Who's going Chatsworth on Sat for the drive??

Who's going Chatsworth on Sat for the drive??



Original Poster:

1,249 posts

230 months

Monday 16th February 2009
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One of the main reasons for me going up to Chatsworth is to go for a drive in a big TVR convoy!tank

But i read somewhere that the drive sets off at 10am! which meens i will have to leave Exeter bloomin early! I just thought this would put other people off going early on the Sat..

Does anyone know for sure what time it is happening? and are many of you planning on joining in??


824 posts

219 months

Monday 16th February 2009
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We've still got to finalize the details of the Saturday run. When it's finished we'll get the details on the Chatsworth Gathering website.

As far as timing is concerned we'll meet from about 10am at Chatsworth, leaving at around 11am. People who arrive later can always meet at the lunch time pub stop or even at the finish at Chatsworth in the afternoon (of course if you choose the latter you don't get a run, just chat & kick tyres!)

Hope this helps for now


Edited by YKB on Monday 16th February 21:52


Original Poster:

1,249 posts

230 months

Tuesday 17th February 2009
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ah right, ok. I'd like to make the run with all the tivs, so i'll just have to get up early!!