Spotted Thaxted Sunday morning..

Spotted Thaxted Sunday morning..



Original Poster:

11,254 posts

267 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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COuple of very noisy Griffs - one red with a dirty great big Pistonheads sticker on its arse - reg ending in "FUN" - one green. I was on a black C43 AMG behind the green one. You don't know how tough it was not to follow you for a bit of fun smile


2,526 posts

291 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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You must have just missed the others, there were a few more than that coming through Thaxted this morning, about 30 moreeek See the herts and Beds meet thread


6,418 posts

258 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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rubystone said:
one red with a dirty great big Pistonheads sticker on its arse - reg ending in "FUN"
If this was the one you saw then it was a Chimaera.

You would have been more than welcome to join in. yes
50+ other noisy bu**ers were out too. biggrin

Edited by Waynester on Sunday 15th March 21:32