

1,591 posts

161 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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Thanks Anthony. You did a great job. Probably only Chevy stu who knows exactly how much time and effort it takes. Nice to see you again and all the other tivvers. I have some video footage but didn't plug the mike in properly :-( so no sound. I think this should be a bi yearly event, how busy are you in the autumn ? Anyway theanks again, it was a great day


5,329 posts

176 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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Another great TITT and a huge thank you to Anthony for organising. The written instructions were fantastic and there seemed to be far less lost TVRs than previous years. My ears are also still ringing!

I do have some footage but I need to edit.


21,158 posts

147 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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Thanks for the kind words guys and gals - nice to see some gals there today in testosterone town. Shelly, I will refine my navigational skills before showing you the route to the loo again. Just for interest exactly WHERE did 67 TVrs vanish to for 20 minutes at/after Canary Wharf??? confused

It does me leave me thinking that the future of these runs lies with accurate written instructions rather than satnavs, and with passengers to share the fun and read the directions.
(Though ideally written instructions with all the pages in the correct order - sorry to those to whom I handed printed copies at the start, one page was out of order)

Sad to see Lev with clutch failure - hope you will be with us next time Lev. cryAnd I hope anyone else with malfunctions managed to get home.
I was pleased to see a good gathering at Battersea, so the directions couldn't have been too bad.

ideaAs for future runs, I agree two a year is about right, it allows new people to join and the rest of us to refine the process so that it really works well. I personally liked doing the run in daylight, so would suggest the next one be in August or early September rather than October (last time I began to realise that TiTTs was a reference to what was frozen off, not an acronym for the run itself!) laugh


21,158 posts

147 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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yosini said:
A good run today - thanks to all who organised. The written route was a lot easier to follow, especially with the mrs in the navigating seat. I didn't have the GoPro on today - but we took a couple of clips which are now on YouTube:

We had to get into work so left after parliament Sq (hope the red cerb following us got back to the route)


Joe & Jacky (Silver Cerb)
Cracking video Joe/Jacky. Captures the atmosphere nicely


1,807 posts

173 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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Timja said:
Sadly I also ended on a low loader after my track Rod snapped after going up the test hill at Brooklands!!! I anyone has any videos/photos of me going up they would be gratefully appreciated! R reg blue chimaera (no front plate). Cheers
Dya mean this one . Sorry best I could do wink


1,807 posts

173 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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This was a bit of a lucky shot of the Q plate Griff on the Brooklands Test Hill.Bum out and smoking smile


25,298 posts

254 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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Qbee, on the second visit to rotherhithe a lot of people seemed to double back and do the tunnel twice again which split people up. It was quite odd, several times during the run I went from being right in the middle of a pack to seemingly on my own confused I don't think we made any mistakes actually, the instructions were pretty clear!


21,158 posts

147 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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NiceCupOfTea said:
Qbee, on the second visit to rotherhithe a lot of people seemed to double back and do the tunnel twice again which split people up. It was quite odd, several times during the run I went from being right in the middle of a pack to seemingly on my own confused I don't think we made any mistakes actually, the instructions were pretty clear!
Thanks NCoT - that explains it.
I adopted the attitude "let them play" - the route was there just to give coherence and a general sense of direction, and somewhere to aim for if you had lost the convoy. So long as everyone had fun and not too many got lost then the run was a success.

One thing is obvious - as soon as one person decides on taking a turn, right or wrong, the rest follow like lambs. But then, there is no "wrong", just different.

To go back to what you said, I thought the Rotherhithe was a great tunnel, as it allowed noisy cars to be going in both directions at once. So an ad lib repeat was brilliant. I was beginning to think "not again" on our third pass through (fourth including getting to the O2), so am glad some of you actually liked it enough to do it five to six times.

And Castle wotsit street (after Puddle Dock) seemed to be a bit of a success too. My hearing should be back to normal by Friday, thanks to all Cerberas, the Lambo, and frankly, most of the rest of you hooligans.

I would happily create the route again next time, and try to make it really different, perhaps starting at Battersea and going west to east.....
.......but also feel that the wisdom and knowledge of Chevy Stu, or the fresh approach of a new brian, might give us something totally different next time.

Its a democracy - your call.


1,282 posts

135 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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Timja said:
Excellent route directions on the print out, thanks! Really easy to follow, I'm guessing a lot of people were relying on sat navs as there were cars everywhere at times! All adds to the fun though. smile

Sadly I also ended on a low loader after my track Rod snapped after going up the test hill at Brooklands!!! I anyone has any videos/photos of me going up they would be gratefully appreciated! R reg blue chimaera (no front plate). Cheers
Sorry to hear that. Nice to meet you today, and thanks for you help with joining the convoy.


5,329 posts

176 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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I have not had a chance to edit up the whole run yet but here some footage from Griff cam at Puddle Dock.

Turn the speakers up and remember to select HD 1080p smile


2,267 posts

218 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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Great run today...
Arrived at start 15mins early to find no-one there, which was a bit worrying for my first tunnel run.
Relied on following the car in front technique which worked well till they got lost. Still we all tried again until I lost them and following the car in front got me to Batersea park first as well!!!

Also had a great run to Brooklands, with about half a dozen Tivs mucking about down the A3 - particularly the traffic light Grand Prix against the red cerb - S's aren't as slow as you may think wink

Edited by AutoAndy on Sunday 12th May 20:53


176 posts

184 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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ChrisA said:
pb450 said:
SirSagalot said:

Not the way I was expecting to end my second TiTT but hopefully the one and only time I will need a low loader to get home. So gutted. Perfect weather conditions and a great collection of fantastic sounding TVR's and of course Stu's Chevvy. Hope the rest of the day was as much fun.
Real shame this. What happened?? I was admiring your car parked beside you waiting to enter Canary Wharf. lick Saw the AA van at Queen Vic St and hoped it was going to be a quick fix. Apparently not... irked
Unfortunately it smelt like a clutch problem when I was following. Gorgeous car though. I was just chatting to his son just before canary warf about the troubles I had with my speed six s Tuscan - which included 2 clutch replacements!

Hope you made it back ok
Thanks for the comments guys. Spot on diagnosis. New Slave cylinder and clutch needed. The car managed 28,000 miles on the same clutch which I am told is fairly respectable. I am however thankfull that it didn't happen in the middle of a tunnel and also that the AA chap was a TVR fan and was meticulous in loading, transporting and unloading. Thanks to all of you who stopped etc. Never s dull moment in the world of TVR ownership.


734 posts

142 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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Totally mental!

This was my first TVR event and my first tunnel run, and you guys need to grow up! I feel I fit right in, lol!

What an excellent event, To all who helped arrange etc, well done, and I'm ready for the next one!

Never got lost once, even though we thought we had, many times! Service tunnel rocks, shame about the underground circle bit, but loved the fact that fellow tiivers were following us and we didn't have a clue!

And a big thank you to my Cerb, performed faultlessly and found out that it's really quite loud, especially when the exhausts get hot!


1,930 posts

212 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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seeby said:
Dya mean this one . Sorry best I could do wink
That's the one! Thanks! Anyone got a video?


1,930 posts

212 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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Northernchimp said:
Sorry to hear that. Nice to meet you today, and thanks for you help with joining the convoy.
Good to meet you too, hopefully get my car fixed soon. Hope you enjoyed the morning


3,126 posts

178 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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Timja said:
Sadly I also ended on a low loader after my track Rod snapped after going up the test hill at Brooklands!!! I anyone has any videos/photos of me going up they would be gratefully appreciated! R reg blue chimaera (no front plate). Cheers
Hi Tim, great to meet you today and sorry to hear about your car! How did that happen?

Please let me know if you do the darker badge we discussed.


2,040 posts

255 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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Not sure how I missed Puddle Dock ??

Any footage appreciated (LPG Black Griff)inc. 'up the Hill'.

Thanks to all the organisers and all those who set the alarms early for a great day.


Grey Ghost

4,583 posts

223 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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QBee said:
One thing is obvious - as soon as one person decides on taking a turn, right or wrong, the rest follow like lambs. But then, there is no "wrong", just different.
Spot on. First "wrong" was just after the Blackwall Tunnel, second one just as we entered Canary Wharf (thanks for getting us access to that prime piece of one way playground) and I got involved in a third one where about 8 of us tried to enter Chinatown, which was fun hehe

The key element was that each time we all just cracked up laughing, sorted out a quick series of 3 point turns and got back on track.........albeit with a bit of rubber left insitu and some onlookers holding their ears thumbup


1,180 posts

236 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
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Well that was fun. Thanks to QB for the slog of sorting it. I know how much organising these things take. Great run with a great bunch of Tivvers (and the interlopers wink ) and some glorious Blackpool Rockets.

Few Pics and Vids. smile

Saw this little beauty at Brooklands, spoke to the owner (lovely chap) who'd built it in 1970 and it's his daily driver. Top Man!

YouTube Video 1
YouTube Video 2
YouTube Video 3
YouTube Video 4


14,878 posts

194 months

Sunday 12th May 2013
quotequote all
Vid 3 @ 2:00 was a great moment. TVRs and cyclists on a Sunday jolly!

Couldn't make it this time out, but definitely on for the next! biggrin