Thunder in the Tunnels....

Thunder in the Tunnels....



Original Poster:

899 posts

203 months

Sunday 15th February 2009
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Having been on a run out with a few other Tivs this morning to the Breakfast Club i now need another fix and was wondering who organises the Titt events and where they run, if there will be another etc.
I cant think of anything better....cloud9 after following a Sag this morning popping and banging on the overrun, loved it.


209 posts

241 months

Sunday 15th February 2009
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was not me was it loz,sorry did not get chance to talk will have a chat next time glad you liked the sound.kiefh


5,025 posts

210 months

Monday 16th February 2009
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Blues is your man for all things TiTT related.


Original Poster:

899 posts

203 months

Monday 16th February 2009
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kiefh said:
was not me was it loz,sorry did not get chance to talk will have a chat next time glad you liked the sound.kiefh
Yes mate it was you! Very nice car wink Not sure how you sneaked up to the display area though....