Anyone still buying CDs and Tapes?

Anyone still buying CDs and Tapes?



Original Poster:

584 posts

189 months

Sunday 26th May
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I went head first into iPod when it came out, and so moved all my CDs onto MP3 format then promptly put them in a box and into the garage. Moved house a few times with them, eventually my O/H making me get rid of them as we would never use them again. Which I did, getting pennies for each of them.

Fast forward a few years, and of course, I’ve moved back into vinyl with my turntable connected to my SONOS system. I’ve even got my iPod connected into it, however even that feels obsolete now in a world of Spotify, etc…..

But just as vinyl has made a comeback (and I’m slowly building my collection up again) do you think CDs/tapes will be popular again? I have bought the odd CD at some gigs I’ve been at (my car has a CD player) but I also see some artists selling new music on all formats including cassette tapes again. So do you buy them still in a download/streaming age? Are they just hoping that the old stuff will enjoy the same resurgence that vinyl has, or is it a dead medium?

(Asking before I start looking at SONOS compatible equipment and spending money needlessly!!)


Original Poster:

584 posts

189 months

Sunday 26th May
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Interesting. I wish I had ripped all my CDs to a NAS before I (literally) gave them away as it would cost a fortune to replace what I had amassed over the years. But then again, perhaps like my vinyl collection I would only buy what I really wanted in hard format. All other random stuff where I just liked the odd track, I’d stream now. I just think it “feels” a bit more special handling something rather than just pressing my phone screen, dance why I’ve loved buying records again.

But the convenience of Spotify (especially in the car) is beyond doubt. Never saw the appeal of cassette tapes after CDs came along though!


Original Poster:

584 posts

189 months

Sunday 26th May
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I have to say, I agree that there is something quite satisfying about flicking through records/CDs and selecting them to play. I love spending time in record shops doing this. That was my Saturday mornings with my mates when we used to spend far too much time (and possibly money!) in Barnstorm Records in Dumfries. Then my older sister met her future husband who used to take me to record fairs. Still enjoy going to them now.

As convenient as Spotify is, it just doesn’t have those memories for me. I’ve loved getting back into vinyl.


Original Poster:

584 posts

189 months

Tuesday 28th May
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toon10 said:
I tend to buy the odd CD when at a gig, mainly to support the band if they are good. I get a signed CD to add to the collection but in reality, I'll stream their album 99% of the time.
This is what I’ve done the last two gigs I’ve been at.


Original Poster:

584 posts

189 months

Friday 31st May
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Consider your categorisation (mine is incomprehensible to my wife for some reason) and presentation?

Edited by castex on Tuesday 28th May 23:18


Not autobiographical????

(If you know, you know.....)



Original Poster:

584 posts

189 months

Friday 31st May
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Mont Blanc said:
AC43 said:
Jimjimhim said:
No, CDs were always crap and cassettes were even worse to own, so why would I now when there are better options!
I just had a look at three of my favourite Spotify playlists; I've been adding to them for ages.

The jazz one is relatively recent but I've already got it up to 11 hours 58 minutes.

My house playlist is at 28 hours 49 minutes.

And my lounge one is 30 hours 58 minutes.

That's a lot of flicking through cases of CD's.....
Exactly this.

I also have a Jazz playlist that is currently sat at 14 hours 41 minutes.
I also have House at 69 hours...
Jazz, House, Lounge.. We probably have very similar tastes biggrin

But the point is that playlists are the best thing since sliced bread, and you can't get that experience from physical media. You just assemble the best of the tracks that fit that particular genre or mood, and enjoy.

I don't think I've ever listened to a full album all the way through more than once. Even if I really like a particular artist, there is usually only 2 or 3 tracks from an album of theirs that I want to listen to again and again, so listening to albums has never worked for me.
I still love listening to single albums all the way through, but I agree on the playlist thing. I have a few on my Spotify account, some genre, others just songs I like arranged in a list so I can play them for hours when I am on a long drive and don't want the hassle of having to keep choosing a new album or artist.


Original Poster:

584 posts

189 months

Saturday 1st June
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I’ve dug out my old Samsung Blu Ray player and hooked it up to the TV which means I can play CDs through my SONOS. So now I’ve got my turntable, iPod and CDs through the SONOS as well as Spotify. Will see how much I use the CD before spending any money on a dedicated player. I suspect I won’t use it much, but until I decide, the quality is decent enough for now.


Original Poster:

584 posts

189 months

Sunday 9th June
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rossub said:
This thread has been very bad for my wallet.

Bought £1350 of Amp and Speakers so I could revive my 23 year old NAD CD player.

Been a pleasure finding CDs I completely forgot I had though.
Whoops!!! wink