Any car meet @ the Nurbergring May 2009

Any car meet @ the Nurbergring May 2009



Original Poster:

94 posts

196 months

Tuesday 10th March 2009
quotequote all
I am a soldier stationed in Germany. A few guys are planning to head down to the Ring in May, looking like the first or second weekend of the month. There are a couple of guys already coming from the UK as well, they will be driving over then spending a night in a town called Gutersloh (about 5 hours drive from Calis) before hitting the Ring, living here I am able to get details of hotels ect.
As soon as I get more details I will put them up on here for all to see!

Cars so far:
VW Golf R32
Mazda RX8
TVR Chimera

+ 2 Bikes