ION USB turntable



Original Poster:

1,965 posts

253 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
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OK, I'll admit defeat- the words in the manualk are written in English, but make no sense to me whatsoever...

I can record, and remove noise, but after that, it all goes t8ts up!!! and I, nor the O/H are nerds when it comes to techie stuff!!!

any help would be appreciated



90,809 posts

265 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
quotequote all
Number One --- The Larch



2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,815 posts

245 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
quotequote all
celticpilgrim said:
I can record, and remove noise,
What else does it do? (tea & toast requires a plug in biggrin)

Simpo Two

87,740 posts

275 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
quotequote all
I thought The Larch was number 2?

2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
What else does it do? (tea & toast requires a plug in biggrin)
You can get a toaster that makes a poached egg as well, but not tea.

Edited by Simpo Two on Thursday 12th February 22:18

Parrot of Doom

23,075 posts

244 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
quotequote all
Anything that cheap will be damaging the groove in your records. Have fun.


518 posts

196 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
quotequote all
Parrot of Doom said:
Anything that cheap will be damaging the groove in your records. Have fun.
Records sound better, I remember when this was all fields yada yada

Parrot of Doom

23,075 posts

244 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
quotequote all
raharley said:
Parrot of Doom said:
Anything that cheap will be damaging the groove in your records. Have fun.
Records sound better, I remember when this was all fields yada yada
Occupation: Parking Attendant

Wow, an actual stereotype.


Original Poster:

1,965 posts

253 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
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anybody want to post anything helpful, or are you only capable of taking the piss?


19,663 posts

269 months

Friday 13th February 2009
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What do you mean by 'tits up'? You lost me on this technical point.


518 posts

196 months

Friday 13th February 2009
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What part are you struggling on? You don't give much information in your OP. Have you converted the files to a digital format yet?


8,528 posts

251 months

Friday 13th February 2009
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Unfortunetley "Tit up" gives us little to work with. Could you supply the details??


Original Poster:

1,965 posts

253 months

Friday 13th February 2009
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Right, cold have ben a LITLE clearer!!

Like I said, I've recorded something, split it into tracks and cleaned the noise up. I've had to load the 'LAME' 3rd party software to try and save to MP3 format (to put on iTunes, but when I try and save it as per the instructions, it says I do not have the permission to do so.

I'm not normally that stumped by instructions, but neither myself and the O/H can get this. If we are missing something obvious, and are running the risk of being called a berk, so long as someone can tell me where I am going wrong, so be it!!


518 posts

196 months

Friday 13th February 2009
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Sounds more like a write access problem than anything to do with the recording/editing. Where are you trying to save it?


8,528 posts

251 months

Friday 13th February 2009
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DDepends on O/S but I'd check you are an Administrator if not make yourself one!

Parrot of Doom

23,075 posts

244 months

Friday 13th February 2009
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Or take the original wav/ogg/whatever file and use Goldwave to convert it, or Audacity.


Original Poster:

1,965 posts

253 months

Friday 13th February 2009
quotequote all
the t/table came with audacity software, but in the manual it says that if you want to save as an MP3 you need to download this LAME software

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,815 posts

245 months

Friday 13th February 2009
quotequote all
celticpilgrim said:
the t/table came with audacity software, but in the manual it says that if you want to save as an MP3 you need to download this LAME software
If you use the easyburn software that also came with it (less sophisticated) it automatically converts to MP3 & loads into itunes. (assuming you have itunes on your compooter)