New Tv and Hi-Fi help !!!



Original Poster:

4,469 posts

262 months

Monday 19th January 2009
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I am having a new lounge built at present and have been told by the mrs that the old 40 inch rear projection Tv and hi fi separates have to go ( into my office in the new garages as it happens) so no real issue.

However I need to buy a new stereo for the lounge and a new tv, I need some advise on what to buy, the requirements are very small and discreet hifi and flat screen tv.

I have looked at a bose hifi and sony flat screen circa 40 inch, can some one give me advise re alternatives. I am way out of touch !!!

The reason I ask now is that whilst the room is being built it gives me the chance to hide speakers and wires.



Original Poster:

4,469 posts

262 months

Monday 19th January 2009
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They all look pretty good and seem to wireless great I will have a look, what is the television of the moment ? circa 40 inch