1080p > 1080i... why?



Original Poster:

1,329 posts

265 months

Monday 26th January 2009
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Why is 1080p considered better than 1080i?

My tv at home is capable of max 180i, bought before the wide availability of 1080p, when viewing blu rays through my PS3 i've noticed that the picture is "better" for want of a better word @ 720p than if i view it at 1080i, to me it seems less pixelated, and sharper, but surely the resolution is that much higher again at 1080i that it should be better.

Hope that makes sense.


Original Poster:

1,329 posts

265 months

Monday 26th January 2009
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i don't have the ability to compare to 1080p, but to my eye, the 720p picture is distinctly better than 1080i, i very much noticed this the other day when watching hellboy 2, i'd been messing with the settings and put it on 1080i, it looked positively nasty, then on 720p most pleasing.

Maybe my tv will have an accident so i can get that proper 1080p experience wink