to Brands (only 15-miles away) until 11am as I need to drop my eldest off at half term club.

Job list ahead of service I hear you ask. Of course there's one biglaugh

i. prep and paint modified wiper arms.

ii. install ceramic coated mainfolds and sport CATs.

iii. fit new rear number plate holder.

iv. fit new side indicators.

v. fit fuel tank plate mk2.

vi. check earth connections.
Few bits to keep you busy there ahead of Brands. Why don’t you bring your kid with you to the track, will be a far more interesting day then any half term club biggrin


Original Poster:

689 posts

40 months

Tuesday 28th May
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phazed said:
Well, weather has improved for tomorrow’s track day at Brands Hatch. Should be cloudy all day but you never know!

I have decided to run road tyres as Brands is a pretty slippery surface when wet and my track tyres have close to zero tread left!
Keeping my fingers crossed for the weather too Peter.

See you tomorrow.


Original Poster:

689 posts

40 months

Friday 31st May
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phazed said:
Unfortunate for the guy in the Tuscan, who was under instruction on lap two of the first session.

About 1 minute 40 seconds..
Good videos Peter, thanks for sharing.

Looking at that Tuscan after the incident it had a nasty scuff down the side which I wondered whether or not it might have been caused by the incident (or the marshals!), but it looks to already be on the car when he pulled in front of you in the pit lane.

One short vid from me:

and a few photos:

My car was bottoming out all over the track so need to get that sorted asap! Looking forward to seeing everyone at Outlon in July!
