Region free Bluray and DVD player options

Region free Bluray and DVD player options



Original Poster:

4,022 posts

256 months

Tuesday 21st May
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Looking for reccomendations on a Bluray and DVD player that is region free. Now I seem to remember that there might have been a thread here on PH, and a reccomendation for a Panasonic player from Amazon using TPS as the seller, however I dont seem able to find the thread, and the TPS Panasonic is Bluray region B, not region free.

So, am i chasing my tail on this? Having spent an inordinate length of time in the US, I've amassed discs from all over, and would simply like to play them here in the UK.



Original Poster:

4,022 posts

256 months

Tuesday 21st May
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belleair302 said:
Where are you located. I may have a solution.
Essex/Suffolk way.