TVR Cheshire CC Melling factory visit

TVR Cheshire CC Melling factory visit


Green Montego

Original Poster:

99 posts

218 months

Monday 23rd February 2009
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Saturday at Mellor Street went well with part of the Cheshire TVR CC coming to visit the Al Melling Sportscars factory. The Wildcat has a little less rubber on the tyres now but there is still some left for the rest of the Cheshire CC on the 28th.

There was also the little surprise of the Jaguar XJR9 LeMans car which is in having engine work done. Al's always proud to have designed such a sucessful engine and is very happy to show of the car.

If any other regions want to arrange a visit then give the factory a call or drop an email through the website.


657 posts

233 months

Monday 23rd February 2009
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Big thanks to Al, Margaret and the boys for a great visit. Wildcat looks and sounds fantastic.


Edited by CLN1 on Monday 23 February 20:55

Green Montego

Original Poster:

99 posts

218 months

Monday 23rd February 2009
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No worries Colin. You and your guys made it one of the most interesting yet. Just hope Paul has an equally good visit.

Edited by Green Montego on Monday 23 February 20:56

Green Montego

Original Poster:

99 posts

218 months

Tuesday 24th February 2009
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As promised, here is a photo of the Jaguar XJR9 from the factory.


51 posts

215 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Here here i enjoyed the visit as well on Saturday. One of the best i`ve been on for a long

tinks v8S

2,153 posts

216 months

Wednesday 4th March 2009
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sorry only just found this post,
gr8t day out
glad we came 10out 0f10