

57 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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QBee said:
lestershaw said:
Anthony, it might be an idea to have "team leaders" who know the route a little better than the others and who could take care of their group of ,say, ten or twelve?
i am happy to put my name forward
Yes, splendid idea Lester. About 8-10 of us, local to the event, could meet up the weekend before and go around the route in a convoy. Simples.....
I would be up for it, you clearly are, Mat P would I imagine, Stu is a past master, and the rest will appoint themselves i am sure.
There would of course be no need to do quite as many repeats at Puddle Dock, Rotherhithe and Westferry.......that would save an hour or so, and a minor refinery worth in fuel.

ideaIt did just cross my mind - while there was clear evidence of road work stuff in Westferry Circus, I wondered if my getting permission to go through Canary Wharf directly led to that being done.....
I'll throw my hat in to the ring too QBee, we had the email discussion about the northbound Blackwall turn off. But the anarchy of Tivs coming from all roads at the same time on some junctions is part of the fun no? wink


21,148 posts

147 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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lestershaw said:
Anthony, im glad you arent my accountant, your always on the internet!! :-) although you might be able to help with car expenses more :-)
it didnt look like road works to me, it looked like intended "stopping you park at westferry" work to me, or are you saying that as they knew we were around, they knew when to close it?

also if we did do groups and were getting around a bit quicker, we might even be able to add in the heathrow tunnels :-)
Thanks Lester - having just moved house a week ago, I am having a day at home doing DIY as I feel too tired to work, and am just keeping an eye on the 'pooter to see the response to TiTTs. I tend to work early in the mornings like you, and go out to clients about three days a week, so the rest of the time I can do what I enjoy.....and what the boss suggests needs doing.


1,591 posts

161 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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i have some video of yesterday, but due to my lack of expertise, i forgot to delete last time out footage, so the memcard filled up too quickly, the battery wasnt fully charged so ran out too quickly, and the mike extension failed, steven spielberg, stop worrying.

shall i put the video on, even without sound?


1,651 posts

144 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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Yes I've just reviewed our footage, and it's somewhat dissapointing. It largely consists of a camera shot through the windscreen, rapidly panning to the roof under hard acceleration, and lots of complaining from the passenger seat....


1,826 posts

141 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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Hi QBee I quite enjoyed our little walk along the embankment and seeing the wobbly bridge.
It was a lovely day, great weather, loads of fantastic cars and people and it was nice to put faces to names. I loved the Canary Wharf section with Cars coming from all directions. That was great fun. Thanks alot we both really enjoyed our first Titt.

clap Well done QBee

I have got photos and video so will try and sort it out and post soon.



1,591 posts

161 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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i think i should order a job lot of the go pro piggy back and remote control wi fi thingy


2,040 posts

255 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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QBee said:
....and that shot down the tunnel is one I would blow up as big as possible and put on my wall, specially if it was my car.......
with the photographer's permission, of course.
I thought so too, amazing photo of my mates car - posted it to 'misteradz'/Adam to try to cheer him up as he broke down shortly after/low loader back to Chippenham... frown

Thanks again to those who push started me (UP HILL !) at Canary Wharf approach - what a great bunch you all are !


21,148 posts

147 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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lestershaw said:
i think i should order a job lot of the go pro piggy back and remote control wi fi thingy
Where from? Ann Summers????? laugh


21,148 posts

147 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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So that's the Sagaris (Lev the clutch cylinder), Misteradz (unspecified), the blue Chimeara (track rod on the test hill at Brooklands), several wives and girlfriends (nervous breakdowns), a number of peoples' hearing, and a couple of "difficult" starters - any more breakdowns?

To be fair, we do put the cars under a fair bit of strain on these runs.


1,807 posts

173 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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Wide arse said:
Does anyone have any footage of my Clio in any of the tunnels
I have memories of your Clio,my ears are still bleeding from the sound of your alarm being set off,in Puddle Dock tunnel every time a Tiv blasted by.(which was quite often)laugh


25,298 posts

254 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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lestershaw said:
Anthony, im glad you arent my accountant, your always on the internet!! :-) although you might be able to help with car expenses more :-)
it didnt look like road works to me, it looked like intended "stopping you park at westferry" work to me, or are you saying that as they knew we were around, they knew when to close it?

also if we did do groups and were getting around a bit quicker, we might even be able to add in the heathrow tunnels :-)
I had a feeling Westferry was closed especially for us rolleyes


250 posts

145 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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QBee said:
The lovely curved perspective is great.....

....and that shot down the tunnel is one I would blow up as big as possible and put on my wall, specially if it was my car.......
with the photographer's permission, of course.
That tunnel shot is of my car!smile Awesome photo, thank you for taking it. It was my last happy memory of the event until i broke down at the exit of the tunnel cry...yes guys it was me causing all the traffic jams. Sorry about that. Although I have to say how many people stopped and asked if i needed help. Your all such good people. Thank you.


Wide arse

76 posts

194 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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seeby said:
I have memories of your Clio,my ears are still bleeding from the sound of your alarm being set off,in Puddle Dock tunnel every time a Tiv blasted by.(which was quite often)laugh
Sorry. She is quite sensitive and not used to having monsters roaring past like that. Wasnt the noise I was hoping it would be memorable for though laugh


5,329 posts

176 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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Footage from Puddle Dock


5,392 posts

231 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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NiceCupOfTea said:
lestershaw said:
Anthony, im glad you arent my accountant, your always on the internet!! :-) although you might be able to help with car expenses more :-)
it didnt look like road works to me, it looked like intended "stopping you park at westferry" work to me, or are you saying that as they knew we were around, they knew when to close it?

also if we did do groups and were getting around a bit quicker, we might even be able to add in the heathrow tunnels :-)
I had a feeling Westferry was closed especially for us rolleyes
I have stopped there on runes probably 50 times, and never seen barriers there before. It seems rather odd the way the barriers were placed, with no work taking places, but I doubt if it was especially to stop us stopping. I suspect it was to do with a big bike ride event to Brighton that i think went through Westferry earlier that night.


1,591 posts

161 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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seeby said:
I have memories of your Clio,my ears are still bleeding from the sound of your alarm being set off,in Puddle Dock tunnel every time a Tiv blasted by.(which was quite often)laugh
i have some footage of your car but its outside the tunnels, would you still like it, im not sure how much there is though


1,591 posts

161 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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chevy-stu said:
NiceCupOfTea said:
lestershaw said:
Anthony, im glad you arent my accountant, your always on the internet!! :-) although you might be able to help with car expenses more :-)
it didnt look like road works to me, it looked like intended "stopping you park at westferry" work to me, or are you saying that as they knew we were around, they knew when to close it?

also if we did do groups and were getting around a bit quicker, we might even be able to add in the heathrow tunnels :-)
I had a feeling Westferry was closed especially for us rolleyes
I have stopped there on runes probably 50 times, and never seen barriers there before. It seems rather odd the way the barriers were placed, with no work taking places, but I doubt if it was especially to stop us stopping. I suspect it was to do with a big bike ride event to Brighton that i think went through Westferry earlier that night.
yes i think you are probably right :-)


250 posts

145 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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SirSagalot said:

Not the way I was expecting to end my second TiTT but hopefully the one and only time I will need a low loader to get home. So gutted. Perfect weather conditions and a great collection of fantastic sounding TVR's and of course Stu's Chevvy. Hope the rest of the day was as much fun.
Snap. Sorry to hear you day ended like mine!


392 posts

141 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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MPoxon said:
Footage from Puddle Dock
Great stuff, shame we turned up late, due to starting issues. Tony's Cerbera was something else for noise!


21,148 posts

147 months

Monday 13th May 2013
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lestershaw said:
yes i think you are probably right :-)
No, I think they are wrong - a video posted by the ~Berkshire group showed workmen finishing placing the barriers there at 6.40 am.
It would be interesting if any of you live in that part of London if someone could pop down into Westferry Circus today or tomorrow and see if the works are still going on. If they are, then we are worrying about nothing. If it is clear again, then I suspect it was done for us.....