Any News Yet -- BBWF09

Any News Yet -- BBWF09


Jonny weggie

Original Poster:

1,607 posts

199 months

Tuesday 17th February 2009
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The initial message was deleted from this topic on 25 February 2009 at 10:52


1,329 posts

215 months

Tuesday 17th February 2009
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Nothing definate yet, still sorting out a fixed room rate deal with Herons Reach as the agency booking deal was proving to be a hit or miss thing with prices all over the place, hopefully we will have the info tomorrow and then we can get moving.


Jonny weggie

Original Poster:

1,607 posts

199 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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chedder said:
Nothing definate yet, still sorting out a fixed room rate deal with Herons Reach as the agency booking deal was proving to be a hit or miss thing with prices all over the place, hopefully we will have the info tomorrow and then we can get moving.

Thanks Tony...


3,749 posts

226 months

Friday 20th February 2009
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